Although Will Smith and Martin Lawrence returned for Sony's Bad Boys: Ride or DieSidney "Syd" Burnett of Bad Boys II is noticeably absent from the action movie. With some familiar cast members returning to Bad Boys: Ride or DieThe fourth installment in the Jerry Bruckheimer-created Buddy Cop action series feels like a reunion of sorts. For fans of the bad boys Franchise, there is a lot to get out of the fourth installment, including many bad boys Easter eggs and certificates. however, Syd, a character critical to Bad Boys II, is notably absent from Bad Boys: Ride or Die.
Although it is not unusual for long-running franchises such as bad boys Having a revolving door of characters to help tell his story over a long period of time, it's strange how one of the most important and beloved characters hasn't been seen in the movies since 2003. The bad boys Franchise handling of Sid's absence Of future movies also brings into further question exactly what happened to you. Moreover, with significantly less important characters than Reggie appeared in Bad boys for life And Bad Boys: Ride or DieIt makes Sid's absence even more confusing.
Gabrielle Union's Bad Boys 4 absence has not been explained
Sid of Union will not be returning despite his character being alive and well
What is even more important about Syd is the fact that she is Marcus' younger sister, and has a complicated romantic relationship with Mike that Marcus is not fully aware of.
Although Sidney "Syd" Burnett's absence from the bad boys movies since 2003s Bad Boys II Strangely, what's even more puzzling is the fact that there hasn't been any official word from Bruckheimer, stars Smith and Lawrence, or even Union themselves, about Sid's absence from the movies since the franchise's second installment. When you consider that Syd is not only eye candy, but one of the most competent and respectable members of law enforcement in the franchise, the handling of her absence is even more troubling. Moreover, Union's schedule is not so full that she is also unable to return.
Syd is introduced in Bad Boys II As an attractive but dedicated and intelligent undercover DEA agent to help take down the Cuban drug kingpin, Hector Juan Carlos "Johnny" Tapia, and his entire drug empire in Miami, Florida. What is even more important about Syd is the fact that she is Marcus' younger sister, and has a complicated romantic relationship with Mike that Marcus is not fully aware of. Despite the suspect handling of Syd's absence from the movies, Union starred alongside Jessica Alba in a short-lived television series that provides context for her absence.
Syd's Story follows Bad Boys II with LA's Finest spinoff show
LA's Finest delves deeper into Sid's personal life
LA's finest Takes place in modern LA, and despite his age, viewers learn that Syd is an established detective lieutenant who came to the city of angels to leave behind her complicated past.
The Spectrum Originals TV series, LA's finestIt may have flown under the radar for many, but the spinoff series provides crucial information for Syd's character, as well as explaining a bit why she hasn't been seen in the movies since. Bad Boys II. As the title says, LA's finest Takes place in Los Angeles, California instead of the usual Miami setting bad boys Franchise is famous for. moreover, Syd is currently working as a Los Angeles Police Department officer Along with her partner, Nancy McKenna. As such, it partially explains why Sid is not seen in these bad boys Movies.
Bad Boys II saw Syd in her first big case, and despite Marcus' overprotective ways, it became clear to him and the audience that Syd was fully capable of handling herself. However, after the events of the movie and Marcus learning about and accepting Mike and Syd's relationship, audiences never see Syd in the movies again. LA's finest Takes place in modern LA, and despite his age, viewers learn that Syd is an established detective lieutenant who came to the city of angels to leave behind her complicated past. Although LA's finest Click for more context, Bad Boys: Ride or Die She barely mentions it.
The story of Bad Boys 4 makes the absence of Gabrielle Union worse
She seems like a bad sister based on Marcus' story
The history of Bad Boys: Ride or Die Has a reason that Gabrielle Union's Sid should have returned, and the fact that she did not makes her character seem even worse. In the beginning of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Marcus had a heart attackWhich defines Marcus' character arc throughout the film. A large chunk of the film's opening had the audience on the edge of their seats, wondering if Marcus was going to die or not. Viewers see the reactions of Marcus' friends and family after Marcus' heart attack, though there is one notable exception.
Sid did not appear in Bad Boys: Ride or Die Means she wasn't there to check on her brother after he nearly died, which makes her character seem like a bad sibling. Although it is possible that Sid may not leave Los Angeles to see Marcus in Miami, Bad Boys: Ride or Die Could have at least a cameo where Sid calls Marcus. The fact that Marcus' heart attack didn't seem to faze her in the least bit Gabrielle Union bad boys character as a pretty bad person, and if she ever returns, a future sequel needs to fix that.
Bad Boys: Ride Or Die briefly references Syd
Syd may still be busy solving cases in Los Angeles One of these bad boys The franchise's worst trends is its handling of female characters.
Sid's away from the bad boys Kino probably stems from her successful career in Los Angeles. in LA's finestShe worked her way through the ranks and became an established and respected figure in the department. As such, it wouldn't make sense to leave it all behind for Miami. Moreover, despite being one of the most likable and prolific police officers in the bad boys franchise, Mike is not known to be the most loyal person. Since the first movie, he has been depicted as a ladies' man and seemingly has a relationship with a different woman in each movie.
Although her absence is not directly explained, Bad Boys: Ride or Die Briefly give the character a nod. While giving a toast at Mike's wedding, Marcus briefly mentions how they were once in a relationship, with the joke proving that the film remembers Sid's past in the franchise. Although it is impossible to say if Syd will ever return in a potential Bad boys 5, Bad Boys: Ride or Die's acknowledgment of her role proves that the character's impact on bad boys Will not be forgotten by the writers, cast or fans.
One of these bad boys The franchise's worst trends is its handling of female characters. They come and go with minimal explanation regardless of their impact, and they seem to exist largely to be objectified by many of the male characters. in Bad boys for lifeIt is revealed that Mike fathered a son with another woman sometime in the pastProbably while still with Sid. While Mike has been shown to romance multiple women, Bad Boys: Ride or Die Replaces Gabrielle Union by showing Mike finally settling down with another woman.