The boy in the final panel of Attack on Titan It remains a mystery, with many theories about it.
The boy symbolizes the cyclical nature of conflict, hinting at the return of the Titans.
Despite anti-war themes, the series highlights the ongoing struggle to end violence.
The Attack on Titan Anime ended November 19, 2023, after a decade-long run. The end of the series was long-awaited, with many fans wondering for years how the story would wrap up. Unfortunately, Eren, the main character, did not survive, and his best friends had to end his life to prevent him from wiping out humanity. Despite the tragic event, the series finished on a fairly hopeful note, while still Acknowledge the heartbreak that remains in the aftermath of a war.
It is A scene shows a young boy approaching a tree at the end of Attack on TitanWith a dog next to him. Many people feel that this was a prediction of a similar story with Titans that will play out again, symbolizing the unfortunate truth that war and fighting will always exist and that even though Eren died for peace, it will not stop conflict.
Some fans believe that the man was Eren reincarnated, fated to play out a similar story again. In any case, the scene is symbolic and suggests the ever-present nature of conflict in humanity, the most important lesson of the series.
An Attack on Titan fan speculates that the boy in the manga panel is Eren
The theory says that Eren has reincarnated into the young boy
A fan who posts Attack on Titan theories on x, @jay5ive92Came up with a theory that The boy at the foot of the tree is Eren Gilgol. The boy has fairly long, dark hair and looks similar to Eren, adding validity to this intriguing theory. Furthermore, the tree pictured is clearly no ordinary tree, as it is amazingly tall. The tree is open on the side with a wide gap that the boy appears to enter in the picture, which will remind Attack on Titan Fans like the Titans originated in the first place.
Trees are a crucial and often depicted symbol in the series, since we enter a tree caused titans to come into the world Originally, after she bonded with the mysterious centipede-like creature that gave her the reality-shaping powers of the first Titan. The tree that the boy walks into looks just like YmirSo it can be A sign that The plague of Titans will be brought back to the world after Eren and his friends worked so tirelessly to eradicate it.
The boy's true identity is up for debate, since nothing has been officially confirmed
Regardless of who the child is, his appearance in the final panel has significant meaning
Another exciting theory about this scene is that the boy has come across The place where Eren and Mikasa were laid to restWith both their graves, placed by the tree. It would be touchingly tragic if the place where Eren and Mikasa are buried and finally able to escape the horrors of their world is also the same place where the boy will likely inadvertently start another terrible massacre caused by Titans. After all, Eren took Ymir's powers, it is possible that his buried head is the key to awakening the same terrible powers.
The boy is a reincarnation of a bounty hunter or perhaps a child of one of the other significant others Attack on Titan Heroes, like Armin or Mikasa, are intriguing theories, but unfortunately, None of these possibilities have been officially confirmed by Hajime IsayamaThe author of the manga, so the boy's true identity is up to speculation.
Regardless of who the boy is specifically, this ending to the story is symbolic and intentional, hammering home the story's message one final time. Isayama has said helplessly in interviews that Attack on Titan is meant to be an anti-war storyWarning readers of the harmful and long-lasting impacts of war on humanity as a whole. The entire story shows how devastating fighting is, how many innocent lives are lost in the process, and even shows alternatives such as peaceful, non-combative ways to resolve disagreements, such as the peace talks that took place after the events of the Rambling, for Example.
The boy walking into the tree seems to suggest that the cycle of violence is not over
Tragically, everyone's diligent efforts may not have eliminated the Titans for good after all
Although the story shares an anti-war sentiment, this ending panel reveals that there is much work to be done before war is eliminated completely. Conflict between humans has always existed, and it will take much more time and effort before people can agree on more amicable solutions. The boy's appearance in the final panel of Attack on Titan Means to Suggest that the war in the series is not over either. The ending is a stark commentary on how widespread violent action is in society, making it necessary for everyone to work together to end this dangerous cycle for good.
Source: @jay5ive92 on x