X-Men Professor Charles Xavier is one of the most powerful and experienced psychics in the world, but even with all this power, can he compete with Marvel's World Eater? Galactus? Two decisive battles will reveal the answerdetermining whether the mutant leader's telepathy is capable of combating the Force Cosmic.
Galactus and Professor X first met face to face in 1999. X-Men #90 (from Alan Davis and Terry Cavanagh) In this issue, the X-Men travel back in time to the day Galactus absorbed Tarnax IV. The destruction of the Skrull empire's throneworld, Tarnaxa IV, caused chaos throughout the galaxy, ultimately leading to the death of the Skrulls. Secret Invasion Earth, not to mention the billions of lives lost at this moment. As a dreamer, Xavier takes on his astral form to confront Galactus, hoping to convince the Eater of Worlds to spare the planet.
Ultimately, Xavier is unable to prevent the destruction of Tarnax IV, a fateful event that has, in fact, already happened. However, his interactions with Galactus gave fans a really accurate idea of their power levels..
Galactus vs Professor X of the X-Men confirmed there is no competition
Even a god-tier psychic is nothing to the Devourer of Worlds
Galactus is the oldest being in the Universe, predating the creation of the current Multiverse. Like others before him, he is tasked with devouring living worlds, using advanced technology to drain all life from them. Galactus' destruction of Tarnax IV was a major historical event in Marvel history and a tragic result of the Skrulls' aggression towards Earth. Galactus only discovered the planet thanks to his new herald, Frankie Ray's Nova, who in turn knew its location because the Fantastic Four had been captured and held there. The destruction of the Skrull Throneworld destabilized their empire, which later led to the extremist cult attempting to forcibly take over Earth as the new Throneworld. If Xavier could stop Galactus, he would prevent untold suffering throughout the galaxy.
IN X-Men #90Xavier transfers his mind to the astral plane, approaching Galactus. Xavier initially advocates for the Skrulls' survival, explaining to Galactus that he believes the X-Men were sent back in time to prevent a historical catastrophe. When the Eater of Worlds doesn't listen, XAvier uses his telepathic abilities to collect the thoughts and experiences of the Skrulls, channeling them directly into Galactus's mind. in an attempt to gain his compassion.
However, Galactus is completely unfazed and responds by doing the same trick with the Skrulls' hatred and fear. This attack devastates Xavier, damaging his astral form so badly that he knows he will not be able to return to his body. Ultimately, Galactus makes the decision to save Xavier's life by returning his astral form to his physical body, but chillingly rebuffs his attempts to save the Skrulls, stating;
You thought to change history, Charles Xavier. However, if you knew that this was the case, you must have known that this would be the case.
Although Xavier's first meeting with Galactus was unsuccessful, he later managed to actually harm the cosmic being.
While Professor X completely loses this conversation with Galactus, it's actually impressive that the cosmic god was willing to communicate at all. Galactus usually does not pay attention to individuals, as they are outside his attention. The main exceptions are when it is a being he already knows, or when someone gains cosmic significance, such as when Reed Richards threatened him with the Ultimate Nullifier (which could destroy the entire universe). The fact that Galactus was even willing to argue with Xavier. and spending energy to contain it is a tribute to the strength of the leader of the X-Men.
Professor X actually managed to harm Galactus with one upgrade
With time to prepare, Charles Xavier found the right weapon
Xavier got a rematch of sorts in the Warren Ellis vs. Brandon Peterson fight. Final extinction. This series takes place in the alternate world of Earth-1610, also known as the original Ultimate Universe. In this reality, Xavier's powers remain the same, but Galactus is completely different. This version of the World Eater, known as Gah Lak Tus, is a swarm of highly advanced weaponized drones that have killed world after world. As Gah Lak Tus heads towards Earth, the planet's heroes come up with a plan to fight back, starring Xavier.
Using a device designed to enhance and target his telepathic abilities, Xavier asks all the people on Earth to open their minds to him, channeling the power of billions of minds into the drones of Gah Lak Tus.. Gah Lak Tus goes into convulsions from the attack, giving Earth's other heroes a chance to fight back. Given the similar power levels of the original Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe, it's likely that with the same technology and billions of people helping him, Xavier could have a similar effect on the original Galactus.
Although Charles Xavier is incredibly powerful, he is not in the same league as Galactus, and any conflict between them comes down to mortal man trying to fight a fundamental aspect of the cosmos.. With time to prepare and the support of the whole world, Final extinction implies that Xavier could make Galactus flinch, which is likely why the Eater of Worlds respects him enough to speak on Tarnax IV. However, when it comes to any sincere struggle, Galactus crushes the X-Men Professor X in every conceivable situation.