Why Cyberpunk 2077 Lifepath Is Right For You (& Why)

Why Cyberpunk 2077 Lifepath Is Right For You (& Why)

Do playing through Cyberpunk 2077 For the first or the thousandth time, choosing the right life-path is always an important decision. Choosing between the powerful Corpo, the free-spirited nomad or the sensible street kid doesn't have any obvious consequences for basic game elementsLike a character's stats or skills. However, it has the potential to affect the overall experience in ways that are easy to miss.

Choosing a certain life-path will not massively influence the gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 themselves, but it will have an impact on the protagonist, V, and their character arc. All three options eventually lead into the same main storyline, including in the Phantom Liberty DLC, and they have no influence on any of the most significant aspects of the story, such as romance options or Cyberpunk 2077s various ends. nevertheless, They each provide unique flavor to a character, with different prologues, dialogue options and side missions - Some of these may be better suited to a player's preferences than others.

The Nomad Lifepath is the most approachable in Cyberpunk 2077

Nomad is best for first time players

As a nomad in Cyberpunk 2077V grew up in the badlandsThe dry and empty desert surrounding Night City. In the prologue, they are depicted to have originally been part of a clan - but due to group conflicts, V abandoned them at the start of the game's events. Now they hope for a new beginning in the city. After smuggling contraband across the border with Jackie Welles, V finds himself lost in the big city, but they are eager to make a name for themselves In their new home along with their partner in crime.


This intro sequence is the most high-octane and disorienting of the three, and for that reason, This is actually the best option for newcomers just getting in Cyberpunk 2077. As the only prologue that involves combat, the Nomad Lifepath offers a primer on V's gun-slinging skills (as well as a look at the new, hostile environment, without any sugarcoating).

It may seem counter-intuitive to jump right into the action, however This actually makes it easier to grasp the ropes of Night City more effectively. This convenient progression of knowledge will feel most natural when picking up the game for the first time.

Nomad opens up new dialogue options in cyberpunk

Plus, a free car

A close-up of Panam with a sad expression in the foreground while V is walking away on the moon with Earth in the background.
Custom image by Glenn Bunn

Nomad V has unique dialogue options that reflect their extensive survival education, badlands knowledge, and inexperience with city life. These come up in many different places throughout the game, however They make for some particularly fascinating interactions during Panam's mission line.


Panam is a nomad outcast, a former member of the Aldecaldos clan. Although she has many of the same experiences as Nomad V, she has also been in Night City a lot more. As an outcast, Panam may arouse some suspicion from V upon their first meeting. however, They can eventually come to a better understanding of each other As a result of their shared past.

Moving forward over Cyberpunk 2077V will slowly gain context and learn how to keep their head above water. Later in the game, Nomads also get exclusive access to the side quest called "These shoes are made for walking" In which V has a chance to retrieve the vehicle they left during the prologue. The machine, a beat-up Thorton Galena GA40xt"Rattler"Isn't necessarily the best car in the game; it's not quite as fast as it once was, and it's certainly not much to look at.

Able to collect a vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077 For free may not be exclusive to the Nomad Lifepath - V will get some other free vehicles just by playing through the game normally, but it's hardly grounds for complaint. This extra perk helps make Nomad a great way Even for a second or third play of the game.

The Street Child Lifepath is the most immersive in Cyberpunk 2077

Street Child is best for roleplayers

A neon-lit street in Night City in Cyberpunk 2077.

on the other hand, Choosing the Street Kid Lifepath for V means they are born and raised Night City. V spent the majority of their lives in the slums of the city until they eventually decided to go to Atlanta, in hopes of making a better life for themselves there. However, for unknown reasons, it didn't quite work out as planned, and in the prologue, they recently returned to their hometown of Haywood. After escaping a sticky situation with their newfound accomplice Jackie, They decide to join forces on their shared mission to become famous mercenaries in Night City.

Although This life path arguably has the least influence on gameplay, it creates the most believable story By far, making it a solid choice for players who enjoy role-playing in immersive open-world experiences. Because of their upbringing, Street Kid V is very familiar with the ins and outs of city life, and thus fits right into the mercenary role They've taken it on.

