The new ultimate Hawkeye is introduced, and they are wildly different from Clint Barton or Kate Bishop. Charli Ramsey is a Native American character who took Barton's gear after he threw it away; Ramsey saw a holographic message from Stark that was intended for Clint Barton, and decided to take up the mantle instead, using Barton's gear to fight the Roxon Corporation for consolidating their land.
The Ultimates #5 - written by Deniz Camp, and illustrated by Juan Frigeri - is the first appearance of Charli, who initially has a tense stand-off with Captain America, after Tony Stark, not wanting more of his technology to cause more deaths, sends. Steve Rogers to confront the new Hawkeye and take the trend back with force if he needs to.
While Captain America initially fights Charlie, in the end, the pair work together to defeat Roxon's forces, before Captain America welcomes them to the Ultimates.
Ultimate Hawkeye is a wildly different take on the character - and that's what makes them great
The Ultimates #5 - Written by Deniz Camp; Art by Juan Frigeri; Color by Federico Blee; Lettering by Travis Lanham
Like their predecessors in the role of Hawkeye, Charlie has no superpowers. Their arrows, however, are the product of a quiver designed by Tony Stark, which is a self-propelled projectile weapons system. Charlie is able to use the system to create a variety of trick arrows, such as repulsor arrows, sonic blast arrows, and inertia-cancelling arrows, among others. However, the quiver cannot produce infinite arrows, as the weapons system still needs material to print to make arrows. In addition, Charlie's mask includes a built-in magnification system for better aim and to see further away.
Just like with Miles Morales before them, Charli has the potential to be the breakout star of this new one Last Universe.
What is particularly exciting about Charli Ramsey is the way of creator Deniz Camp Used the flexibility of the Last Wonder concept to introduce an entirely new character to Marvel Comics, under the guise of an unfamiliar variation on a classic hero. Just like with Miles Morales before them, Charli has the potential to be the breakout star of this new one Last Universe - and may perhaps become more than the next Hawkeye, but the definitive Hawkeye, in the same way Miles has become as synonymous with Spider-Man as Peter Parker.
Captain America and Hawkeye's connection transcends universes
The Ultimates get their last ally
While Charlie Ramsey departs from Clint Barton's traditional personality, a classic hockey element that remains consistent in Ultimates #5 is the friendship and camaraderie between Captain America and Hawkeye. When Clint Barton first joined the Avengers in Marvel's main continuity, he struggled under Cap's leadership and seemed quick to bury Steve. However, Captain America's unyielding faith in Clint gave way to an incredibly strong friendship between the pair. Denis Lager brings the same spirit of the alliance The Ultimates By Captain America vouch for Charlie's inclusion in the fledgling super team.
Charli Ramsey's character continues the trend of these Ultimate Universe Being a place for reinventions of classic characters While still retaining a core aspect of their Earth-616 counterparts. Charlie had a different upbringing than Clint, and growing up as a Native American means that Charlie will have a different view of the world than Clint would have. At the same time, the idea of Hawkeye and Captain America being close friends creates the framework for Charlie to join the Ultimates. The new one Hawkeye is both a welcome addition to the Ultimates and the Ultimate Universe.
The Ultimates #5 is available now from Marvel Comics.