Agatha all along introduced actor Joe Locke to the MCU, and his character has some major connections to Wanda Maximoff’s Scarlet Witch. Revealed to be a lone member of Agatha Harkness’ new coven of witches, Locke’s character supports Agatha in her goal to restore her magical powers, traveling with her and her coven along the Witches’ Road. However, it seems he may have his own motives as well.
Initially, the show revealed that he would play a new ally of Agatha after she breaks free from the spell of Wanda Maximoff, who was on her in the MCU timeline at the end of 2021. WandaVisionAlong with the 7 witches that make up Agatha all alongs new coven. however, The show also teased that Joke Locke is most likely playing a brand new version of one of the Scarlet Witch’s children, Hiding his identity until it was officially revealed.
How Agatha all along set up Joe Locke’s Marvel character mystery
Free Agatha from Wanda’s spell
While the identity of Joe Locke’s MCU character has not been officially confirmed even after the show’s releaseIt was heavily speculated and rumored that he would play Billy Kaplan. Likewise, the official synopsis for Agatha all along Teased the mysterious nature and importance of Locke’s role in the MCU show:
In “Agatha All Along,” the infamous Agatha Harkness finds herself down and out of power after a suspicious gothic teen helps her free from a twisted spell. Her interest is piqued when he asks her to take him on the legendary Witches’ Road, a magical gauntlet of trials that, if survived, rewards a witch with what they lack. Together, Agatha and the mysterious teen form a desperate alliance and set off down, down, down the road…
The witches’ road in Agatha all along is the perfect means to restore Agatha’s magical abilities. However, the real interest was in who Locke’s character really was and why “teen” also wanted to go down the road, where his motives are yet to be revealed. Being revealed as Wanda Maximoff’s teenage son is certainly a big deal for the MCU And opens the door to some follow-up questions.
The show began to sow seeds that make it more likely “teen” was Billy even before the revelation, as the character said that his mother was dead, and was the one who broke the Scarlet Witch’s spell on Agatha, despite revealing that he didn’t have much or anything in the way of magical ability himself. Agatha could not hear Billy’s name or his past when he talked about or with her, supporting this ideaSince it suggested this information was specifically hidden from Harkness, and the character being Wanda’s son explains this.
Joe Locke is confirmed to be Wiccan in the MCU
Billy shows his power
After a long period of speculation, Agatha all along Episode 5 ending confirms that Joe Locke’s character is really WiccanOr Billy Maximoff, in the series. Before the revelation, it seemed that his character did not have much in terms of powers, because he was the familiar to Agatha and only followed with the rest of the coven. Now, not only did it reveal that he is Wiccan, and he already has powers, but that he can actively stand toe to toe with Agatha and the other witches.
This changes the dynamic of Agatha all along Moving forwardAnd frankly, the entire MCU, especially if Wiccan is able to get close to the strength of his mother, the Scarlet Witch. Joe Locke’s role as Billy has long been speculated to be the case, but even with it being revealed, it still hits hard. The rest of Agatha all along Hopefully answering more questions about his plans in the series and also Joe Locke’s future with the MCU.
Who is Billy Kaplan in Marvel Comics?
Also known as Wiccan
Years after Wanda and Vision lost their original twin sons to Mephisto in the comics, Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepard were born as the reincarnated versions of the Children of the Scarlet Witch. Their lives eventually collide as members of the Young Avengers, with Billy’s Wiccan wielding powers similar to Wanda’s as a powerful mage, and Tommy’s speed gaining super speed to mirror his uncle Pietro aka Quicksilver. More recently on the page, Billy got married to young Avenger Hulking (who is currently the Emperor of the Skrull/Kree Empire).
Although it is unknown where exactly Billy’s powers come from due to his reincarnation, it is likely that the power is still inherited due to Wanda’s status as a powerful Nexus being. Billy is also destined to become an all-powerful magical god known as the Demiurge, which may also explain the origins of his magical abilities.
The ease with which he is able to defeat the coven suggests that he may not be telling the whole truth about his potential powers.
how so It’s quite possible that Joe Locke’s MCU version of Billy Kaplan is just beginning his magical journey, perhaps even hoping to be trained by Agatha herself. The ease with which he was able to overcome the coven on the witches’ road suggests that it is also possible that the character may not be telling the whole truth about his potential powers, because – as Agatha suggests – it seems if he simply wanted magical abilities, he can hone them over time, rather than risking his roster in some dramatic fashion.
Why Tin can’t say his own name in Agatha all along
in Agatha all alongTin’s name is hidden from both Agatha and the audience because when the character says his name, magic appears to cover his mouth and prevent Agatha from hearing it. This also extends to details about Tin’s origins and history, like when he goes to tell Agatha, she realizes that she can’t hear him even as he’s speaking clearly – but that she’s still able to hear other noises.
Tin himself may not be aware that this is the case for AgathaAppears slightly confused by the distress she shows at times. The character’s reaction suggests that this is not a curse on Tin himself – as he would no doubt have realized that he could not say his name or talk about his past in a way that anyone could hear if that was the case – and Instead it is a result of something specific that has happened to Agatha herself, and is by extension prevented viewers from hearing who “teen” is.
It’s possible that some effect of Wanda’s spell had this effect, because Agatha and the coven can’t hear his name, and logistically, it would make the most sense if it was Scarlet Witch’s magic to protect her relatives. The concept seems doubly true since the reality-altering moments are most in line with Wanda’s chaos magic, and appear much in the same capacity Agatha previously experienced the delusions and warped reality that Scarlet Witch’s spell locked her in.
How Billy Maximoff fits into Agatha’s story all along
Trying to bring Wanda back from the dead?
“Tin” essentially works as Agatha’s familiarServing as the titular witch’s companion and doing everything she requires in exchange for her help traveling the Witches’ Road. However, it seems he has ulterior motives, with the end of episode 5 showing that he is more powerful than the coven realized. There is still so much to be revealed. The mystery of why others cannot hear his name and also why he is much older than In WandaVision is still up in the air.
How Billy Maximoff is alive in the MCU
Reincarnation (just like in the comics)
Much like in the original comics, the full story of Wanda Maximoff’s children in the MCU is a bit confusing. He was born as manifestations of Wanda’s powers in the Hex in 2021 WandaVision, Billy and Tommy Maximoff were born to Wanda and Vision from the Scarlet Witch’s own chaos magic (the same is true on this page). After realizing that the witch is a figment of her own imagination and powers – and that other people are being harmed by her forced control over them – Wanda ends the witch, losing her children and vision in the process.
Wanda then tries to co-opt versions of her boyfriends from another reality (Earth-838) as seen in 2022 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessBeing corrupted by the Darkhold. Wanda eventually realizes the error of her misguided desires before sacrificing herself to destroy all copies of the Darkhold.
now, The MCU may continue to mirror its comic book origins by introducing Joe Locke as Billy Kaplan, the reincarnated soul of Billy Maximoff With the revelation that Wanda’s original sons were created with previous souls that were lost. It is officially revealed that Joe Locke is playing Wiccan, but how he is alive and where he came from remains a mystery. The latest mid-season trailer for Agatha all along Agatha called him Billy Maximoff instead of Billy Kaplan, raising even more questions.