Who is Jude Law’s “Jedi”? The New Star Wars TV Show Wastes No Time In Revealing The Truth

Who is Jude Law’s “Jedi”? The New Star Wars TV Show Wastes No Time In Revealing The Truth

Notice! This article contains spoilers for Skeleton Crew episode 3.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Episode 3 quickly gets to the point of explaining who Jude Law's “Jedi” character really is, without wasting time on major revelations regarding canon and legends. Skeleton Crew The end of episode 2 focused entirely on Law's introduction to the show, which certainly makes sense given his status as a well-known Hollywood star. With the rest Skeleton CrewWith the cast made up of younger actors, Law has always been seen as the main attraction of the most recent films. Star Wars TV program.

Law's character was introduced as a prisoner of Skeleton Crewof the pirate empire of Port Borgo, offering to join Wim, Neel, KB and Fern to escape using their "Jedi" powers. While this reveal is positioned as a big moment due to the introduction of a potential new Order 66 survivor in Star Warsmany were skeptical about whether Law's character was really as he suggested. It turns out that Skeleton Crew Episode 3 quickly delivers more major revelations about his character, from his true identity in canon to how that extends to Star Wars Legends.

Jude Law is actually a pirate captain named Crimson Jack

The pirate of legends comes to life

In light of many theories that Law was Skeleton CrewThe pirate captain, Silvo, Skeleton Crew the first big reveal of episode 3 confirmed exactly that. After escaping from prison with Wim, Neel, Fern and KB in tow, a pirate guard alerts his crew that Captain Silvo has escaped. This contrasts with his given name, Jod Na Nawood, and seemingly ended theories about who Law's character was almost as quickly as they started, but Skeleton Crew episode 3 brings another surprise about his true identity: Crimson Jack.

This reveal comes courtesy of a new character introduced in Skeleton Crew episode 3 and one of Crimson Jack's former allies. Going by the name Kh'ymm, this owl creature is something of an expert on ancient relics and is contacted by Jack to help find Skeleton CrewIt's in Attin. Upon finding Kh'ymm's base located on a desolate moon, she quickly refers to the man by various names as Crimson Jack. While it may seem like a simply pirated nickname for Silvo/Jod, it actually provides Skeleton Crew with a great connection to a deep character from Star Wars Legends.

Who was Crimson Jack in Star Wars Legends?

A pirate enemy of Han Solo

Crimson Jack and Han Solo in Star Wars
Custom image by David Miller

Skeleton Crew episode 3's revelation that Law is playing Crimson Jack will only have consequences for the few who are well-versed in Star Wars Legends. Even for Star Wars standards, Crimson Jack is a somewhat obscure character from Legends. Jack's first appearance occurred Star Wars Issue 7, a comic book released in 1977 shortly after the original Star Wars arrived in theaters. Crimson Jack only appeared in a few issues beyond this one, establishing himself as a short-lived but formidable rival to Han Solo.

Negotiations to return the Star Chats turned sour, resulting in Han Solo shooting Crimson Jack in single combat...

Crimson Jack and his pirate crew operated in the era of the Galactic Civil War, going so far as to steal Han Solo's reward for rescuing Princess Leia during A New Hope. Jack hoped to trick Solo again, later capturing him and Leia in an attempt to rescue them for Star Wars Rebel Alliance. Han and Leia manage to escape and, after a brief shootout with Jack's pirates, the former reveals that he stole the pirate ship's navigation data. Negotiations to return the Star Chats turn sour, resulting in Han Solo shooting Crimson Jack in single combat.

Does Crimson Jack have the strength?

Star Wars Canon Adds More to Crimson Jack's Character

Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones and Jude Law's character in Skeleton Crew
Personalized image by Ana Nieves

Interestingly, Skeleton Crew This is not Crimson Jack's first appearance in Star Wars canon. The character appeared in a much smaller role during Star Wars'New Republic's short-term timeline Quiet legacy comic series. However, this role didn't give Crimson Jack much of a story, providing Skeleton Crew with the opportunity to properly develop his character in canon for the first time. Evidently, It looks like one of the ways the show will do this is by making Crimson Jack Force-sensitive.

None of Jack's Legends or canonical appearances suggested that he was capable of using the Force, making this a new element to Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Whether this means Crimson Jack was once a Jedi or simply a Force-sensitive pirate remains to be seen, but the answers are intriguing nonetheless. Of course, Crimson Jack could be pretending to use the Force, as Fern points out in Skeleton Crew episode 3, but the possibility that he's telling the truth adds an interesting wrinkle to a long-lost story Star Wars Character from legends.

Set in the Star Wars universe, Skeleton Crew follows four young adventurers as they become lost in the galaxy while searching for their home planet. The series chronicles her exploration and encounters with diverse worlds and characters, presenting themes of friendship, discovery and the search for belonging.

Release date

December 2, 2024


Jon Watts, Christopher Ford


Jon Watts, Daniel Kwan, David Lowery, Daniel Scheinert, Jake Schreier


Jon Watts, Christopher Ford