Warning: This article contains spoilers for Speak No Evil (2024).
The 2024 horror movie Speak no evil Received excellent reviews and Rotten Tomatoes scores that exceeded the original, showing that the newer version is not just an unnecessary remake. The streaming platform Shudder has gained a reputation for releasing some of the best, worst and most stupid horror movies - including the Danish horror movie of 2022 Speak no evilWhich falls into the first category. Directed by Christian Tafdrup, the film follows a Danish family visiting a Dutch family, expecting a lovely weekend. They soon discover disturbing secrets that lead to Speak no evilIt's gripping ending.
Considering that the movie was released only a year before the announcement, audiences and critics were skeptical in 2023 when news confirmed that Blumhouse planned to remake the movie. Hollywood tends to remake great international films, losing what made the original special. Major examples of this include Oldboy (2013), father's day (1997), and Wickerman (2006). however, Speak no evil Breaks the mold by not only keeping what made the original great but expanding on it in a meaningful way. That's why early Rotten Tomatoes scores and reviews for the 2024 James McAvoy-led horror remake surpass those of 2022 Speak no evil.
2024's Speak No Evil successfully updated the original story and tone
The 2024 remake of Speak No Evil differentiates itself from its predecessor
One of the biggest reasons why the 2024 version of Speak no evil It succeeds because the movie diverges from the original story in entertaining ways. Many reviews praise the director, James Watkins, for Adding original story elements and commentary to the film rather than parroting exactly what Tafdrup's version had to say. Daily deaths review of Speak no evil Emphasizes that Watkin's 2024 version of Speak no evil Seeks to stand on its own rather than compete with the original. Matt Donato writes on the horror-centric website:
Watkins rightly charts a unique creative path as the second option in a choose-your-own-adventure novel. Speak no evil Avoid sad redundancy, adhering to stateside horror configurations that may not be as unforgiving, but still confront the psychological ugliness present in Taffdrup's traumatizing achievement.
Discussion films review of 2024 Speak no evil Also commented on the positive changes to the Danish horror film, noting the supplementary nature of the remake. Critic Ernesto Valenzuela said in the review:
The critical changes to the original Danish film are not a detriment to the Hollywood remake. Quite the opposite, 2024s Speak no evil is a refreshing and bold retelling that is more than a worthy companion to the original film.
In addition to including new story elements and fleshing out the themes, the 2024 remake Speak no evil Maintains the tension of the original even when the twist is obvious from the beginning - a necessary consistency between the two films that keeps horror audiences entertained. Donald Clark of The Irish Times Write the following:
It is a measure of the tension that, when it comes, the explosion of violence feels, if anything, like a welcome release.
Bill Goodykoontz of Arizona Republic Agreeing with Clarke's sentiment about the suspense of the 2024 remake, writing this in his review:
[James Watkins] Remake of the 2022 Danish film of the same name is unsettling, unpleasant, at times a watch-through-your-fingers exercise in nervous tension. It's pretty good too.
Because of these changes, the two versions of Speak no evil feel complementary to one another, Boost each other's posts and explore them from different cultural perspectives. In addition, the theatrical release of the American remake opens the story to a wider audience and brings attention to the similar but different original Danish version.
James McAvoy's performance was highly praised in Speak No Evil's reviews
James McAvoy delivers a terrifying performance that will leave viewers with chills
While everyone in the cast of Speak no evil did a great job, The reviews unsurprisingly singled out James McAvoy's incredible performance as a significant factor in the movie's success. After M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable trilogy, James McAvoy cemented himself as an actor who is better as a terrible villain than a main character. His performance in Speak no evil spread the idea. Clarice Lowrey of The Independent Wrote in her review:
And then there's McAvoy, delivering one of the most impressive repugnant performances of the year. It's a return to animalistic identity...but also a viscerally, uncomfortably familiar take on entitled masculinity with a self-satisfied smile, like a gossamer cover to the violent storm below.
Daniel Rutledge of Felix expressed a similar sentiment about James McAvoy's performance, stating in his review the following:
Anyone questioning the reason this Speak no evil It should be sure that there is an emphatic answer: James McAvoy celebrated his villain era. Hard.
The reviews of Speak no evil That praise for James McAvoy's performance is right on the money. The actor rehearses in Speak no evil That he can perfectly build visceral tension, making the audience wonder when his character will snap. This unnerving unpredictability unlocks a new level of fear when McAvoy's character appears on screen. Hopefully, the actor continues to embrace the horror genre going forward, as he could easily become one of the best horror actors of all time.
As 2024's speak no evil rotten tomatoes score compares to the original
Both versions of Speak No Evil are highly acclaimed on Rotten Tomatoes
Both the 2022 and 2024 versions of Speak no evil are praised by critics, with a certified fresh score on rotten tomatoesWhich requires at least a 75% score with at least 80 reviews, five of which must come from Top Critics. The first reviews of James McAvoy's 2024 movie Speak no evil Put the remake slightly above the original, with 89% versus 84%.
* Score as of 9/12/2024
Over its theatrical run, the film's score may fluctuate slightly, however The number should not change too drastically, considering the percentage is based on dozens of publications. Movies that drop or rise significantly after the first weekend don't usually get as many reviews before the official release date.
The final measure of comparison on Rotten Tomatoes is the Popcornmeter, which compares audience responses. As of September 12, 2024, there were no audience reviews for the Popcornmeter on Speak no evil. However, the remake could easily surpass the original since the 2022 Danish movie had a mediocre 55% Popcornmeter score.
Sources:Daily death, Discuss film, The Irish Times, Arizona Republic, The Independent, Felix, Rotten tomatoes