Who Started The Walking Dead's Zombie Outbreak? Daryl Dixon Season 2 drops a major clue

Who Started The Walking Dead's Zombie Outbreak? Daryl Dixon Season 2 drops a major clue

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Daryl Dixon Season 2, Episode 4.

The mystery of how the zombie outbreak started feels one step closer to being answered after a fresh clue dropped in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2. Robert Kirkman's original The Walking Dead Comics have deliberately avoided revealing the cause of the virus responsible for spreading untold suffering throughout the world, and AMC's television adaptation has followed that lead for a long time. Some scientific details surfaced when Rick's group visited the CDC in season 1, however The Walking Dead Quickly back away, never again approaching the subject of where the virus originated.

As the franchise continues to expand further The Walking DeadAfter the ending, the big lore questions come into focus again, with the start of the outbreak chief among them. As more time passes, communities grow more advanced, and scientists begin to experiment on the undead, the cloud of uncertainty over The Walking Deads zombie virus is gradually starting to lift, and it rises a few inches further thanks to Genet in Daryl Dixon Season 2, Episode 4, "La Paradis Pour Toi."

Daryl Dixon Season 2 hints the rich and powerful are responsible for the zombie outbreak

The Walking Dead brings a whole new meaning to "eating the rich."

Marion Genet (Anne Charrier) stares blankly in front of paintings in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

While facing down Carol, Genet - a villain Daryl Dixon Previously confirmed to have worked as maintenance staff at the Louvre before the outbreak - embarks on a long rant about the rich and powerful. She laments how the rich took care of themselves while ordinary families were left to die, and shows disgust at how the French authorities protected the country's artwork better than its people. The most fascinating part of Genet's speech, however, comes at the end, when she remembers that her husband was "Devoured by the monsters they made."

If no character in The Walking Dead Has an idea of ​​what started the apocalypse, it's Genet.

In the context of Genet's monologue, "them" can only refer to the elite and influential - politicians, billionaires, corporate figures, etc. without providing any firm details, Genet clearly believes that the rich bear ultimate responsibility for The Walking Deads zombie outbreak. This is a major revelation because it paints the virus not just as a scientific experiment gone wrong, but as a reckless act of hubris committed by figures who are untouchable due to their financial or political sway. Immediately, the wildfire virus begins to look more malicious, more deliberate and much more avoidable.


Daryl Dixon Gave many reasons to take Genet's accusation seriously. The Walking Dead: World Beyond Previously exposed as the virus started in France, and by Daryl Dixons place in the walking dead Timeline, most of the country is under Genet's control. The villain would, therefore, be privy to any official documentation about pathogens and secret projects left behind after France's government fell. Genet's Pouvoir du Vivant group also boasts a scientist with extensive knowledge of how the zombie virus works, so if any character in The Walking Dead Has an idea of ​​what started the apocalypse, it's Genet.

The Walking Dead suggested that Genet knows how the outbreak started in season 1 as well

Genet made a very similar reference to how the virus started

Marion Genet (Anne Charrier) torturing a man to get information about Daryl in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

curious, Daryl Dixon Marked to Genet possesses knowledge of The Walking Deads zombie outbreak back in season 1, albeit through much more subtle means. During episode 4, Genet graciously stated to a Union supporter, "The weak, the submissive, the gullible... people like you got us into this mess.” At first glance, Genet's quote from Daryl DixonThe first season doesn't match her later comments in season 2, and may even seem to contradict them by blaming the general population. "Subject"Not quite a term one would use to describe members of the wealthy elite, after all.

Nevertheless, these two details can work in tandem. When Genet claims that subject citizens "got us into this mess"She may be referring to, as usual, Working-class people have the opportunity to stop rich people from creating a world-ending virus If only they would stand up and fight back against inequality sooner. In other words, the world's elite were responsible for creating the virus themselves, but Genet believes that the world's submissive population stood by and allowed it to happen. If this is true, it would perfectly explain the philosophy behind Pouvoir du Vivant, accounting for the cruel nature of the group and why Genet himself refuses to tolerate any form of supposed weakness.

How Genet's clue fits in with past hints about The Walking Dead's virus origin

Various pieces of The Walking Dead's past are starting to fit together

The French laboratory in The Walking Dead: World Beyond the post-credits scene.

The Walking Dead: World BeyondThe ending strongly suggested that the zombie virus began in a French science laboratory before spreading throughout the world, and a group called the Primrose Team was specifically mentioned among those directly involved. These details perfectly complement Genet's setting Daryl Dixon Season 2 that the rich are to blame.

It is unlikely that France shoulders the blame for The Walking Deads apocalyptic landscape alone.

The French scientists may have been the ones handling test tubes and Bunsen burners, but they would not have taken it upon themselves to start experimenting on such a deadly pathogen - not least because they would lack the financial means to do so. Logically, it makes sense that some powerful entity with plenty of money and resources instigated and bankrolled the program that ultimately led to The Walking Deads zombie outbreak, commissioning the scientists to carry out their research.

Despite signs to the contrary, it is unlikely that France shoulders the blame for The Walking Deads apocalyptic landscape alone. According to world beyond, Primrose's team traveled to Ohio shortly before the outbreak, potentially implying that the virus research was an international effort Involved France, the United States and other major world powers. If this is true, and leaders from around the world conspire to create a virus that effectively ends human civilization, Genet's anger at Daryl Dixon Season 2 would be even more justified.

The Walking Dead needs to fill in the gaps about how the virus started

The Walking Dead can't go back after dropping so many hints

When it came down to explaining the zombie virus, The Walking Dead Has two choices: follow the comics and leave the mystery intact, or provide a full account of how the outbreak began. AMC's franchise now occupies a sad middle ground between the two. Some details have been uncovered, but not enough to make a clear, complete picture of what happened to the virus. Now that The Walking Dead Has made a definite start down the path of solving the mystery, it needs to follow and complete the story sooner or later.

This conversation cannot be ignored forever - especially now The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon The new time of season 2.

Genet's clue about the rich responsible raises two big questions in particular. First, who first came up with and funded the experiments that led to The Walking Deads virus, and what are their intentions? Some business tycoon with too much money may have tried to cheat death, or the intention was to turn corpses into cheap soldiers. If Genet is right and the rich are guilty, The Walking Dead Must explain what they are trying to achieve.


The next conundrum to unravel is how a secret virus began to spread across the world. The natural assumption would be that some clumsy scientist forgot to close an important door, or some other mundane breach of safety protocol occurred, but Without knowing what investors with bulging bank accounts paid for the research, it is possible that the virus was unleashed.. Genet is no longer in a position to answer such questions because her brain is spread across the floor of a French farmhouse, but the conversation cannot be ignored forever - especially after The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon The new time of season 2.


Release date

"La Gentillesse des Étrangers"

September 29

"Moulin Rouge"

October 6


October 13th

"La Paradis Pour Toi"

October 20

"Volvoir, C'est Pouvoir"

October 27th

"Au Revoir les Enfants"

November 3