Margot Robbie and Will Smith Focus is full of twists and turns, betrayal and secret alliances and more until the final moments, and the film's ending may need some explanation. Focus has gained renewed popularity on Netflix, and the star-studded cast of Focus probably had something to do with it. Every character in the film had a role to play in making its mind-bending twists work, but even they couldn't pull off all the surprises in Focus completely clear. Several major plot points happened in just the final 30 minutes of the film and may need to be explained.
Although Nicky (Will Smith) was hired to trick Garriga's rival (Rodrigo Santoro), the end of Focus revealed that its real plan was to sell real versions of its EXR fuel injection software. Unfortunately, their plan didn't work, and Nicky and Jess (Margot Robbie) were captured by Garriga and his head of security, Owens (Gerald McRaney). From then on, everything at the end of Focus it happened very quickly: Nicky was shot, Owens revealed himself to be his partner and father before saving his life, and he betrayed Nicky and took the money for himself.
Explained How Long Bucky and Nicky Worked Together
Nicky and Bucky worked together from the beginning, Jess just didn't know
One of the biggest twists at the end of Focus was the revelation that Owens wasn't actually working for Garriga, and he was actually Bucky, Nicky's adoptive father. Evidently, The father-son con duo worked together from the beginning, but Nicky forgot to tell Jess this information. Bucky mentioned that he had been working as Garriga's head of security for three years, trying to trick him. When Garriga hired Nicky, they joined forces. The reason Owens and Nicky seemed so antagonistic wasn't because they were fighting, they just had a strained relationship in general.
Nicky and Bucky's partnership came into play in some major ways in Focus. As an undercover, Bucky was actually the reason Nicky got the real copy of EXR instead of the fake one Garringa wanted him to sell.. As his head of security, Garringa trusted “Owens,” which allowed Bucky to obtain the real software. Then, near the end, Bucky sent Nicky a message saying that Garriga had found out about his cheating. Finally, after Nicky and Jess were captured, Bucky freed them by pulling a "Toledo Panic Button" and shooting Nicky to prove that they were not working together.
Bucky abandoned Nicky because “love will kill you”
Bucky realized his love for Nicky was getting in the way of his punches
Part of the reason Bucky and Nicky played such convincing enemies is because they had a very tense father-son relationship. Nicky told Jess at the beginning Focus that Bucky abandoned him as a child, and he assumed it was because Nicky was too soft for a life of crime. At the end of Focushowever, Bucky revealed that he abandoned Nicky because he loved him too much. Bucky said a gun was pointed at him during a rigged card game, and all he could think about was Nicky. He pulled away from Nicky at that moment.
Bucky essentially saw his love for Nicky as a weakness that was putting his life and cheats in danger, so he abandoned his son.
Although he loved Nicky, Bucky still preferred crime to his adopted son. As Bucky explained, "love will kill you in this racket. There's no place for that shit here. There is no happiness with this." Bucky essentially saw his love for Nicky as a weakness that was putting his life and scams in danger, so he abandoned his son.. Bucky hardly wins the father of the year award, but the reason for his departure was a little better than Nicky originally thought. There's even a chance Bucky left to stop Nicky from living a dangerous life, though that might be too generous for the conman.
Why Bucky put EXR money in focus
Bucky was angry because Nicky chose Jess over his life as a con man
Even though Bucky and Nicky had a heartfelt moment at the end of Focusthe father even stole all the profits made from the sale of the EXR software. Just before stealing the 27 million euros, Bucky told Nicky that he was taking the money because his son wasn't actually a thief, so he didn't owe him any professional courtesy.. As he said: "You know how they say there is honor among thieves? Well, you're not a thief, Mellow. You made your choice." Bucky was mad at his son for wasting years of training as a con man for love, so he took the money for himself.
Nicky chose Jess over work the second he waited for her in the hotel room instead of running away when Bucky texted him. He essentially made the exact opposite decision that Bucky made when he decided to walk away from Nicky's life. That was the key to Bucky's decision at the end of Focus: the most important thing in Bucky's life was being a con man, but Jess was the most important thing to Nicky. Bucky has repeatedly chosen to prioritize his criminal enterprises over Nicky; Taking EXR's money was just the most recent example.
Jess stole Garriga's $200,000 watch at the end of Focus
Jess took Garriga's watch off her wrist right after Nicky was shot
Although they did not receive the 27 million euros from the sale of the EXR systems, Nicky and Jess did not give up at the end of Focus empty-handed. One of the reasons Jess was in Buenos Aires was to steal Garriga's watch, a Piaget Emperador that Jess valued at US$200,000. As Jess accompanied Nicky to the hospital, he looked down and saw that she had stolen Garriga's watch.. Right after Bucky shot Nicky, Garriga grabbed Jess by the chin to yell at her, and she took the watch off his wrist in the confusion. Evidently, she learned from Nicky to never lose focus, no matter what.
The True Meaning of Focus Ending Explained
The focus is choosing between love and money
Focus is a movie about love, specifically about how people value love versus money, and no two characters show that better than Bucky and Nicky. Bucky valued his criminal lifestyle and the money it earned him above all else, even his own family. He shot and killed his own father trying to survive a fraud and abandoned his own son to focus on his criminal career. Nicky, however, learned over the course of Focus that love is worth more than money. He finally decided to be honest with Jess and have a relationship with her, and apparently left his con artist ways behind.
The way Bucky and Nicky broke up also says a lot about what Focus has to say about the value of love. Bucky chose money over his son's love and left alone, carrying very heavy luggage. Nicky chose love and Jess ended up carrying him to the hospital, literally lightening his load. Bucky and Nicky couldn't be more direct opponents of each other, and Focus clearly shows that Nicky got the best deal. Even with all the winnings he cheated FocusNicky's biggest prize was her relationship with Jess.