In Game of Thronesthe The people of Westeros come from major ethnic groups, including the Andals, the First Men, and a third that the TV series leaves out.. The acclaimed HBO drama is based on the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by George RR Martin, and in three decades of expanding his world, the prolific fantasy author has left very few stones unturned in establishing the context for the various cultures that inhabit it. Understanding Martin's world historical context is crucial to understanding his central narratives, as past events often echo past events. ASOIAF.
One of the common criticisms of Game of Thrones The end result was that the television adaptation began to neglect essential world-building elements. Throughout the series, characters from House Stark, for example, will mention having the blood of the First Men, which may seem absurd without the necessary context. Jorah Mormont is referred to as "Jorah the Andal", a confusing title lacking the necessary historical context. Details are key in George RR Martin's world, and Understanding the foundations of Westerosi culture can help contextualize the behavior of someone like Ned Stark.
The First Men Explained
The first human inhabitants of Westeros
Who were they: The First Men are perhaps the most self-explanatory of the three cultural groups of Westeros, as they were the first civilization to set foot on the continent. Their early stories are purposefully obscured in Martin's text, as most of them were so long ago that they have become legend. However, it is assumed that the First Men migrated west from Essos via Dorne, which once connected the continents by land, and settled throughout the continent.
When they came to Westeros: Approximately 12,000 BC
Years in Westeros are counted similarly to those in the real world, using BC and BC. They represent Before and After the Conquest, referring to Aegon's Conquest. Game of Thrones begins in 298 AD.
Notable events: Early in their time in Westeros, the First Men waged war against the children of the forest before finally agreeing to the peace terms known as the Pact. The following period was known as the Age of Heroes, where notable legends like Bran the Builder built the Wall and Winterfell and Lann the Clever, who stole Casterly Rock from the Casterlys. The First Men and the children of the forest fought against the White Walkers in the Battle for the Dawn, defeating them.
What happened to the first men and which houses descended from them: Although much of the First Men's culture is diluted in Westeros, it would be difficult to find a citizen who does not carry their blood. They can be found most easily in the North, where the ancient gods of the First Men are still proudly worshiped by Houses like Stark and Karstark. Cultural groups such as the Free People and the Vale Mountain tribes also descend from the First Men.
Notable houses descend from the first men |
House Stark |
Tully House |
Tarly House |
Strong House |
The Andals
The Andals invaded Westeros and established much of the lasting culture
Who were they: The Andals were an ethnic group that invaded Westeros from northern Essos. Like the First Men, who initially fought against the children of the forest, the Andals fought against the established kingdoms of the First Men, beginning a violent attack on the continent in the Vale. They destroyed weirwood trees and killed children of the forest, bringing the Faith of the Seven in place of the old gods.
When they came to Westeros: Between 6,000 and 4,000 BC.
Notable events: The Andals waged war on the continent of Westeros for hundreds of years before finally settling through conquest or marriage alliances. The Northern Kingdom, led by House Stark, was the only territory to resist the Andalsstopping them at one of the strongest castles in Westeros, Moat Cailin.
What happened to the Andals and which houses descended from them: The integration of the Andals established much of the continent as is known as Game of Thronesparticularly in the South, where citizens worship the Faith of the Seven. Much of Westerosi history was written after the Andal invasion, further reinforcing their cultural dominance.
Notable houses descended from the Andals |
House Arryn |
House Tyrell |
Martell House |
The Rhoynar
The Rhoynar helped unify Dorne
Who were they: The Rhoynar are the third ethnic group to arrive in Westeros, coming from a culture that lived along the Rhoyne River in Essos. The Rhoynar were forced to flee their lands due to centuries of conflict with the Valyrian Freehold.causing them to migrate to Dorne.
When they came to Westeros: Approximately 700 BC
Notable events: The Rhoynar were known in legend for arriving in Westeros in ten thousand ships under the leadership of Queen Nymeria of the Rhoynar. This will be the theme of one of the plans Game of Thrones derivative programs. Nymeria and the Rhoynar helped Mors Martell unify Dorne in the Nymerian War, establishing the region as it would be known in Game of Thrones.
What happened to the Rhoynar and which houses descend from them: Although not as prominent as the Andals, the Rhoynar are well integrated into Dornish society and are the reason why Dornish rulers are called Prince and Princess rather than Lord and Lady.
Why did Game Of Thrones cut Rhoynar? In the book, the title of the monarch of Westeros is "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men", while Game of Thrones omits mention of Rhoynar. This would likely avoid complexity for viewers, as the adaptation barely ventured into Dorne.