Two new playable characters are coming Genshin Impact in update 5.2 and have already been revealed ahead of the update's release later this month. Typical of the gacha game genre, new characters are the lifeblood of continued interest in Genshin Impact. Pursuing the new cast of playable characters is the main attraction of each semi-annual update and what has kept players coming back for the past four years.
Update 5.2 in particular, due for release on November 20th, introduces two new characters: the Anemo Chasca character and the Electro Ororon. Here's everything you need to know about these two new additions to Genshinthe list.
Chasca element, weapon and banner explained
Everything revealed and leaked about Chasca in Genshin 5.2
Chasca is a member of the Flor-Pena Clan, one of the six Natlan tribes, which links her closely with that Genshin region. Chasca is believed to be a five-star character according to Genshin leaks, but could be revealed as a four-star character at launch. She is known for being an Anemo character, meaning she uses wind elemental spells. in and out of battle. Anemo characters aren't the most versatile, as they only have a single elemental reaction (whirlwind), although it works with a variety of other types (Pyro, Electro, Hydro, and Cryo, to be more specific).
But Chasca has a special skill that makes her even better on a diverse team.: When she uses Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt, she can summon a gun, which she can use to fly and fire Shadowhunt projectiles at enemies. These projectiles change their elements based on the other team members: for each Cryo, Pyro, Hyrdo, or Electro character in your party, one of their projectiles will randomly convert to one of the corresponding elements, dealing the relevant damage type. .
The longer Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt is carried, the more bullets Chasca will load in her revolver. The maximum number is six.
Chasca wields a bowwhich makes her primarily a long-range fighter, able to aim her shots carefully and land critical hits when hitting the enemy's weak points. His revolver skill supports his long-range strengths. What many players have already declared as her signature weapon, Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage, helps her perform better when grouped with various elements: it grants her a 24% increase in attack whenever a Whirlwind reaction is triggered .
If there is a character of a different elemental type in your party, their charged attacks will deal 24% more damage; if there are two, they will trade 48% more. Chasca's signature weapon also increases the damage of her Elemental Burst when she is at a party with characters from other elements.
Chasca's high DPS and wide versatility make her a highly desirable character, and certainly worth betting on. It is believed that Chasca's banner will begin during the first phase of update 5.2. She will probably share this phase with the beloved character Lyney, and possibly with her new character, Ororon.
Ororon element, weapon and banner explained
Everything revealed and leaked about Ororon in Genshin 5.2
Ororon, in turn, is an Electro characterwhich means he uses lightning elemental spells. He is believed to be a four-star character to complement Chasca's five-star rating. It is likely that his flag will debut in the first phase, alongside those of Chasca and Lyney. He is a member of the Masters of the Night Wind, but is believed to be a secret collaborator with the Fatui. He was first introduced as an NPC in update 5.0, but will become a playable character with the release of 5.2.
As an Electro character, Ororon can access a wide variety of different reactions with several different elements – however, some are more useful than others. Just like Chasca, Ororon also wields a bow, although his abilities are a bit more limited.. Ororon focuses almost entirely on electrical damage, with a number of AoE abilities. These include Night's Sling, which allows him to throw a bouncing ball of electrical energy at groups of enemies, and Dark Voices Echo, which creates a decoy that draws enemy aggro while continuously dealing them.
Ororon's signature weapon is the Song of Stillnessa bow that increases your damage after healing. Just like Chasca, this and his Electro affinity make him an excellent team player, especially when combined with powerful healers or other characters with whom he can activate Elemental Reactions.
Will Chasca or Ororon be the best new character?
Chasca vs. Pros and cons of Ororon
Ultimately, it seems Chasca will be the best new character in Genshin Impact 5.2. This is not only due to his seemingly higher star rating, but also largely due to his much higher DPS. Chasca simply deals more damage, and her signature weapon can increase her output even further.
Perhaps more importantly, Chasca is an incredibly versatile characterwhich can deal multiple types of elemental damage in a single combo. With a diverse and well-built team at his side, Chasca can stand out. Her ability to swap elements makes her a valuable ally in almost any fight, capable of attacking a variety of enemy weak points as needed. She can effectively be included in any party, as she will take on the elements of her fellow characters when using Shadowhunting Projectiles.
What Ororon has going for it is a more mysterious background and a closer connection to tradition. Players interested in knowing how GenshinAs the story unfolds, it will likely find Ororon an excellent recruit. That doesn't mean it's not worth playing in another way; When used correctly, it is quite useful. As an Electro character, he can combine very well with Chasca. Still, it's probably best to prioritize pulling into Chasca first; After that, however, players can turn their attention to Ororon if they wish.
For now, that's all there is to know about Chasca and Ororon, although more details will likely be revealed during the upcoming 5.2 livestream. The two new characters are expected to debut in Genshin Impact on November 20th.