Who lives and who dies after the fight with Sukuna

Who lives and who dies after the fight with Sukuna

Warning: MASSIVE Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers ahead!

Jujutsu Kaisen Has never shied away from killing either major or minor characters. The series provides vengeful curses and curse users among its main antagonists, capable of enormous feats of evil and violence, the most notable is Ryomen Sukuna. Taking down the King of Curse required a massive team-up and some wizards didn't survive the day, while others lived to tell the tale.

The Shinjuku Showdown Arc is the name people have given to a 50-chapter storyline that ends with Jujutsu Kaisen's Series finale, shocking developments and a satisfying conclusion to the Sukuna grudge match. For those who have been following along since the fight began in chapter #222, It was a stressful, hyped-up ride with depressing twists and close calls with favorite characters. However, Sukuna was finally defeated, but at great cost.

Who is alive after Sukuna is defeated in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Each participant in the battle played a role

Despite multiple memorable and named characters dying in the fight against Sukuna, many notable participants lived to tell the tale in Jujutsu Kaisenincluded Some characters the reader would never have expected to survive. Although there are reasonably predictable cases like Yuji Itadori surviving, some survivors include delightful surprises for fans. While there has been speculation about one specific survivor, the notable participants in the fight against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen Make an impressive list to carry in the epilogue of the series.

Notable survivors of the fight against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen Include:

  • Yuji Itadori

  • Utah Okkutsu

  • Megumi Fushiguro

  • Hiromi Higuruma

  • Fumihiko Takaba

  • Maki Zenin

  • Atsuya Kusakabe

  • Nobara Kugisaki

  • together inumaki

  • Kinji Hakari

  • Miguel Oduol

  • Larou

  • Aoi Todo

  • in Tacoma

  • Mei Mei

  • Whoa Whoa

One notable survivor was Megumi Fushigurowhose depths of despair allowed Sukuna to take control of his body. Still, in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #266, signs begin to show of Megumi regaining her will after a heartfelt plea from Yuji. This key example helped tip the balance against the curse and end the fight two chapters later. This, on top of the intervention of Yuta Okkotsu, who copied Kenjaku's technique to take over Gojo's dead body and surprise Sukuna (and the fans), was among the best surprises of the arc.

Two other notable survivors included Hiromi Higuruma and Fumihiko TakabaWhose participation in the battle was recorded in various ways. Hiromi valiantly tries to bludgeon Tsukuna to death with his cursed technique and uses the executioner's sword, but fails to take Tsukuna out. Shockingly, Higuruma survived against his formidable opponent, which proves how talented he is considering he's only been a magician for two months.

Takaba, meanwhile, was involved elsewhere, distracting none other than Kenjaku with a sidesplitting and head-scratching series of chapters. This is when he uses his phenomenal powers to divert against Kenjaku before Yuta lands a decisive blow in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #243. In the end, it appeared that Takaba had died, but this turned out not to be the case, and it is possible that Kenjaku also survived.

Todo also survived despite being hit by a black bottle from Sukuna while protecting Hana Kurusu, who is also still among the living, despite the loss of an arm, which did not prevent her from confessing to Fushiguro (sort of). Maki also survived, an especially impressive feat considering she took on Tsukona in hand-to-hand combat several times, showing the power of her celestial limitation.

Finally, the two "weakest" wizards, Takuma and Kusakabe, also unexpectedly survived their confrontation with the King of Curses, and Kusakabe was especially shocked by what happened. Still, without his mastery of Simple Domain, the heroes would not come out of this battle.

While the survivors are noteworthy in the fight, the casualties change the status quo in the Jujutsu Kaisen Finale.

Who Dies in Jujutsu Kaisen's Shinjuku Showdown Arc?

One critical development split the fandom

As the Shinjuku Showdown arc is sparked by the duel between Sukuna and Gojo, it is especially noteworthy that Neither Sukuna nor Gojo survives in Jujutsu Kaisen. Sukuna's death was a logical conclusion not only for the arc, but an accepted end for the character, and in chapter #268, fans were treated to his pitiful death, reaching the mercy of Yuuji. Gojo's death, however, rocked the fandom, and despite being cut down by Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #236, fans have hope for Gojo's return.

Notable casualties of the fight against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen Include:

  • Satoru Gojo (Chapter #236)

  • Hajime Kashimo (Chapter #238)

  • Iori Hazenoki (Chapter #239)

  • Kenjaku (Chapter #249)

  • Choso (Chapter #259)

  • Ryomen Sukuna (Chapter #268)

  • Oraume (Chapter #268)

The most noteworthy aspect of the Death of Shinjuku Showdown arc is that after Gojo's death, There are never more than ten chapters until the next significant death. Although unnamed characters also meet their end in this period, including unnamed participants of the cooling game, moments like Gojo and Sukuna's death are the ones the fans will undeniably remember.

Sukuna's death is a fitting end to the curse, as he rejects his mercy and lives alongside Yuji.

Besides Gojo, the only one who died in the "good guys team" is Choso. He sacrificed his life to protect his brother Yuji from Tsukune's flames, in an incredibly sad moment that was unfortunately swallowed up by the heat of the battle, literally. On the other hand, Sukuna's death is a fitting end to the curse, as he rejects his mercy and lives alongside Yuuji.

Yuji's line "You are me," Refers to his confrontation with Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #126 as vital closure for the protagonist. Kenjaku's death, however, is fascinating as he tries to finish the killing game even as his head is severed after chapter #243, but he is consumed in chapter #249 by Rika to allow Yuta to use his brain transplant technique. Despite this, Kenjaku's death may not have been permanent, as hinted at Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #270.

Takaba against a backdrop of Kenjaku and Takaba facing each other

A momentary glimpse of Kenjaku in Suguru Geto's body, hinted at by the hair still strategically covered by Gege Akutami's speech bubble placement, means that Kenjaku could hypothetically be living in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #270. However, given Takaba's comedic ability to turn anything he finds funny into reality, this could be a simple gag, with his "whatever, let's get on with it" line obscuring Kenjaku's face. But the confirmation of Takaba being alive and finally finding a partner for his comedy duo is a heartwarming scene with possibly the most unexpected survivor of Shinjuku Showdown.

Does Satoru Gojo live on after the Sukona fight in Jujutsu Kaisen?

"No, I would win"

Gojo did not win his fight with Sukuna, who plunged the Jujutsu Kaisen Fandom in many bouts of theorizing whether he survives, most notably in chapter #261 where Gojo's body returned. however, This was revealed to be Yuta Okkotsu's gambit in case Gojo was to die fighting TsukonaServed as further confirmation of his death. While the first glimpse of the iconic sorcerer's face was a massive relief for fans, as of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter #270, there is no confirmation that Gojo survived his fight against Sukuna.

The participants and survivors of the Shinjuku Showdown include beloved returns and memorable moments for fans to cling to. Despite Jujutsu Kaisen's Sudden September 2024 conclusion, there is a lot of material for discussion. Gojo's fight against Sukuna alone is an exciting future highlight that will surely get a glorious anime treatment, but other moments, including Miguel, Atsuya and Nobara's participation, are worth seeing animated. But with Jujutsu KaisenIt's signaling another member of the Shonen Dark Trio is coming out, it's important to take stock of which characters survive, if the story's universe continues into the future.