Which ghostface has the most kills in the Scream movies?

Which ghostface has the most kills in the Scream movies?

Scream There have been 13 Ghostfaces featured across the six films in the franchise, but one villain has more victims than the rest (and their kill count will be hard to beat). Although the number of murders for most ScreamThere is much debate about the antagonists as they almost always wear the iconic Ghostface costume, and it is undisputed who has the most. As for the rest of the villains, some have a clearer kill count than others.

Many agree that Ghostface's best Scream the franchise is and always will be Billy Loomis, played by Skeet Ulrich in the first film. It will always be difficult for the series to top the original, but it has certainly tried over the years. Trying to increase the kill count, produce memorable kills and introduce various plot twists, Scream the writers are constantly trying to improve upon the previous film. However, what many believe worst Scream there is a film in the franchisethe one with Ghostface having the most kills.

Roman Bridger has the highest kill count in the Scream franchise

Roman killed 9 people in the film "Scream 3"

As the only Ghostface who worked alone, Roman Bridger has killed more characters than anyone else in Scream series of films. He killed nine people in total, including Cotton Weary (Liev Schreiber) and Jennifer Jolie (Parker Posey). As in the first two films, Roman as Ghostface killed two characters during the game. Scream 3introductory part. Roman then killed seven more people, bringing his kill count to nine, which has yet to be surpassed in the franchise.

Roman Bridger's victims

Cause of death

Christine Hamilton

Stab in the back

Cotton Tired

Wound to the chest and eye

Sarah Darling

Hit in the back and thrown through a glass door.

Stephen Stone

Stabbed him in the back with a knife and hit him on the head with a saucepan.

Tom Prince

House explosion

Angelina Tyler

Stabbed in the chest

Tyson Fox

They stabbed me in the chest and threw me off the balcony.

Jennifer Jolie

Hit in the stomach and back

John Milton

Throat cut

Just because Roman has the highest kill count doesn't mean that Scream 3 has the highest number of casualties in the film series. However, this is due to the fact that Roman was the only Ghostface in the third film. In fact, Scream VI has the most deaths with 13, including three Ghostfaces and not including the fake murder of Quinn Bailey.


What other characters have a high kill count as the Phantom in the Scream movies?

Charlie Walker ranks second in kills

Charlie Walker came close to surpassing Roman's kill count just one film later. Although There is a lot of debate about which Ghostface killed which characters. Scream 4, Jill Roberts' only confirmed kills are Trevor Sheldon and Charlie. As a result, Charlie likely took care of the remaining eight victims in the fourth film.

Ghost Face

Number of kills


Roman Bridger


Scream 3

Charlie Walker


Scream 4

Mickey Altieri


Scream 2

Wayne Bailey


Scream VI

Amber Freeman


Scream (2022)

Stu Macher



Billy Loomis



Jill Roberts


Scream 4

Richie Kirsch


Scream (2022)

Ethan Landry


Scream VI

Quinn Bailey


Scream VI

Nancy Loomis


Scream 2

Jason Carver


Scream VI

Immediately following Charlie is Mickey Altieri from Scream 2. Although Mrs. Loomis was the main antagonist of the sequel, she only killed one person (Randy Meeks), while Mickey killed the other seven. Wayne Bailey's kill count is next (six), which is impressive considering that Scream VI there were three Ghostfaces. Overall, Roman has the most kills in Scream franchise, but Ghostface's next Scream 7 could beat his score.