Unsolved mysteries Volume 5, Episode 4, "The Roswell UFO Incident" revisits the story it first covered in 1989. The original Unsolved mysteries Show opens with the famous and controversial incident in July 1947 when rancher Mac Brazell Discovering unexplained wreckage on the land he tended near Roswell, New Mexico. Brazel reported his finding to the nearby Roswell Army Air Field, which sent Major Jesse Macy to the site to investigate. His initial findings prompted an astonishingly upfront press release declaring “RAAF captures flying saucers," Followed two days later by a further statement disavowing the first, claiming the debris was nothing more than "A harmless high-altitude weather balloon."
It would be 30 years before Jesse Macy revealed the truth of what happened at Roswell between the two statements. In 1989, and after being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Marcel did not want to go to his grave without telling the truth. He was supported by his son, Dr. Jesse Macy Jr., who was 10 years old in 1947 but vividly remembers the event and actually handled the material his father collected in the desert. He agreed with Brazel, who also dealt with the debris that "It wasn't a weather balloon, it was something completely different."
Who Unsolved Mysteries' Major Jesse Macy Was and What He Really Found in Roswell in 1947
Jesse Macey was a high-ranking official in the RAAF
Macy Senior was no wannabe ufologist or conspiracy theorist - he was a hard-nosed military veteran who served in WW2, and played a significant role in the post-war atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll. He was a senior figure in the RAAF. He owned part of the wreckage, which consisted of metal, dust, foil and sticks, and took them home.. Sky story Tellingly, Macey Junior recalled that his father conducted his own experiments on the material, including hammering, drilling and melting, to try to establish its origin. He concluded that without question, the materials are extraterrestrial.
In Netflix's "The Roswell UFO Incident" Jesse Macy Jr. specifically recalls one item his father found - a metallic-looking bar with some form of purple-colored symbology etched into it. At his father's death, as F The Guardian, Macey Jnr discovered diaries left by former airmen containing cryptic messages about the event. After retiring from the Air Force, Macy Sr. Develops an obsession with astronomy, builds his own observatory, and Lieut Live ScienceFinally went public in 1987 with his revelations: "I knew I had never seen anything like it before, and now I don't know what it is. It was not something of this earth."
Why it took 30 years for Major Macy to tell the truth and how the government responded
Macy was sworn to secrecy by the RAF
In 1947 after Macy gathered his evidence from the Roswell site he flew on a B52 to deliver the Brigadier to Brigadier General Roger Ramey in Fort Worth, Texas. 30 years later, he revealed that Rami took the materials from him, brought him into another room for a debriefing, and When he returned to the items, they had been swapped for a piece of rising neoprene balloons. Dutifully, Major Macy had his picture taken with the new debris, and the RAAF issued their second statement that he had simply stumbled over normal weather tracking equipment.
Missy told him to keep quiet about the whole incident. Brazel and others who witnessed the events at Roswell in 1947 received official visits and unofficial threats if they spoke; people.com reports that A new narrative was devised by the government with Project Mogul, a top-secret Soviet nuclear detection program involving weather balloons.Like the real origin of the debris. in Unsolved mysteries Volume 5, episode 4, "The Roswell UFO incident" that excuse not to convince ufologists, who noted that the project did not come into effect until 1952. The argument about what really happened in Roswell in 1947 rambles on.
Sources: people.com, The Guardian, Live Science, Sky story
Originally debuted in the 1980s, Unsolved Mysteries is a documentary-style mystery television series that explores various cold cases and supernatural reports left unexplained. Using re-enactments, interviews, and presenting evidence and theories, the show attempted to explain some ofmost The show was shelved and revived several times on several different networks, with modern changes to the format to keep up with the changing television landscape.