Much of Dragon Age: The Veil GuardThe central conflict revolves around two mysterious figures called Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan. Presented as elven gods, the truth behind their origins and intentions is actually much more complex. Although it is explained in part by natural exposure to The Veil Guardhistory, his full background remains somewhat unclear and requires at least some background knowledge Dragon Age games to fully understand.
Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan are introduced during the first mission in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardwhen Rook, Neve, Harding and Varric try to stop Solas, himself a member of the Evanuris, from performing a ritual involving the two. They manage to stop him, but Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain are freed anywaycausing havoc across the world. With Varric out of commission, it's up to Rook to stop them - but first, they must understand exactly who these two mysterious figures are.
Who is Elgar'nan in Dragon Age Lore?
The First Elven God and the God of Vengeance
Elgar'nan is worshiped by many elves as a creator god, with dominion over the sun and vengeance. He is a member of the Evanuris, also known as the Elven pantheon, of nine gods and goddesses that also include Ghilan'nain. The Evanuris were not born gods: they are actually ancient elven wizards who ascended to demi-divinity through mastery of powerful magic.
Or at least that's how the previous one Dragon Age games have that. The Veil Guard in fact, it goes back further into the history of the Evanuris for the first time in the series, revealing, through Solas' memories, that the Evanuris were once powerful and disembodied beings of unknown origin and nature. Elgar'nan was supposedly the first to be created and was born from the union of the sun (his father) and the earth (his mother).
Many of them gained mastery over the powers of life, death, and creation, and thus he came to be worshiped among the elves as The Creators. In particular, Elgar'nan is credited with shaping the landscape of the Dales, the ancestral home of the elves, by burying the sun beneath the abyss after it had scorched the creatures of the land. There, it heated the dormant water underground, creating the sacred hot springs for which the region is known.
For this act, Elgar'nan is known as the god of vengeance and the sun. But more than that, he is known for his potent anger. His temper is so notoriously explosive that the ancient elves refused to pray to him for the dispensation of justice, instead praying to his opposite counterpart: Mythal, goddess of love, motherhood and justice.
Just as Elgar'nan was born of the sun and the earth, Mythal was born of the sea shortly after Elgar'nan defeated his father, the sun. She calmed him down and convinced him to return the sun to the sky. The two had five children, who joined the pantheonincluding Andruil, goddess of the Hunt.
Who is Ghilan'nain in Dragon Age Lore?
The Elven Goddess of Guides and Navigation
The Evanuris later built bodies for themselves using Lyrium, a volatile mineral with powerful connections to the Fade, and the first elves were born. These early elves were immortal and used their unlimited lifespans to master powerful magic. One of these elves was Ghilan'nain, who manifested a wide variety of creatures to inhabit the sea, sky, and land. As a result, Andruil offered her a place on Evanuris.
Ghilan'nain is responsible for creating the halla, horned animals used as a means of transportation. In fact, she was transformed into the first of her kind by Andruil before his ascension to godhood. As a result, She is known as the goddess of navigation and guidesand is most widely evoked by elven worshippers, especially those who are lost or wish for safe travel. Her relative benevolence, however, does not make her completely innocent.
Why Solas Sealed the Evanuris (and Why He Freed Them)
Fen'Harel's betrayal and the creation of the veil
Over time, however, a hierarchy of power emerged in elven society, with the Evanuris at the top. Solas gives a different account of the storyin which the Evanuris are directly responsible for the oppression of their people.
According to Solas, those who served as generals in an ancient war soon rose to powerful positions in the elven government and eventually became worshiped as gods. The pseudogods were constantly at war with each other, and others were often caught in the crossfire. The Evanuris enslaved other elves who did not reach the same levels of power, even marking them with Vallaslin tattoos to indicate which gods controlled them.
Solas, then known as Fen'harel, was the trickster god of the Evanuris, originally appointed by the others to eradicate the false gods in their midst. Shocked by their betrayal and violence, he decided it was up to him to do something about it. In InquisitionDLC InvaderSolas explains that the Evanuris turned against Mythal, believing that his merciful attitude was contradictory to his relentless pursuit of power. Then the rest of the Evanuris killed Mythal and Solas rebelled. Solas created the Veil and, using an unknown trick, sealed the Evanuris behind it.interrupting his influence over the mortal world.
The energy Solas expended caused him to fall into a deep sleep, where he remained until the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition. He awoke and discovered, as a result of the creation of the Veil, the elves lost their immortality and, weakened, were subject to invasion and enslavement by the rapidly growing human population.. This led to the gradual erosion of their society and culture, a tragedy for which Solas holds himself fully responsible.
[Warning: The following paragraph contains major spoilers for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.]Although Solas is initially presented as reckless and desperate, freeing Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain to destroy the world and allow the elves to remake it in their image, this is not the whole truth. In reality, Solas realizes that the Veil is falling. The Evanuris have continued to consolidate their power since being sealed and are about to break out on their own. His intention is to free them only momentarily, before restoring their mortality and killing them for good. If Rook has leveled up all of his factions and companions enough, they will join him at the end.
That's the general idea of the story behind the Evanuris and the ancient elves, but there is much more to be inferred from the dialogue and read in the codex. While this background provides a solid foundation, players are encouraged to pay attention to how elven history influences Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.