Why boy Willie was in prison in piano class

Why boy Willie was in prison in piano class

As more details are revealed about Boy Willie Charles in The piano lessonhe becomes a more fascinating character. At the beginning of The piano lessonBoy Willie and his friend Lymon arrive in Pittsburgh with a truck full of watermelons. They stay with Boy Willie's sister, Berniece, and uncle, Doaker, as they try to sell the watermelons. However, Boy Willie's real reason for going to Pittsburgh is to sell his family's piano so he can buy land in Mississippi. This complicated the film's story and generated positive reviews for The piano lesson.

The piano lesson is based on August Wilson's play of the same name, and John David Washington perfectly plays the charismatic and intriguing Boy Willie. Throughout the film, the characters The piano lessonmainly Boy Willie and Berniece, argue over whether the piano should be sold. Throughout the many arguments, more is revealed about its history. Boy Willie, in particular, has a rich history, and it is revealed that he was arrested three years before appearing in Pittsburgh.

Boy Willie Charles and Lyman were in prison for stealing lumber and similar petty crimes in Mississippi

Boy Willie and Lyman's robbery led to Crawley's death

In The piano lesson, Boy Willie and Lyman admit they became accustomed to stealing wood and selling it for profit while working on a farm together. However, three years before the events of The piano lessonthey were captured and sent to Parchman Prison Farm. While this may have been a relatively minor and inconsequential detail in the story of The piano lessonit is revealed that a man named Crawley was killed when they were captured.

Berniece will never be able to see Boy Willie the same way again, as he was involved in Crawley's murder.

In The piano lessonCrawley was actually Berniece's husband and Maretha's father. As Boy Willie asked Crawley for help transporting the wood, Berniece blames him for her husband's death. However, Boy Willie insists it wasn't his fault and argues that Crawley wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't pointed a gun at the cops. Regardless, Berniece can never see Boy Willie the same way again, as he was involved in Crawley's murder. Crawley's death was probably the main reason Berniece left Mississippi for Pittsburgh in The piano lesson.

Why Boy Willie Charles Returns to Mississippi (Despite Lyman Wanting to Stay in the North)

Boy Willie wants to buy Sutter's land in piano class

Ray Fisher in piano class

Various characters in The piano lesson They left the South, hoping to live a better life in Pennsylvania and other Northern states. Even Lyman claims he wants to stay in Pittsburgh after traveling with Boy Willie from Mississippi. However, Boy Willie insists he's going back to Mississippi since that's where he belongs. At the end of The piano lessonAfter it is decided that the piano needs to stay with the family, Boy Willie leaves and returns to Mississippi.

Even though he and his entire family have a tragic past in Mississippi, Boy Willie is determined to buy the land where his family was forced to work. Boy Willie has a very different way of looking at race relations compared to his family members in the North. While their families seek better lives in the North, Boy Willie wants to buy Sutter's land as revenge for enslaving his ancestors. He sees Sutter's land as his family's land in The piano lessonand his desire to right the wrongs of the past drives him throughout the film.