New leaks about a buff to Chaska in Genshin Impact 5.2 have emerged, showing that the improvement should benefit the character even when she is outside of Natlan. Chasca is one of the new characters coming to HoYoverse's action RPG in the next update, along with Ororon. Both characters have already been confirmed by the developer, although no details other than their vision types have been officially provided. Chasca and Ororon will debut in the league Genshin Impact 5.2 Character Banners, which have yet to determine which 5-star characters will respawn, as well as the 4-star units with improved drop rates.
Although the abilities provided by Chasca have not been revealed, the details of how she works have been leaked. Rumors are that Chasca is a 5-star Anemo bow user who operates as a main DPS. The leaks say that while in her Nightsoul's blessing state, Chaska can fly around and fire at enemies for increased damage - in fact, leaks say that this is her main source of damage. Now, a new leak regarding a buff to Chaska's ability has emerged, showing that she will become even more useful both in and out of Natlan in Genshin Impact 5.2.
Chasca's Nightsoul & Phlogiston Consumption in Genshin Impact 5.2 may be reduced
This can extend the blessing state of the Natlan character's Nightsoul
According to information provided by the leaker known as HomDGCat, Chasca underwent several adjustments during the beta tests for version 5.2. The leaks were shared in a post tagged as “Reliable"On Reddit. as seen in the streams, Chasca's consumption of Nightsoul points and Phlogiston in her Nightsoul's Blessing state will be reduced by a total of 30%. Basically, this means that the Anemo character will be able to sustain her Nightsoul's blessing state for a longer duration, since those are the two resources she consumes to keep it active in Genshin Impact.
Chasca's Flight In Genshin Impact 5.2 may take longer than expected
The character's flight occurs in the Nightsoul's blessed state
Reducing Chasca's Nightsoul and Phlogiston consumption by 30% will technically allow her to fly around for a longer duration. Because her flight is activated in her Nightsoul's blessed state, Chaska should be able to fly around for longer while consuming fewer resources to maintain her active state. With an improved duration to her flight, Chasca could become an even better asset for exploration. The rumors of her free flight have already made the new character a great addition to reach new heights, but the longer flight could allow her to reach otherwise inaccessible places in the game.
There are rumors of a floating zone between the leaked Natlan map areas in Genshin Impact 5.2 and Chasca could become the best tool to navigate the place if the rumors about her improved mobility are true. with her flight, Players can move from the floating zones safelyWithout having to rely only on finding higher ground and gliding over the next one. With Chasca, they can safely fly from one zone to another and have a better experience exploring altogether. While Chaska should prove useful in Natlan, the buff could make her useful outside of it as well.
Chasca's leaked buff in genshin impact could make her usable outside of Natlan
Her flight may exceed Wanderer's flying skills
Most Natlan characters thus far have proven to be quite disappointing when it comes to their mobility abilities outside of the Nation of Pyro.. Because most of them rely on their Nightsoul's blessing state to move around in an enhanced form, which consumes both Nightsoul points and phlogiston in Natlan, and because other nations do not provide phlogiston, their mobility is reduced to a quick sprint. Mualani's shark-riding skill, for example, lasts for a very short burst outside of Natlan, although she can sustain it for a much longer time in Natlan, especially when collecting Phlogiston in Natlan. Genshin Impact.
Chasca's lick buff in the version 5.2 licks can make her Nightsoul's blessing state last much longer, even if she is outside of Natlan. She will still be deprived of the use of Phlogiston to extend her increased mobilityBut her flight may take a little longer than other Natlan characters' mobility skills outside of the Nation of Pyro. At this point, it is uncertain if Chasca's flight will hit Wanderer's flight when she leaves Natlan, but the prospect of a longer flight burst than his is not entirely out of consideration for the upcoming Genshin Impact Character.
If Chasca's flight out of Natlan is at least on par with Wanderer's flight, she might be a better alternative to him when exploring. Rumors indicate that she can fly and ascend with much more ease than the Hat Guy, thus Reaching certain areas may be easier with Chaska than Wanderer Since he consumes a lot of Kuugoryoku Points by trying to gain more height. If Chaska will not run out of the fuel that keeps her in the air as easily as Wanderer in Genshin ImpactShe can be great for traversing locations, in and out of Natlan.
In terms of combat, Chaska is already expected to surpass Wanderer. Their gameplay kits are rumored to be similar in the sense that she can also fly and use normal and charged attacks to deal devastating blows against enemies. The difference cited in the Chasca leaks in Genshin Impact 5.2 is that Her attacks are rumored to have better targeting on opponents, allowing her strikes and coordinated attacks to land more often. - Wanderer also has extra coordinated attacks, but they are not guaranteed to be unleashed, which sets his full potential back a bit.
The leaks about Chaska should be viewed with caution. As reliable as they may seem, they may be wrong or incomplete. Most importantly, however, they may still be subject to further changes as the beta tests for the upcoming patch drop, meaning the 30% reduction in Nightsoul and Phlogiston consumption may be adjusted once again before its official release. Version 5.2 is expected to arrive on November 20, following the six-week schedule for each update. The official livestream for Genshin Impact 5.2 should happen a few weeks earlier, on November 8, highlighting the content and confirming details about Chasca's kit.
Source: Reddit