Who is Shanks' “twin” in One Piece? Everything we know about the latest big plot twist

Who is Shanks' “twin” in One Piece? Everything we know about the latest big plot twist

Warning: contains spoilers for chapter 1134 of One Piece.Recent developments in One piece began to cast doubt on how heroic Shanks is. Not only was he allowed to meet with the Five Elders, but Figarland Garling, the leader of the Holy Knights and the newest Elder, is heavily implied to be Shanks' father, which further suggests something suspicious going on with him as One piece continues in its final saga.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest Shanks may be less heroic than he appears, but another theory suggests otherwise. While it makes sense to view recent events as an allusion to Shanks having some sort of secret agenda, thanks to a few small but noteworthy details, One piece may have secretly revealed a major plot twist to completely change the way people should look at Shanks. There's a lot to cover in this theory, and hopefully it won't be long before it's all fully explained.

Why One Piece Fans Are Saying Shanks Has an Evil Twin

Shanks One-Piece Theory Having an Evil Twin Explained

Shanks and a mysterious new character arrive on Elbaph

One of the biggest moments of the Levely arc was when Shanks somehow got into Mary Geoise to talk to the Five Elders, but fans noted how strange it was for Shanks to be allowed into Mary Geoise and how neither the anime nor the manga showed your scar. , instead showing only the right side of the face in profile. Because of this, One piece fans have developed a theory that Shanks has an evil twin working for the World Governmenta theory that became more pronounced after One Piece Movie: Red implied that Shaks could secretly be a Celestial Dragon.

Much of the reasoning behind Shanks having an evil twin was, and still is, largely circumstantial, but One piece chapter #1134 adds a lot to the theory. At the end of chapter #1134, the same magic circle that the Five Elders used to teleport to Egghead summoned Shanks to Elbaph, and interestingly, Shanks was depicted in profile in the same way as during the Levely arc. It shouldn't be a coincidence that One piece would continue to deliberately hide Shanks' scar, and as such, the end for One piece chapter #1134 apparently confirms the theory that Shanks has an evil twin.

The biggest theories behind Shanks' “evil twin” explained in one piece

Shanks having an evil twin seems more likely than ever, and there are many possible explanations for his existence and the role he may play. For starters, while it's easy to assume that Garling kept one child and abandoned the other, cloning exists in One piecethen Shanks' “evil twin” could be a clone of him created to be a soldier for the World Government. The fact that Garling inherited the position of God of Science and Defense from Saturn suggests a scientific background for the Figarland family, and this could easily support the idea of ​​an evil clone.

Based on this, something that needs to be considered is the role that Shanks' “evil twin” can play. Shanks' supposed twin appears to have great authority within the World Government if he can casually meet with the Five Elders and use powers similar to theirs, and since Garling, who is heavily implied to be Shanks' father, is the leader of the Holy Knights and the newest Elder, Shanks' “evil twin” is likely one of the Holy Knights, the strongest soldiers of the World Government.

Another possibility links Shanks' “evil twin” to another enigmatic character, the Man with the Burn Scar. A popular theory about the Man with the Burn Scar is that he works for the World Government, as they would have much to gain from stealing a Road Poneglyph, and since Shanks' "evil twin" must have some connection to the World Government. on a large scale, Shanks' "evil twin" could secretly be One pieceThe man with the burn scarwith his face always in profile to hide the fact that he has a burn on his face instead of Shanks' signature three-claw scar.

In addition to all this, there is one more possibility worth considering. Vegapunk's message ended with a collage of characters who would be the main actors of the final saga, and one notable character was a mysterious swordsman portrayed entirely in silhouette. Shanks' “evil twin,” no matter what specific role he plays, will undoubtedly be a major player in the final saga, especially with his appearance in Elbaph, so Shanks’ “evil twin” could be the mysterious silhouetted figure at the end of Vegapunk’s messagesomething that would be a perfect way to emphasize how important he should be.

Would Shanks having an evil twin ruin his entire character?

While the idea did a lot to flesh out Shanks' backstory, at the same time, the idea of ​​Shanks being a morally gray figure had the potential to add a lot of depth to his character, especially when so little was seen of him. for more than 20 years. The theory that Shanks has an evil twin in One piece could potentially absolve him of any depth he would have had by associating with the World Governmentand to some extent that would be disappointing.

That being said, Shanks doesn't necessarily need to work with the World Government to gain more depth to his character, as shown in his recent interactions with Kid and Bartolomeo, and with how fun his character already was, Shanks having an evil twin One piece wouldn't automatically prevent him from having further development in the final saga. Whatever the case, Shanks, one way or another, is about to get a lot of attention One pieceand whatever is done with it will be great to see.