Who is Genet? Daryl Dixon's Walking Dead spinoff villain explained

Who is Genet? Daryl Dixon's Walking Dead spinoff villain explained

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol Episode 1.

Genet made a huge impression during the first season of The Walking Dead: Daryl DixonAnd with the villain making her return in season 2, the spinoff has already provided tremendous insight into her motivations and personality. The franchise's move to France introduced a host of new characters, locations and groups, but Pouvoir Du Vivant is perhaps the most menacing addition to the zombie series. Led by Genet, the faction caused many problems in season 1, and during Daryl Dixons villains may feel similar to The Walking Deads other antagonists over the years, Povoir has several defining traits.

Along with a pretty clear vision for the future, the group also has some unique methods that make them stand out. As a result, their leader was destined to play a major role in the French-based spinoff, and With Genet back for season 2, she could become one of the franchise's most impactful villains yet. Her ruthless nature adds a sense of danger that makes Daryl Dixon So great walking dead spinoff, and it looks like she's only going to get more deadly throughout Season 2, which makes now the perfect time to explore Genet's history and her future goals.

What The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon revealed about Genet's background

Daryl Dixon has only offered a small insight into Genet's past

Genet's custom image of Daryl Dixon in front of a CRM helicopter from The Walking Dead

Although most of Genet's history is considered unknown, Daryl Dixon provided a little insight into her past. The most notable bit of information the show provides about Marion Genet's backstory is that she used to work as a janitor at the LouvreWhat she claims helped her to understand which eyes were telling the truth and which were lying. In addition, the spinoff also indicated that Genet's father was a fisherman who captained a small boat, perhaps offering an explanation for why she uses ships to go back and forth to America to capture walkers for her experiments.

Sometime after the outbreak, Genet managed to become the leader of Pouvoir, with her personality seemingly changing after losing her husband when the apocalypse first began.

Sometime after the outbreak, Genet managed to become the leader of Pouvoir, with her personality seemingly changing after losing her husband when the apocalypse first began. While The Walking Dead Did not suggest that Genet has a military background, a cut detail teased Daryl Dixons villain has a link to the CRM, but this has never been confirmed. The antagonist's design against the elite further confirms her working-class background and she appears to be anti-religious based on her speeches, but large parts of her story remain unknown, making her traumatic past the only known motivator of Genet.

How Genet's Pouvoir villain group began

The rise of Genet & Puvoir stemmed from her time working at the Louvre

Carroll's arrival in France during Daryl Dixon Season 2 helped unveil more about how Pouvoir came together, as she interacted with Genet in episode 3. The episode's flashback scene highlighted Genet's unrewarding work at the Louvre, how she was mistreated by those in a position of power. Her experience was not unique, however, as the entire janitorial staff planned a strike that never happened due to the outbreak. However, this organized walk-out seemed to plant the seeds of Pouvoir's entire mission, as Genet's desire for fair treatment can be seen in her faction, even if her implementation is not perfect.

Losing her husband because the police wouldn't let her leave the art museum, Genet's hatred of traditional authority seemed to peak here, which was the last straw that led to her creation of pouvoir. Genet's second-in-command was also a janitor at the Laure And someone she was seemingly close to, proving that rewarding loyalty is at the heart of the group's foundations. Although it is still unclear exactly how Genet became the leader of the group and managed to create such a well-drilled, combat-effective organization, her story in the Louvre facing unfair treatment seems to be the beginning of Pouvoir.

Genet & Pouvoir Du Vivant control most of France in The Walking Dead

Genet & her Group are the most powerful faction in France

The timeline of the rise of Genet and Pouvoir in France remains unclear, but the fact is that they are the dominant force in the country. Although some cities may be free of Genet's control, she seems to have authority over large parts of the nation And commands a huge amount of respect. A key part of Genet's plan in Daryl Dixon involves loyal followers, and the series has shown several times how many people are dedicated to its message. Along with many soldiers, many civilians came to watch Daryl and Quinn fight for their lives and actively cheered against them.

Considering the likes of L'Union and École Maternelle Simone Veil act as a resistance to Pouvoir's rule, it is clear that this villainous group has won over the majority of France's survivors, which is why they are so intimidating. However, with Genet still actively trying to get Laurent on her side and attempting to eliminate her enemies, the opposition is still a problem for her political conquest, making the other factions great targets. Season 2 will likely expand on how far her influence goes and just how much control she has, but for now, Pouvoir is France's main group.

Genet conducts different experiments on the zombies of the Walking Dead

The villain has already used variant zombies while trying to kill Daryl

Part of what makes Genet such a good villain is that, despite her formal and authoritative nature, she has an extremely twisted side that her zombie experiments highlight. Along with trying to maintain control of France, Genet spent part of Daryl Dixon Conducting experiments on zombies, resulting in the creation of new variants. The origin of variants in The Walking Dead is confusing since they supposedly originated in France yet managed to appear in America without much explanation. However, Genet seems to have found a way to modify the behavior of regular walkers, as seen during the spinoff's first season.


After capturing Daryl and Quinn, Genet forces the duo to fight a zombie that has been injected with some sort of chemical, giving it enhancements not usually seen in normal walkers. She is also seen working directly with scientists who chained up zombies for experimentation and even seeks out walkers directly from the US. Daryl DixonThe villain knows the cause of the virus and how it can be weaponized. Genet also suggests that the elite is responsible for the outbreakAnd while this may just be propaganda, she may actually know how it all started.

Given the outbreak originated in France, it seems likely that French survivors will have a better understanding of how things started compared to people anywhere else in the world. The Walking Dead World NextThe post-credits scene also proves some French factions know who is responsible for the apocalypse, which means Genet may have this knowledge as well. Therefore, her experiments can be tied all the way back to the source of the virus, giving her extensive knowledge of how to create more powerful zombies that she can use to her advantage.

What Genet wants and why she's hunting down Laurent in Daryl Dixon's spinoff

Genet wants ultimate control over a unified France

Despite how well drilled and commanding Povoir is, Genet's main goal seems to be unified control over FranceWhich she already partially has. She wants to create a version of the country that is different from France before the outbreak, claiming to desire freedom from the elite. Her distaste for religion means she wants to create a better life for the people of France, but the hopeful message of L'Union and Laurent presents some huge obstacles to overcome. Therefore, getting Laurent on board with her mission could change things for the better as he can influence the masses.

Those who remain unconvinced by Genet's plans would be more likely to come to Pouvoir's way of life if Laurent embraced her vision. He is seen as special in the eyes of many due to his miracle birth, meaning an endorsement from Genet and Pouvoir would go a long way. Unfortunately for the antagonist, Laurent rejects her methods, with Daryl also helping protect him. His opposition denied Genet the opportunity to rule France with complete authority, making Daryl and L'Union a huge problem for her that she will continue to oppose throughout. Daryl Dixon Season 2.