One of the most beloved Santa Claus films in modern cinema, Santa Claus tells the fantastic story of Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) reluctantly becoming Santa Claus after accidentally knocking the former Santa Claus off the roof of his house on Christmas Eve. Scott tries to live his normal life as a businessman, until the following Christmas, when he decides to fully assume the role of Santa Claus. Fortunately, he plays this role from the time of the original film to the events of the recent show. The Santa Clauses.
While the original Santa Claus very clearly depicts how the former Santa Claus falls from the roof and disappears, By letting Scott become the new Santa Claus, the film does not clarify for the audience who the old Santa Claus really was. However, the recent launch of Disney+ The Santa Clauses show follows many of the same characters while also providing more information about Santa's line of succession, including explaining the original mystery of who came before Scott and who was the first Santa ever.
Santa Claus before Scott Calvin was a supernatural being known as "Santa Claus 17"
Santa Claus Describes the Real Reason Scott Became Santa Claus
Upon reaching the North Pole in Santa ClausScott Calvin is informed by the elf Bernard (David Krumholtz) that a clause in Santa's contract states that if a Santa dies and someone puts on the Santa costume, he will be obligated to become the next Santa Claus. However, the elves do not give Scott any information about his predecessor. Decades after the release of this film, was revealed in The Santa Clauses that the previous Santa Claus was a supernatural being known as Santa Claus 17 (Jim O'Heir).
As in previous installments of The Santa Clause, Scott interacts with supernatural beings such as the Tooth Fairy and Mother Earth, it actually makes some sense that Santa Claus was also originally a supernatural being.
Even more surprisingly, The Santa Clauses clarifies that Scott was the first human to become Santa Clauswith all previous Santa Clauses being supernatural beings. Because in the past Santa Claus installments, Scott interacts with supernatural beings such as the Tooth Fairy and Mother Earth, it actually makes some sense that Santa Claus was also originally a supernatural being. When Scott visits Santa Claus 17, who actually retired after the events of the first Santa ClausSanta Claus 17 also reveals that Scott was chosen as Santa Claus because of his generous personality as a child.
Nick is technically the original Santa Claus from the Santa Claus franchise
There's a whole line of Santas, from St. Nick to Scott Calvin
However The Santa Clauses doesn't fully explore every Santa that came before Scott, Scott's visit to Santa Claus 17 gives him more insight into the history of Santa's role. Santa Claus 17 was appropriately named because he was the 17th Santa in a line that began with Saint Nicholas (Mitch Poulos), the original. The Santas' the use of Saint Nicholas is a good reference to the original myth of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the historical figure who gave rise to the gift-giving Santa Claus with whom many are familiar today.
Much like Santa Claus 17's reasoning for choosing Scott as his replacement in Santa Claus, The Santa Clauses states that the kindness and generosity of Saint Nicholas were what began the creation of the supernatural creatures that preside over Christmas. These revelations, including the origin of Santa Claus, help answer some questions the public has been asking. Santa Claus since 1994.
Tim Allen returns as Scott Calvin in The Santa Clauses, a miniseries that follows the original Santa Claus trilogy. Scott has spent thirty years spreading Christmas cheer and managing operations at the North Pole as Santa Claus, but he realizes a change is coming. With the popularity of Christmas on the wane and Scott's inability to keep up with the pressures of his job and be a capable father, Scott discovers there may be a way to step down from his role. Scott begins his search for his new successor so he can finally adjust his priorities for his family.
- Directors
Jack Burdit
- Writers
Leo Benvenuti, Jack Burditt
- Cast
Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell, Eric Lloyd, Kal Penn, Matilda Lawler, David Krumholtz
- Release date
November 16, 2022