Why Arthur Fleck killed Murray Franklin in Joker explained

Why Arthur Fleck killed Murray Franklin in Joker explained

A major scene in the US Joker

The movie may seem to happen without any significant thought, but Arthur Fleck's murder of Murray Franklin has a clear motive. The 2019 Joker Film became a huge hit and managed to set a new record for the biggest box office for an R-rated movie. This was partly due to the popular IP that the film was attached to, but more so the story that surrounded the film made it worth seeing for people in different brackets.

Arthur Flex's spiritual struggles stand out as possibly the central premise for the entire film, as the struggling man tries to keep his head above water in a world that constantly puts him down. Between his history of being bullied as a child, and his struggling efforts to start a comedy career, he always felt like an outsider. But things came to a head when he was a guest on the Murray Franklin show, where he Brutally shot and killed the late night landlord on live television.

Arthur Fleck killed Murray Franklin in retaliation for mocking him

And Gotham watched as he got "what he f*** deserved"

Joker Established Arthur as a man whose mental state is incredibly weak. Often, he struggles to know what is real, and what is fantasy created in his own mind. Before he arrived on the Murray Franklin show, he had already imagined this exact scenario in his mind many times. While in his head, he may have seen himself as funny, and someone who could develop a successful comedy career, the reality was not nearly as kind.


Arthur came to the Murray Franklin show with genuine and good intentions. He wanted to make people laugh and smile, but when the crowd turned on him, and Murray himself began to make jokes at Arthur Flex's expense, Arthur caught himself. Arthur had already endured years of punishment and hatredAnd in his opinion, he thought this would be the opportunity that would help him to the next level as a comedian. But when the glass is broken, and reality hits, Arthur is struck and shoots Murray in brutal fashion as the punchline of his joke.

Was Arthur Fleck's murder of Murray Franklin premeditated?

Arthur Fleck's crimes are chaotic and messy

Arthur was many things over Joker, but despite his violent and aggressive actions, he did not appear to be a particularly cruel or violent person. Arthur wanted to spread happiness and make people laugh. He tried his best to do this by performing as a clown, and telling jokes, but more often than not, he struggled to get a positive response due to his laughter, his slow delivery, and his Inability to think on his feet.

Arthur came to the Murray Franklin show with genuine and good intentions.

Where most comedians have a quick wit, Arthur was the opposite, and his lower than average intelligence caused him to react more often than he would otherwise. At every point where Arthur does something that is seriously violent in JokerIt happens as a response to the events that happened immediately before. Arthur had no idea that Murray Franklin would treat him so poorly, or make fun of his comedy. In fact, he gave himself up to the man. However, at this moment Joker When Murray chose to make Arthur the butt of his jokes for cheap laughs from the audience, Arthur responded impulsively, making a joke to mimic Murray, and pulling the trigger.

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