Since 2018, the Australian animated series Blue enchanted children and adults alike with its adorable humor and modern perspective on parenthood. The preschool show follows the Heelers, a family of anthropomorphized dogs made up of six-year-old Bluey, her little sister Bingo, her mother, Chilli, and her father, Bandit. Together, they have fun using their imaginations, create new creative games, and learn important life lessons. One of the best episodes of the series is episode 35 of season 3, “Smoochy Kiss”. It's a silly title with a silly premise, but an important message.
Although there has been some controversy surrounding BlueFollowing the banned episodes, the show as a whole has been praised for its progressive tone, particularly surrounding the Bandido patriarch. While the father figure Peppa PigDaddy Pig is a stereotypical clumsy buffoon, Bandit is a deep and layered character. He is patient with his children and loves playing with them, as well as taking on his share of the household chores. However, Blue Season 3, Episode 35, 'Smoochy Kiss' shows a different side of Bandit - and it's something every parent should see.
Bluey and Bingo can't eliminate their father's unpleasant habits
Thug sweats and passes gas, but Chilli still wants his tender kiss anyway
At the beginning of “Smoochy Kiss,” Bluey and Bingo are dancing in the kitchen to their favorite song while Chilli does some light cleaning. When Bandit enters, Chilli kisses him hello, but the kids quickly intervene, pushing him away to keep him out of Mom's affections. They want their father all to themselves, which prompts a game of “keep your distance” as Chilli chases them around the house looking for a “tender kiss” from Bandit..
While Bingo and Bluey look for a place to hide Bandit from Chilli, They notice their dad has sweaty armpits, and he casually shrugs. With Mom on his trail, Bandit declares he needs to use the bathroom. Bingo stands guard outside while Bluey waits for her father to finish, but when he comes out jumping into some food because he accidentally urinated on himself, Bluey is horrified - especially when she discovers this isn't the first time this has happened. Bandit then washes his foot and uses Bluey's shirt to dry it, much to his shock and disgust.
After finishing in the bathroom, Bandido releases gas in front of the girls. Finally having had enough, the kids go from protecting Bandit from Chilli to protecting Mom from their father. They are shocked to learn that Chilli already knows about Bandit's “disgusting” habits and still wants to kiss him anyway. It turns out that Mom also has some unpleasant characteristics, like bad breath. The episode ends with Mom and Dad kissing, and the girls say they can “take care of each other.” “It works for me,” both parents say, and they smile lovingly at each other.
Mom and Dad teach their children what it means to be a life partner
Chilli tells Bluey “You have to accept the good and the bad”
The message of “Smoochy Kiss” is stated from the beginning, even if viewers don’t realize it at first. As Bluey dances in the kitchen, the music reaches a part she doesn't like, so she stops dancing. Chilli tells her, “You gotta take the good with the bad, girl.” a line that sets the theme of the entire episode.
Bandit's increasingly rude habits begin to pile up until Bluey and Bingo change tactics to protect Mom from Dad, believing that Bandit's rudeness is something Chilli should want to stay away from. They are surprised to learn that Mom doesn't mind that Dad has sweat on his cheeks and that Dad doesn't mind that Mom has bad breath from eating sardines. Despite these imperfections, their parents still want to be close to each other, a fact that Bingo and Bluey cannot understand.
Although it's a hilarious episode, “Smoochy Kiss” also teaches children what it really means to have a romantic partner in life. Taking the good with the bad is just part of a relationship, and even things that seem gross to a child are just a normal setback of being an adult. Although the idea of Mom and Dad still wanting to be affectionate with each other was lost on the Heeler children by the end of the episode, the message is still conveyed in a very sweet way.
“Smoochy Kiss” also gives parents a forgiving perspective
The Bluey episode shows that sometimes self-care takes a backseat to parents loving their children
As many adults already know, being a parent involves a lot of work and sacrifice. Sometimes the things they sacrifice are hygiene habits, like forgetting to put on deodorant or brush their teeth. It's not because they don't think these things are important – it's just because they are busy with other priorities, like taking care of the kids, cleaning the house and going to work. Even if a parent has a partner by their side to help, it can still be a challenge to remember to take care of yourself..
“Smoochy Kiss” is not just relatable Blue episode for the parents, but it also gives them permission to not be perfect. Sometimes adults act “cute” in front of their children or partner. Sometimes they don't have time to take a shower. Sometimes they spill food on themselves and don't realize it until someone points it out to them. What matters is that they love and care for their children and that they take time to have fun and be there for them.
Other Bluey episodes parents need to see
“Baby Race”, “Onesies” and the iconic “The Sign” bring sincere messages
With nearly 200 episodes over three seasons, “Smoochy Kiss” is just one of many that parents won't want to miss. Even adults who don't have children can relate Blue while having massive fun. Some of the best rated Blue The episodes are not only heartwarming and entertaining, but there are also some tear-jerkers in the mix.
Node Blue episode “Baby Race”, we see a flashback of Chilli questioning her ability as a mother when other babies start walking before Bluey. When a friend with several kids stops by for a visit, she tells Chilli she's "doing great," bringing the new mom to tears. It's a touching episode that reassures parents not to be too hard on themselves, and it's one of the best in the series.
Many people have fertility issues, and this episode is helpful in recognizing and empathizing with them, while also offering a little hope.
Introduced in Season 3, Chilli's sister Brandy comes to visit in the episode “Onesies.” The girls wonder why they haven't seen her in years, and as the story unfolds, we learn that Brandy can't have children of her own. Although being around her sister's children is emotionally painful, Brandy finds joy in being an aunt and being close to her family. Many people have fertility issues, and this episode is helpful in recognizing and empathizing with them, while also offering a little hope.
And finally, there's "The Sign," the episode that had kids and adults reaching for the tissues. When Bandit gets a promotion, the Heelers have to sell their house and move to a new place. The news is especially difficult for Bluey, who is trying to remove the For Sale sign from the front of the house. Although she tries to put on a brave face, Chilli eventually confesses that she doesn't want to move either. In the end, the memories that the family built together are very strong and they choose to stay.
There are only a small handful of Blue episodes that parents should watch, with many more throughout the series' three seasons. Part of the reason for the show's success is how well it portrays the characters of Mom and Dad, Chilli and Bandit. Even some episodes seem made more for parents than children, but watching the show together as a family enhances the experience for everyone.
Bley is an Australian animated children's program centered around a family of talking dogs. Bluey is an Australian Blue Heeler Cattle Dog and, along with her sister Bingo, mom and dad, Bluey always finds herself in the middle of an adventure.
- Cast
David McCormack, Melanie Zanetti, Ninthe van Schie, Brad Elliott, Myf Warhurst, Meg Washington, Dan Brumm
- Release date
September 30, 2018
- Seasons