Hogwarts Legacy used the choice of houses and the design of each common room as one of the arguments in favor of the game. This was a change from most previous Harry Potter games where the game repeated the content of the books, taking away the player's choice, since the plot required being in Gryffindor. Therefore, allowing the player to choose which house they join means that no house is marked as a canonical option.
WITH Hogwarts Legacy it is set in the past and has fewer restrictions compared to games that follow the Harry Potter character. In addition, the player begins his training in the fifth year, which is partially the need to allow the player to have a character with a blank slate. Of course, this comes with the downside of what choices are canonical, as the game is designed to give players some degree of freedom, meaning that decisions are not directly classified as canonical or not. However, there are hints as to which house choice should at least be canon.
Hufflepuff will most likely become a Canon House variant
Hufflepuff makes the most sense for this story
The biggest thing that makes Hufflepuff feel like a canon house choice is the exclusive quest it has. His the only house you can go to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacyand the entire quest line seems to have more depth compared to other houses' quests. A key area in both the books and films, Azkaban holds deep significance for the character Sirius Black, making it a beloved and famous location in the history of the wizarding world.
If you look at just this one house in this part of the game, it seems that heavily implies that Hufflepuff is the intended home for the player. It also cannot be ignored that Percival Rackham was also a Hufflepuff and could use Ancient Magic in the same way as the player character in Hogwarts Legacywhich would be nice if it were a house meant for the player too.
Ravenclaw is a strong second choice for House of Canon
Smart choice
Oddly enough, none of the player's main NPC allies are in Ravenclaw. Because of this, Ravenclaw player fills the void otherwise it is present among the main student characters. This also adds an interesting element to the story because Isidora was a Ravenclaw and joined Hogwarts late due to her ability to use Ancient Magic. As such, the player's time in Ravenclaw makes them almost a memory of who Isidora was before she went too far with her experiments and use of Ancient Magic to eliminate negative emotions.
Each of the four houses can be discussed and why any of them can be considered a canonical option. Considering the house designs, their quests, and the NPCs in each house, the order of the canonical houses from most likely to least likely is as follows: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. However, some aspects change this order, such as a dark wizard being a better fit for Slytherin than Hufflepuff. Hogwarts Legacy.