Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Finale.During The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon At the end of season 2, the protagonist has visions of a soldier, creating a mystery about who this figure is and why he is important. The season 2 finale was full of big moments, as the central characters managed to stop L'Union and Pouvoir before embarking on a journey to England, establishing Daryl Dixon season 3. While defeating the series' main antagonists may seem like the trickiest part of Daryl and Carol's journey, their trip to England was just as dramatic, with the tunnel between France and the United Kingdom presenting some unexpected surprises.
Daryl and Carol traveled alongside Codron and a Scottish couple that Fallou vouched for, meaning they had a solid group to accompany them. While Codron Undead The redemption arc gained the trust of the protagonists, not much was known about Angus and Fiona, but the group seemed to get along well until they came across a checkpoint with deceased guards. Despite some skepticism, the group continued through the tunnel before all hell broke loose and the survivors began hallucinating. While the other characters saw visions of loved ones, Daryl unexpectedly hallucinated a soldier who happened to have a discreetly important role.
Daryl Dixon sees his grandfather in the season 2 finale
Daryl's tunnel hallucination causes visions of his grandfather
With the tunnel causing the characters to hallucinate, Daryl has to fight Codron, who thinks the protagonist is responsible for killing his brother during his delirious state. After escaping, Daryl returns to the checkpoint to find gas masks, but is quickly betrayed by the Scottish couple who tackle him to the ground. The protagonist's own hallucinations cause him to see Isabelle before looking to the side and seeing a soldier. While his inclusion may seem random at first, the soldier actually represents Daryl's grandfather, who died in France during World War II.
Given Isabelle's Undead death still haunts Daryl, it makes sense why he sees it; however, seeing visions of his grandfather was a surprise during the finale. Although unexpected, the moment involved some carefully planned preparations, such as Daryl visited his grandfather's grave during the Season 1 finale, which was a big part of his decision to remain in France. It's clear that this hallucination had a personal connection - just like Isabelle - and the protagonist seeing his grandfather motivated him to stand up and fight, making the vision a symbol of his time in France.
How Daryl's grandfather connects to his own mission in France
The protagonist who remains in France and fights is related to his grandfather's involvement in World War II
Daryl's grandfather's role in the war seems to directly reflect much of the protagonist's French journey, with the hallucination at the end acting as a change of path. When he arrived in France, Daryl didn't seem very interested in helping the Syndicate in their mission. and simply wanted to focus on his own goal of returning home. However, Isabelle pointed out that Daryl's grandfather might have had a similar attitude during World War II, but he risked his life fighting for a greater good, resulting in both men making sacrifices in France for something much greater than themselves.
Just as his grandfather helped save Europe from the Nazis, Daryl helped save Laurent and some of the French resistance from the Union and Pouvoir.
Just as his grandfather helped save Europe from the Nazis, Daryl helped save Laurent and some of the French resistance from the Union and Pouvoir. Although Pouvoir is still the dominant force in France, Daryl's fight is over and his grandfather's vision confirms this, when he sees the soldier, Isabelle tells him "You won't die here, not like him." This moment seems to represent Daryl preventing history from repeating itself by walking away with his life, and Isabelle giving him her blessing to move on means he might have a happier ending than his grandfather.
What Daryl's final conversation with Isabelle means for his Walking Dead future
Isabelle's speech means Daryl will be more determined than ever to return home
While his grandfather's vision is important, Daryl's final conversation with Isabelle is much more crucial. His cameo at the end not only inspires Daryl to keep fighting, but also keeps him somewhat optimistic about the future despite the loss he has suffered. Perhaps Isabelle's most important line in episode 6 is when she says: “Remember when we met, what I told you? Bet on hope." This comeback apparently resonates with Daryl and allows him to pull himself together, giving him enough incentive to rise up and kill the couple who betrayed him.
Despite the brutal nature of his actions, Daryl murdering Angus and Fiona was a do-or-die situation, and it gives him a chance at a future. He still has Laurent to return home, and with many allies in America, hope is key. Isabelle's final conversation could also be a subtle nod to Rick's return. Even though Rick has been gone for years, Daryl never gave up on finding his longtime friend and that seems to be part of the reason he left the Commonwealth, which means banking on hope could be key.
If Daryl and Carol eventually make it home, Rick will likely be there after the events of Those who livemaking this exciting reunion possible. The protagonist has been a little more open and optimistic than usual throughout Daryl Dixonbut Isabelle's speech could inspire Daryl to move forward, even during his darkest momentscreating an exciting path ahead for the character in Undead.