Although Mara Jade is not currently a part of Star Wars Canon, she remains a fascinating character in the franchise - but who is she really? When Disney bought Star WarsMany books, characters and story arcs were removed from the canon and relegated to legends (often controversial). Disney then streamlined the franchise into Star Wars Canon movies and TV shows, creating the canon Star Wars Timeline.
While Disney's acquisition led to some of Star Wars Best TV Shows, From Andr to The MandalorianThis has meant a few disappointing changes. One such change was the removal of Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker's Legends wife and a powerful Force user in her own right, from the canon. however, Legends revealed a significant amount of information about Mara JadeWhich could have interesting implications for Star Wars Moving forward.
Mara Jade is originally the Emperor's Hand
Initially, Mara Jade was working on the side of the Empire. actually, Mara Jade was one of the Emperor's handsSecret agents and assassins who themselves served Emperor Palpatine. As Mara Jade explains to Luke Skywalker in Legends, the Emperor's hands can also hear Palpatine's voice from anywhere in the galaxy - an incredible Force feat.
Mara Jade is also incredibly powerful in the Force, and she was taken as a young child by her parents to be trained by Palpatine in the ways of the Force. However, Mara Jade's story changed trajectory significantly after the death of Emperor Palpatine. Specifically, Mara Jade became essential to Luke Skywalker's Legends story in a way that clearly distinguishes his Legends arc from Disney's. Star Wars Plot in the sequel trilogy.
Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker fell in love
In Legends, when Emperor Palpatine was killed by Darth Vader and, by extension, Luke Skywalker, His last command to Mara Jade was to kill Luke Skywalker. As one of the Emperor's hands, Mara Jade was unfailingly loyal to Palpatine and would have carried out his final command either way. However, Mara Jade was particularly filled with hatred for Luke Skywalker, as she blamed him for the death of her master.
Mara Jade was particularly filled with hatred for Luke Skywalker, as she blamed him for the death of her master.
In Mara Jade's pursuit of Luke, however, things certainly didn't go according to plan. Rather, after being forced to work alongside Luke, Mara Jade developed feelings for Luke, and Luke reciprocated. Shockingly, it ended with Luke and Mara Jade getting married and having a son, Ben Skywalker. In addition to this, Mara Jade finally turned to the light side of the Force, joined Luke's Jedi Temple, and eventually became a Jedi Master alongside Luke.
Why isn't Mara Jade in Star Wars canon?
sad, Mara Jade was removed from Star Wars Canon after Disney's acquisition of the franchise. Before the sequel trilogy, however, audiences remained hopeful that Mara Jade would be canonized again. In fact, many thought that the stone Luke Skywalker stood alive at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a tombstone, perhaps signaling that he married Mara Jade in the canon timeline but she died. Arguably, this would have been a much more compelling reason for Luke to exile himself, but the sequels opted for a different story.
Instead, the Star Wars Sequel trilogy perpetuated the Jedi rule against attachments from the prequel trilogy.
Instead, the Star Wars The sequel trilogy perpetuated the Jedi rule against attachments from the prequel trilogy, and Luke has neither a wife nor a child. In fact, his legend son, Ben Skywalker, seemed to be adapted from Leia Organa and Han Solo's son, Ben Solo (although this also meant that their legend children, Jacen, Jaina and Anakin, were removed from the canon). This undoubtedly contributed to the decision not to include Mara Jade in the sequel trilogy, as she would have undermined Luke's commitment to the Jedi rule.
But, never say never in Star Wars. apparently, The franchise may yet bring Mara Jade back into the canon With current projects set in the New Republic era. After all, little is known even now about Luke's Jedi Temple before Ben's destruction of it. On screen, Luke's Temple is really only seen in The Book of Boba FettAnd Gragu was the only student at the time - and he didn't stay.
Despite this opportunity, it seems quite unlikely that Star Wars Will reverse the decision to exclude Mara Jade. At this point, it would be a massive recon, as it would mean changing Luke's dedication to upholding the Jedi rule against attachments. Moreover, this would undermine The Book of Boba FettHow Grogu left in part because Luke insisted that he would choose between Dean Jirin and becoming a Jedi, and Rey actress Daisy Ridley indicated that Rey's Jedi Order would also implement this rule. Sadly, it seems Mara Jade Will stay in Star Wars Just legends.