There are clear tensions between Jon Snow and the Night King throughout Game of Thrones, and this may leave viewers wondering why the characters never fight each other in the HBO series. Whenever the Night King and Jon Snow meet in Game of Thrones, their interactions are limited to intense stares. Even during the Battle of Winterfell, Jon fights against the Night King's army – but he doesn't come into conflict with the villain. The same happens during the Massacre at Hardhome, and Jon considers attacking him when he kills Dany's dragon. However, he doesn't come close.
All of these interactions between Jon and the Night King seem to be building up to a final showdown between them later. However, it is Arya Stark who defeats the leader of the White Walkers. This is a part Game of Thrones' ending that receives a lot of criticism, as the rivalry between Jon and the Night King is never explained or ended. The Night King also doesn't seem eager to clash with Jonwhich raises the question of why they never fight in the fantasy series.
Did the Night King fear Jon Snow?
He doesn't underestimate him during Game Of Thrones
Although Jon becomes angry enough to charge towards the Night King in Season 7's "Beyond the Wall", the Game of Thrones the villain does not seek a direct confrontation with him. This raises questions about whether he's afraid of Jon. And although it doesn't seem like he's scared, it's obvious that he doesn't underestimate his opponent. The Night King offers no recognition to many of the characters in Game of Thrones, but he notices Jon every time the two meet in the middle of a battle. He keeps an eye on him, suggesting he knows Jon is a potential threat.
The Night King doesn't even seem to fear Daenerys and Drogon during the Battle of Winterfell, so it's interesting that he seems to respect Jon. This may be because he knows that Jon has enough influence in the North to mobilize against him. Jon also has diplomatic skills to convince others to join forces against the Night King's army, which the villain can sense. There could be more to their dynamic as well, especially if the Night King becomes aware of Jon's true parentage and claims the Iron Throne - though it's unclear how he achieved that.
Could the Night King beat Jon Snow in a fight?
Game Of Thrones Never Shows The Night King Fighting One On One
It's a shame the Night King and Jon never fought each other, as it's hard to say who would win without seeing it play out. Although the Game of Thrones The villain is terrifying in his own right, the series never depicts him in combat. We see him resurrecting the dead and he proves himself fireproof during the Battle of Winterfell. But Whether the Night King could actually trade blows with Jon Snow is questionableas he has never been seen using a sword or other weapon. It's also unclear whether he has any powers that would allow him to go on the offensive.
Than Game of Thrones it actually shows that most of the Night King's power seems to derive from his undead army, dragon, and inability to die.
Than Game of Thrones it actually shows that most of the Night King's power seems to derive from his undead army, dragon, and inability to die. All of these things would make him an intimidating opponent, but Jon has his own strengths on the battlefield. That being said, The Night King killing Theon is probably the closest the show comes to revealing his combat abilities. And he moves quickly and efficiently, so he can match Jon's abilities. Unfortunately, we will never know for sure, as Game of Thrones doesn't spend enough time on his White Walker story.
The two real reasons the Night King didn't fight Jon Snow
There are 2 possible explanations for this Game Of Thrones decision
There are two main explanations for why the Night King and Jon never fight in Game of Thronesbeing the first to the Night King really has no reason to face his opponent in one-on-one combat. The villain has an entire army at his disposal and probably uses the same logic as Ramsay Bolton during the Battle of the Bastards: “I don't know if I could beat you. I know that my army will defeat yours."And the White Walker army nearly defeats Jon and Daenerys' forces; it's only thanks to Arya's faceless assassin skills that they actually win.
And Arya is the second reason why Jon and the Night King never fight, as she ends up killing the villain in Game of Thrones 8th season. It appears this is because the creators wanted to subvert expectations by having a less obvious character defeat him instead of Jon. This dubious decision ensures that viewers won't get closure on the Night King's dynamic with Jon, which is one of the most disappointing outcomes of Game of Thrones.