Who are Christopher and Jasper in Season 3? The tragedy of Victor's childhood explained

Who are Christopher and Jasper in Season 3? The tragedy of Victor's childhood explained

Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 4!As Victor tries to revive the forgotten memories of his childhood tragedy in of Season 3, the mystery horror show puts an important emphasis on the scary story of Christopher and Jasper. Victor first went into detail about Christopher earlier of Season 2's ending, vii Jade's obsession with the symbol reminded him of the same fixation shared by ChristopheR for his tragic turn. Now, as the city continues to see more unexpected changes in of Season 3 Victor realizes how crucial it is to remember what exactly happened to Christopher during his childhood.

in of Season 3, Episode 4 Victor brings Sara to a fort while searching through a suitcase full of objects from the town's murdered residents. He hopes that seeing their belongings will help jog his memory, but realizes that Christopher's possessions are not in there, which is the most significant of all. Victor then informs Sara that he needs to find Jasper, Christopher's old ventriloquist doll that has a supernatural twist.. So far, Victor's backstory in of has only revealed vague details about Christopher's actions and origins, but Jasper seems to be key to unlocking the whole truth.

Christopher arrived the same day as Victor and later killed the entire town

Christopher was behind the town's massacre when Victor was a child

Victor appeared in of Season 2 that Christopher arrived in the mysterious city on the same day he arrived over 40 years ago with his mother, Miranda, and sister Eloise.. Victor said that Christopher was a good man who was known for being happy and making the town laugh, which helped with community morale because it was hard to smile at the time. Christopher would even use his ventriloquist puppet, Jasper, as a way to help make the kids and other trapped members of the community laugh.

However, Victor notices that Christopher eventually begins to see a mysterious symbol, which is the same one that Jade is increasingly fixated on. of Season 2. After Christopher started seeing the symbol, he stopped making people laughAnd began to become more about presence in the city. by of In season 2, episode 8's flashbacks, it is revealed that young Victor and his sister Eloise were put in a hiding place by their mother, who begged them to stay there so that Christopher would not be able to find them.

Jade first saw a vision of this symbol in of Season 1, Episode 3 As you explore the root cellar. From has yet to discover where Christopher first began to see the symbol.

Eloise did not lose and left the place, leaving Victor alone overnight. When he woke up, Victor found the whole city massacred, vi ofs mysterious monsters have seemingly ravaged the city and brutally slaughtered all residents but Victor himself. Victor's sister and mother both died in the massacre, although he found his mother's body beyond town through the Faraway Bottle Tree gate. It is Implied that Christopher is responsible for the city being killed by the monstersAlthough how exactly he did that is what Victor needs to remember of Season 3's upcoming episodes.

Jasper is Christopher's ventriloquist puppet who is seemingly possessed

Jasper is a living doll with creepy connections to the symbol

Jasper the ventriloquist puppet sitting on a chair in from season 2

While Christopher has been dead for decades by of Season 3's current timeline, his ventriloquist puppet, Jasper, is still around. Victor realizes that Jasper is Christopher's object that he needs to find in order to remember what really happenedBut the doll is likely still in the tunnels where Victor last saw him. Additionally, it seems that finding Jasper could lead to more trouble for ofs trapped letters given the mysterious nature of the doll.

It could be Jasper who was the one who convinced Christopher to kill the whole town, doing the bidding of the evil entities in town.

in of Season 3, Episode 4's flashback, young Victor walks into a room and sees Christopher sitting on a chair across from Jasper, who is sitting untouched on a couch. however, Victor remembers seeing Jasper's mouth moving and talking without anyone touching him, suggesting Jasper may be possessed. by some spirit or evil force in of. It could be Jasper who was the one who convinced Christopher to kill the whole town, doing the bidding of the evil entities in town. Similar to ofs domestic jukeboxes send messages through songs, the town could have used Jasper to send dark manipulative messages to Christopher.

Why Victor has to find Jasper in season 3?

Jasper holds answers to Christopher's dark turn and the meaning of the symbol

Victor enters Sara's house with a suitcase in Season 3, Episode 3

Victor comes to the conclusion that Jasper can tell him exactly what happened to Christopher and why he killed the entire town all those years ago. The living evil ventriloquist doll was first introduced in of Season 2, as Jasper appeared in the tunnels Victor and Tabitha went through before later appearing in one of Jade's visions at the Colony House. This was shortly after Jade began to see the symbol, suggesting Jasper is inhabited by some entity connected to this symbol that seeks to ignite evil chaos Around town.


Therefore, not only will Jasper discover the truth about Christopher's evil turn, his reason for killing the town and his responsibility for Miranda's death, but The ventriloquist puppet can also answer exactly what the symbol is and what it means. Jasper was last seen at the end of season 2 when Jade ventured into the tunnels and saw of's mysterious "Anghkoooyi" children and the symbol in a tree's vines. Considering Jasper seemingly has some creepy connection to Jade in ofIt's possible he won't reveal the truth about Christopher until the Entity's work with Jade is done.

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