Lt. Commander Worf (Michael Dorn) often commanded the USS Defiant although Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) was Star Trek: Deep Space Nines captain. After seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and appearing in the feature film Star Trek generations, Wharf joined the cast of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine In season 4. The popular Klingon was brought in to increase ratings and viewer interest DS9and Warf continued until the end of the series while splitting his time between DS9 And these Star Trek: The Next Generation Movies.
Star Trek: First Contact Started with Worf sitting in the USS Defiant's captain's chair during a battle with the Borg. Although the Defiant was built to fight the Borg, the "tough little ship" is rendered "Adrift but salvageable" As Worf took his usual place as Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-E. Worf would command the USS Defiant several times in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine In place of Captain Cisco. But why did the Klingon serve as acting captain of Cisco's starship, to begin with?
Why Worf was acting captain of Star Trek: DS9's USS Defiant
Being a strategic operations officer has its privileges
On Star Trek: Deep Space NineLt. Commander Worf was not the head of security or even a security officer as he was on Captain Jean-Luc Picard's (Patrick Stewart) USS Enterprise-D and E. Officer. Deep Space Nine didn't need Worf's skills in security; Starfleet has Lt. Commander Michael Eddington (Ken Marshall) in the position, while the station's Bajoran security forces were led by Constable Oda (Ren Oberjanais). Worf's role as strategic operations officer allowed him to command the USS Defiant.
like DS9s strategic operations officer, Worf switched to a red Starfleet uniform instead of the yellow he wore on the starship Enterprise. Red denotes Worf moved to the command trackleaving his previous security footprint behind. Warf outranked most of Star Trek: Deep Space Nines crew as strategic operations officer, including his future wife, Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), who was a science officer. As Strategic Operations Officer, Worf has the duty and privilege of commanding the USS Defiant when Captain Cisco is not aboard.
Worf has a deeper connection to Star Trek: DS9's USS Defiant
The Klingon preferred living on a starship
Lt. Commander Worf not only commanded the U.S.S. Defiant, but he even chose to live on her. Worf is never comfortable living on the Deep Space Nine space station. With his coterie of aliens coming and going, many conducting criminal enterprises, Worf found his old habits as a security officer died hard, and he did not enjoy being neighbors with Ferengi like Quark (Armin Shimerman). Overall, Worf found living on DS9 dismal. But on the USS Defiant, Worf gained the peace he craved. He can even blast his Klingon opera over the empty starship's fireplace to his heart's content.
It's no surprise that Worf prefers living on the USS Defiant, as he spent over seven years living on the starship Enterprise, and continued to do so when the Klingon was part of a Star Trek: The Next Generation Movie. Warf was comfortable on Federation starshipsAnd he was used to living and working among Starfleet officers. Worf certainly knew his way around a starship's bridge and interiors, though he also could adapt to serving among Klingons when Worf would join General Martok's (JG Hertzler) missions on his bird-of-pay, the IKS Rotaran, during Star Trek: Deep Space NineS Dominion War.
Worf became captain of the Enterprise after DS9
The Klingon succeeded Captain Picard
Worf's years on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Working with Captain Cisco as Strategic Operations Officer and commanding the USS Defiant Handed the Klingon into a capable starship captain. Still DS9 Completed, Worf briefly served as Federation Ambassador to Qo'nos before returning to Starfleet, taking his old position as Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: Nemesis. But after Commander Will Ricker (Jonathan Frakes) became captain of the USS Titan, and Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner), Died in Star Trek: Nemesiss, Worf found himself next in line to become captain of the Enterprise.
Worf learned how to be a starship captain thanks to his time on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
like Star Trek: Picard season 3 established, Worf succeeded Jean-Luc Picard as captain of the USS Enterprise-E When Picard was promoted to admiral in 2381. Although little is known about Worf's tenure as captain of the Federation's flagship, the Enterprise-E was eventually lost under mysterious circumstances that Worf insists were not his fault. Regardless, Worf learned how to be a starship captain thanks to his time on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine And the Klingon cut his teeth by commanding the USS Defiant.