Golden bachelorette party star Mark Anderson could land the role Golden Bachelorand if so, I believe that Mark may be a "producer" who was brought on the show to try and improve his reputation. Jerry Turner is being called in right now after his stint on the show ended in disaster, that is, divorce. If Jerry were chosen to try to clear the show's reputation, the producers might encourage him to do things that don't come straight from the heart. For example, he may be forced into marriage before he is truly ready.
Jerry seemed like a real Romeo - an aging prince charming straight out of a fairy tale. It seemed that he would do anything for his true love. If there was a Ken doll from the "golden years" that gave Barbie all the love, it would probably look just like Jerry Turner. But Jerry is not a romantic hero. After all, he didn't even leave Indiana for Teresa Nist.
After their breakup, he taunted his ex by wearing an "Indiana...that's not that bad!" t-shirt. This twist made it all too easy to be cynical about the series.
Mark Anderson Is Prince Charming?
Will the producers allow him to be himself?
What's so attractive about a real Prince Charming like Cinderella version is truthfulness. Cinderellahis true love didn't fake his emotions to gain Instagram followers. And he never, never, never let her down. People want to believe in something!
I am a Pisces, and some astrologers believe that the Pisces motto is:
"I think."
However, even for bleeding Pisces, lost in the proverbial purple haze, faith is easily lost. Trust must be earned, and the most priceless thing - trust is as fragile as a Ming Dynasty vase - it can always be broken. While dreamy fairytale princes aren't exactly a lucky crop, there must be a man who has the honor and kindness of Prince Charming...a man whose thoughts and actions match. People who watch the show probably want sincerity...real romance, no matter what their zodiac sign is.
There's more depth here because the actors are actually alive. Sometimes they are widowed after losing the love of their life. The reaction to Jerry proved that people expected more from the series than the usual attention-seeking antics. A three-month marriage like Jerry and Teresa's was not the ending that Disney could have written, and it was not the ending that people wanted. Jerry and Teresa were to:
ride off into the sunset
love each other forever
In my opinion, people wanted to see something real, and they tried to believe in Jerry. When everything fell apart, he took the brunt of the blame, which I don't think is entirely fair. After all, Teresa wouldn't move to Indiana for Jerry. However, many of us who were brainwashed by Disney content as children wanted to see true love on screen. We wanted the man to act like Prince Charming. without it being an action.
If Mark can provide this, the fans will reward him. If he fails because the producers pushed him in the wrong direction, or scared him, or for some other reason, he will turn into a Disney villain.
Romeo from Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet died for his love. The typical Disney handsome prince charming is completely devoted to his princesses—there are no wandering eyes, clout-chasing, or uncertainty. What Golden Bachelor really needs a real Prince Charming. He doesn't have to meet a tragic end for love, but he does have to be sincere and... a real gift for your partner. Is Mark such a gem? He has the raw material, but his past may prevent him from giving it all to someone new.
Mark seems to be the personification of goodness. He lost his wife Denise Anderson to breast cancer and it was so painful and heartbreaking. Then he had to raise five children alone. Instead of giving up, he gave his children so much love. Working and taking care of a family must have been exhausting, but according to his devoted daughter Kelsey Anderson (who brought him to Bachelor Nation), Mark did an amazing job. She thinks very well of him.
Mark has what it takes to find love, but the producers need to get out of the way. They need to let love blossom organically. Pushing and pulling Mark won't make the slightest difference. He is a Taurus and they are stubborn people. In fact, if the producers push Mark too much, he might rebel or simply become disillusioned with the process. Love is mystical - it can indeed develop into a reality show, but this is rare. It remains to be seen whether the producer's interference will ruin the upcoming project. Golden Bachelor season starring Mark - but it could definitely happen.