Why does the main energy divide into echoes of wisdom

Why does the main energy divide into echoes of wisdom

In the final stages of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdomthe sought-after Prime Energy breaks up. While this quickly leads to the final boss battle, those newer to the franchise may need help understanding the full meaning behind this event. In fact, what happens with Primary Energy is directly linked to some nucleus Legend of Zelda tradition of the broader franchise, although Echoes of Wisdom alone doesn't provide the full context for this.

[Warning: Spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.]

As stated by the last King of Hyrule, Primordial Energy is “a source of power”Incomprehensible to Hylians, who were left behind by the goddesses who created the world. As such, even without additional context from the broader franchise, it seems natural that Echoes of Wisdomit is null and void to want that for yourself. However, despite never being referred to by a different name, the King's description alone makes it clear that this divine artifact is in fact the iconic Triforce, which has a long-established tradition regarding its use.

The division of the main energy follows the tradition of the Triforce

An unbalanced heart breaks into three

Zelda and her evil Echo watch Prime Energy split into three golden triangles in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Primary Energy is The Legend of Zeldaof the iconic Triforce, and follows a long-established rule of the Triforce in the division when Null's Zelda Echo tries to claim him. When someone attempts to wield the Triforce with an unbalanced heart (meaning they do not place equal value on its three aspects of Power, Wisdom and Courage), it will split into smaller Triforces, one for each of these same aspects. These are then distributed to the appropriate bearers, leaving the supposed bearer with only one share of three.

Previous Legend of Zelda Games have shown the Triforce being split on many occasions, usually to prevent Ganon from exerting his full power. On these occasions, Ganon (or Ganondorf, as the case may be) holds the Triforce of Power, as Power is the attribute with which his heart aligns. About that, the Triforces of Wisdom and Courage also go to the bearers who best embody their characteristicswhich are always Zelda and Link respectively. This same scenario plays out in Echoes of Wisdomalbeit with Zelda Echo (and by extension, Null) in Ganon's place.

It can be frustrating that not all of this is explained directly in the game, although Zelda Echo and Great Deku Tree at least make it clear that the former failed a test set by the Goddesses. But on the other hand, this can also be considered a form of world-building; Zelda knows nothing about the Primordial Energy except from what she is told, and that is comparatively little. The situation may confuse the player, but fittingly, Zelda herself is equally unsure about the reasons behind this event.

Null's judgment reflects his true nature

The Triforce of Power Underlines Your Destructive Desires

  Null appearing in front of Zelda and Link in The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

This character test is the “divine judgment” mentioned by the Great Deku Tree as Zelda races to face her Echo in the Eternal Forest. Crucially, for all of Echo's claims to be a perfect copy of Zelda, who gained the Sanctions of the three Goddesses, she is still essentially an extension of the will of Null and her loyal servant. And just as Null intends to destroy the world, Zelda Echo also wishes to enable this destruction. As a result, both clearly value Power above all else, and so the Prime Energy divides.

While not a version of Ganon per se, Null still easily creates an Echo of the franchise's famous villain. This in itself is something that strengthens your association with the Triforce of Power, even if only symbolically. And, just like Ganon, Null finds himself in a position where he must defeat the other Triforce bearers and claim his own portions of the artifact. to achieve your goals. Naturally, this provides the perfect opportunity for Link and Zelda to regroup, which in turn leads to Null's final defeat.

The Triforce division is the perfect fail-safe solution

The very inherent nature of evil triggers it

Although the Triforce grants any wish made by its user, regardless of actual morality, this test of character is still pivotal in preventing Null's victory. Without this security, Null would have undoubtedly obtained the Prime Energy and used it to destroy Hyrule. Instead, this desire proves to be his undoing; the Triforce may not necessarily distinguish between good and evil, but Null's desire for power is still the biggest obstacle to him using the Triforce. Ultimately, Null cannot accomplish his goals due to his own inherent nature.

Of course this can easily be said of any evil figure; it is almost inevitable that such a person will be drawn to the Triforce precisely because of its power. This, in turn, predisposes them to the Power aspect of the Triforce, causing it to split and disrupt their plans. Furthermore, it seems much less likely that a brave or wise individual would be equally immoral, suggesting that at least one righteous opponent to the Power holder would then be positioned to rise up against them in response.

They constantly prove their worth with their actions

Zelda and Link reconnecting with Prime Energy (or Triforce) after fighting and defeating Null in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

Although Link and Zelda are the traditional wielders of the Triforces of Courage and Wisdom, Echoes of Wisdom it still shows them demonstrating these qualities perfectly. Although Link does not speak of EoWthe courageous core of his character still shines through in his unwavering fight against Null's forces. Even when he sinks into a crevasse early in the game, something that would certainly be terrifying without his previous experiences as a child, he still maintains the presence of mind to fire his bow and free Zelda, even at his own expense.

Zelda, in turn, equally demonstrates her wisdom throughout the game. As befitting the title Echoes of WisdomThe game's constant emphasis on the strategic use of Echoes in both puzzle solving and combat ensures that the player is constantly considering the best course of action. Naturally, this is a mindset that Zelda's actions in the game reflect, making the gameplay a perfect demonstration of her signature wisdom. When Zelda gains a part of the Triforce, it no doubt symbolizes the Wisdom she and the player have displayed. throughout the game.

The Primordial Energy divides because, like the Triforce, that is what it was designed to do; something that inevitably proves to be a much greater barrier for the villains of a Zelda game than the heroes. Null's attempt to claim the Prime Energy in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a perfect example of how the Goddesses' failsafes are perfectly designed to thwart evil ambitions. Although little of the established Triforce lore is explicitly stated in this game, it is visibly in place, much to Zelda and Link's benefit.