Notice! Spoilers ahead for Justice League Unlimited #1!THE Justice League have finally reunited again, but now they face a threat that promises to end the team forever. How will the greatest team in the world survive its new era with an unexpected traitor in its midst?
The Justice League dismantled after Dark Crisis on Infinite EarthsBut Amanda Waller's threat made the community of heroes realize how much they need each other and how much the world needs them. Now the League is back and bigger than ever. But this new era may not last long, as one of their newest members is planning to betray them.
The new aerial wave of Justice League recruits are plotting to kill the team
Air Wave gained his trust and furthered his secret plot
In Justice League Unlimited #1 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain and Ariana Maher, it's a new beginning for the iconic team and newcomer Air Wave transports itself to the new and improved Watchtower. Air Wave is caught up in the chaos on board as various heroes respond to crises around the world, but luckily the young man is greeted by the Flash, who gives Air Wave a tour of the Watchtower. However, the ride comes to an end when Red Tornado's AI alerts Justice League to mass casualties in South Africa.
A group of League members go out and discover that a group known as Inferno is attacking to control South Africa's iridium supply. The team fights several War Wheel drones, even with the combined power of heroes like Superman and Firestorm. Air Wave asks to join the team, but the Justice League system refusessaying that his powers are not relevant to the mission. However, Star Sapphire and Black Lightning discover a mortally wounded man and can only save him by contacting his wife. Air Wave enters the fray and uses his power to find the man's wife.
...Air Wave's inner thoughts reveal that he is not here to work with the Justice League...
Star Sapphire uses the power of love to heal the man, while the rest of the Justice League finishes dealing with the War Wheels. The squad returns to the Watchtower, where many heroes praise Air Wave's quick thinking and welcome him properly into the Justice League. Air Wave retreats to a private room and begins to cry, thinking about how much it means to him that the team trusts him. But Air Wave's inner thoughts reveal that He's not here to work with the Justice League, he's here to kill them all.
Who is Air Wave and what is his history with the Justice League?
How long has he been planning to kill the team?
Air Wave, also known as Harold Jordan, is a legacy hero and the son of the original Air Wave, Larry Jordan (both related to Green Lantern Hal Jordan). Air Wave has a suit that allows him to transform into electromagnetic waves, as well as other forms of energy and radiation. Although Harold died during Infinite Crisishe returned to his postFlash point DC Universeonce again related to Hal Jordan. Despite Green Lantern's insistence that he didn't want Harold to be a hero, he saw how effective the Air Wave was when it helped stop an invasion by Kwyzz's radio people.
Air Wave returned in The Green Lantern Annual #1 (2019)!
The last time Air Wave was in the spotlight was during Absolute power, when Amanda Waller stole the abilities of Earth's metahumans, intending to imprison them forever. Harold was one of the few heroes who was not apprehended by Waller's all-Amazo team, Task Force VII, and managed to make it to the Fortress of Solitude, where he caught the attention of Mister Fantastic. With Blue Beetle, Terrific used Air Wave technology to equip a Phantom Zone projector and helped carry the remaining heroes to safety. in Themyscira.
Air Wave used his powers to broadcast Waller admitting his actions across the world...
Like the rest of the heroes, Air Wave faced a crisis of confidence, but after being inspired by Aquaman, he reunited with the heroes in a final stand against Amanda Waller. After the team defeated Task Force VII and regained their powers, Air Wave used his powers to broadcast Waller admitting his actions across the world, leading to Waller finally being arrested for his numerous crimes. The dust from their attack settled and the heroes began the task of rebuilding the Justice League for a new day.
Why does Air Wave want to kill the Justice League?
If it's really him, can he really do it?
It's a bit shocking to see Air Wave going rogue so suddenly. He was never portrayed as a villain, and he actually stood out to the heroes at the end of Absolute power. But there were a few months between the end of the summer event and Justice League Unlimited #1 and anything could have happened. Air Wave could have been blackmailed by a villain, he could have been converted by this new terrorist group Inferno the League is on the right track, or he could have been replaced by a doppelgänger.
...Air Wave's ability to manipulate radio signals could be useful.
Whatever your reasoning, Air Wave is planning to kill the Justice League, which is a pretty difficult task. Amanda Waller's attack put the entire Justice League on high alert. They have increased their security, have more heroes than ever in their ranks, and multiple security devices inside and outside the Watchtower. However, the Justice League is planning against external threats, not internal onesand now that Air Wave is starting to gain the team's trust, he can start making moves against them.
Although he has questioned his own powers, Air Wave's ability to manipulate radio signals could be useful. He could imitate distress signals that send team members to dangerous locations or compromise the Watchtower's security and allow dangerous villains into their base. Air Wave knows his limits and is clearly approaching his betrayal methodically. If he takes the time and plans carefully, he could do serious damage to the Justice League before they even begin to suspect him.
Can the Justice League figure it out before it's too late?
Who can stop Air Wave planning?
Unfortunately, one of the people who knows Air Wave best, Green Lantern, doesn't seem to be anywhere and would probably know if something was wrong with his cousin. For now, Air Wave is surrounded by a group of trusting people who do not suspect his evil intentions. Although there are incredible detectives like Batman and the Question in Justice LeagueIf they don't start paying attention to Air Wave, the entire team could pay dearly.
Justice League Unlimited #1 is now available from DC Comics.