Cooper Norris (Jacob Lofland) is often called a "worm" in Landmanbut the show doesn't explain exactly what that title means for real-life oil drilling crews. Landman was inspired by a true story of an oil boom town and presents a surprisingly realistic story because of that fact. That's part of the reason Landman has already set streaming records for Paramount+, which is part of the reason why it could become one of Taylor Sheridan's best shows. Having such a realistic story about a community as unknown as the oil workers, however, means that some things are not well known to most viewers.
Landman offers a deep dive into the dangers of working on an oil rig, as well as some of the ins and outs of rude culture. Through Cooper, Landman showed everything from the length of a typical shift to how easily a bully can die on the job. One aspect of the work that has not been explained, however, is why the entire cast of Landman calls Cooper a worm. In fact, the term has a rather simple meaning in rude culture and is a very creative way to describe the beginning of an oil worker's career.
What is a “worm” on an oil drilling team?
Worms are the newest and least experienced bullies
Among brutes, or oil drillers, a "worm" is the youngest and least experienced member of a crew. The worms are usually given the most physically demanding and dirtiest jobs of the entire crew, and their name comes from the fact that they usually end up wriggling in the dirt.. It's probably also an insult, since worms aren't very respected animals and new oil crew members have to earn the respect of their crewmates. Despite being somewhat derogatory, most bullies seem to fondly remember their time as vermin, and there is even merchandise about the title.
What are the other duties of an oil crew?
Cooper's new team has a driller, a derrickman and a chain helper
Fortunately for the rioters, there are a lot more positions on an oil crew than just being a creep. Worms that survive long enough to gain experience and be replaced by a newer worker often move up to the chain helper position. In LandmanManuel (JR Villarreal) was the chain helper on Cooper's current team, as he worked the clamp on the floor alongside Cooper. Boss (Mustafa Speaks) is the driller of the crew, as he leads the group and operates the machinery. Antonio (Octavio Rodriguez) appears to be the derrickman, meaning he sits on top of the derrick, guides the driller, and moves the pipe into position for a new well.
While these are generally the primary duties of an oil crew, there are several other positions that help a crew train. Some locations have a mechanic who maintains machines and engines to keep them in working order. Some crews also have a ginzel, which is a term for a worm's helper who is even lower in the hierarchy, although Cooper's crew did not include this position.. There is a very long list of slang and names used by bullies, and just about anyone at a drilling site has a specialized job to do.
Being the “worm” is not Cooper’s biggest concern in Landman
Manuel and Antonio's threats are much more worrying than Cooper being a creep
Being a creep often puts the tough guy in dangerous and physically demanding situations, but Cooper's situation in Landman It's even worse than that. At the end of Landman episode 3, Manuel and Antonio openly attacked and tried to kill Cooper for surviving when Armando, Luis and Elvio died in the explosion. They've also repeatedly threatened Cooper, and his relationship with Ariana (Paulina Chávez) won't do much to calm Manuel and Antonio.. If Cooper isn't injured or killed on the oil rig, there's a good chance one of his crew will do it himself.
If Cooper isn't injured or killed on the oil rig, there's a good chance one of his crew will do it himself.
There is, however, a chance that Cooper, Manuel and Antonio will be able to put aside their differences and become friends, or at least colleagues. Working at an oil facility is a high-stress environment, and people often form bonds with those they survive stressful situations with. If Cooper can prove he's worth keeping around, he could earn Manuel and Antonio's respect. In the meantime, however, Cooper will have to be careful in the upcoming episodes of Landman.
Landman is a drama series created and written by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace. Based on the podcast series growing city, Landman follows the wealthy oil tycoons and workers involved in the Texas oil industry, comparing and contrasting their lives while exploring the politics between the two.
- Cast
Billy Bob Thornton, Ali Larter, Michelle Randolph, Jacob Lofland, Alejandro Akara, James Jordan, Kayla Wallace, Paulina Chávez, Mark Collie
- Seasons
- Writers
Taylor Sheridan, Christian Wallace
- Creator(s)
Taylor Sheridan, Christian Wallace