Street Kid V can get out of sticky situations

Street smarts and fast talking

Tyger Claws fighting the player.

Many street-kid-specific dialogue options reflect this as well, providing additional details and knowledge about the player's situation. This makes it easy to learn more about influential figuresThe territory and rivalries of the game's various gangs, and all-around street etiquette, a necessary induction for new players. V is well versed in how different gangs operate and interact with each other, and will often challenge a powerful kingpin or humiliating defeat in order to manipulate their rivals.

Starting out as a street kid can also help V keep their cool in difficult situations. When guns are drawn and threats are made, Street Kid V knows just what to say to keep heads cool. This can lead to better results in certain encounters, like these Phantom Liberty Scene where James and Taylor go into V and President Myers' hideout.


Eventually all three lifepaths lead to V becoming a mercenary and making a name for himself in Night City. While a Nomad or a Corpo could certainly accomplish this, it makes the most sense that someone more experienced with the city would have the most success. however, The Street Kid Lifepath does not have any exclusive missionsUnlike Nomad and Corpo.

Still, having a character start from the bottom and finally work their way up makes for a feel-good story, even if it doesn't always get a satisfying conclusion. Street Kid V can meet a tragic fate in certain endings, especially the new ending added by the Phantom Liberty DLC. But this is a necessary consequence of immersion in Cyberpunks world.

Corpo Lifepath is the most influential in Cyberpunk 2077

Corpo is best for repeat players

A shot of Cyberpunk 2077's Corpo Plaza and the glowing goldfish.

The Corpo Lifepath conversely starts with V near the top of the food chain. The prologue depicts V as a corporate sharkWorking high on the Arasaka ladder. After a dangerous assignment from their boss turns sour, Corpo V loses their job (almost losing their lives in the process too). With nothing left, they are forced to adapt to their new environment. Longtime friend Jackie is able to help them up on their feet, and they quickly become one of Night City's very own body-haters.

Although this may initially sound like the most boring setup of the three, Corpo is actually the most exciting life, and the best choice for veteran playthroughs. Not only is the spread with the Arasaka Corporation immensely entertaining, but this life path also maintains the same intensity throughout the rest of Cyberpunk 2077.

Corpo V is a master manipulator with a unique job

Negotiating Skills & Backdoor Access

Cyberpunk 2077 Legendary Corporate Armor Set, which looks like a high-end suit.

Despite their fall as a former corp, V still holds an inherent power advantage over most Night City residents. Corpo V can use their knowledge of the business world and manipulative interpersonal strategies To identify when they are used, welcome better rewards for jobs, and even directly influence the way some quests play out. However, this life path will earn them little respect from gangsters and crime syndicate bosses, who will be distrustful of their corporate past.

Perhaps one of the most powerful instances of Corpo V's power is during the "Give me danger" Search line. Corpo V can talk to a nervous guard outside Arasaka Industrial Park and pretend to be a "Counterintel" Agent. Using language only a Corpo would know helps convince the guards to let V waltz into the park, allowing them to completely bypass security without using a stealth build in Cyberpunk.


make a noticeable difference in how certain situations play out, The Corpo Lifepath is a great way to get a different angle than street kids or nomadsOne with much more access to the most exclusive areas of Night City. For once, they are not playing as an underdog - they have always had an advantage, and they are ready to use it to stay on top.

The Corpo Lifepath also unlocks the unique side job "War pigs" later in Cyberpunks campaign. After completing the main quest "Never fade away," V receives a call from Frank Nostra, an old friend of Arasaka. Depending on how the mission goes, V might be able to pick up a nice little iconic weapon: The Apparition Tech Pistol. However, this is not a unique weapon. It can always be purchased later from Herold Lowe, a weapons dealer in the EBM Petrochem Stadium during the Phantom Liberty DLC.

Cyberpunk 2077These life paths may not necessarily be game-changers, but they each have defining qualities that make them uniquely appealing. Nomad is the friendliest option for beginners, Street Kid is the most effective for role-playing purposes, and Corpo offers a more unique experience. For those who have played the game before. What really matters when choosing a life path is what kind of character the player wants to create. Choosing a life path is only the beginning of the journey, but the added variability provides yet another layer of immersion in Cyberpunk 2077.