Where to Find the Secret of the Giants Inscriptions

Where to Find the Secret of the Giants Inscriptions

During his explorations of the Vatican in Indiana Jones and the Great CircleYou'll find a semi-optional fieldwork side quest that will have you searching the city for a series of cryptic inscriptions. This is one of several fieldwork side quests in the Vatican area, which are designed to be completed alongside the main story. Fieldwork typically covers additional story that is not taken into account in the main quest or fills in some context from the main story with additional lore. "The secret of the giants" falls into this last category, helping to solve the mystery of the missing Father Crescenzo.

There are ten inscriptions to be found for "The secret of the giants", all of them spread throughout the Vatican, and many of them well hidden. While most of them can be found by simply exploring once you unlock free mode, others require you to complete some other main quests or side activities first. And of course, before completing the mission, you'll have to progress the story enough to unlock it. Here's everything you need to know about "The secret of the giants“Fieldwork issue.

How to start The Secret Of Giants mission

Meeting Father Crescenzo

Antonio holding a candle in the ruins beneath the Vatican in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

You will get the first idea of ​​"The secret of the giants"Fieldwork during the main mission"The mummy of the stolen cat," when you reach the Vatican and explore some underground ruins with Father Antonio. This is a fairly linear area - follow the path down, swim through the grotto, and use your whip to open the gate. Inside, Antonio will find the remains of the Father Crescenzo, along with his diary, which reveals an obsession with mysterious inscriptions found throughout the Vatican. You literally can't miss this stepso keep progressing the main quest until you find it.

Antonio then asks you, as part of the main quest, return to him with photos of four entries from anywhere in the city. This is technically separate from "The secret of the giants," but it is a necessary step to unlock it. Indy marks their locations according to Father Crescenzo's map and sets out to find them.

Unlocking the camera

Indy collecting camera in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

But first, you will need a camera. Antonio wants photographic proof of the inscriptions you find and says his contact at the Vatican Post Office can help. Follow the map marker to talk to Ernesto, who will offer you a camera for 379 lire. If you can't afford it, take some time to explore the Blackshirt outposts and complete other available side quests. Entering the Vatican boxing ring could also earn you some prize money. You should be able to save enough in a short time and then return to Ernesto.

And with that you are ready to go out and look for the inscriptions. Although the inscriptions are small and difficult to find, They're all scribbled on the same kinds of shield-shaped stampsSo once you find the first one, the rest should be easy to recognize. Find four of them and return to Antonio again to proceed to the next step of the main quest and unlock "The secret of the giants." You'll need to find all ten (and progress a little further in the main quest) to complete the Fieldwork quest. From now on, you can find the entries in any order you want. We'll let you know when they require you to complete a specific task first, like a quest step or finding a certain key.

How to Find All Secret of the Giants Inscriptions

Inscription nº 1: Beco dos Correios

The nearest inscription is located just around the corner, in a small alley near the Post Office. You will need to fill in "A wild discovery" to find the key to this basement area.

If you're having trouble getting the angle right, try walking around and adjusting the zoom until the two squares on the camera interface line up.

Go downstairs and go through the open door into the dark room. The inscription is on the wall to your right as you enter.

Entry #2: Belvedere Courtyard Garden

Head towards the Belvedere Courtyard from the east side and look for a gate to a smaller garden area with large hedges. Go through it (it should be unlocked) and travel to the northeast corner to find another inscription above a fountain.

Inscription #3: Belvedere Courtyard Fountain

Next, enter the main area of ​​the Belvedere Courtyard, in the center of the Vatican map. Walk around the large fountain in the center find another inscription on its north sideon the inside base of the fountain.

Inscription #4: Source of Confession

For this inscription, you will need to walk to the Confession Fountain on the west side of the map. You may also need to sneak around this area if you haven't yet found the Blackshirt uniform needed to enter the boxing ring. Climb the stairs east of the fountain to find a smaller font with a seal and inscription above it.

Entry #5: Excavation Site

There is also an inscription located at the Excavations Site, close to the Apostolic Palace. This is a large area filled with blackshirts; you can calmly explore the area and eliminate enemies or wait until you are working on "The Crazy Priest" to open a secret side entrance that will allow you to bypass most of them.

Either way, you'll have to sneak around the courtyard, avoiding the Blackshirts nearby, as you head towards the inscription in the northwest corner. Use the verticality of the area to escape attention; The Blackshirts typically patrol the upper walkway, so you can enter the excavation site for ample cover.

Entry #6: Roofs

To find this inscription, you will need to reach the upper floors of the Apostolic Palace. You can do this by exploring it naturally or by climbing the scaffolding behind the stage in the central courtyard. Once inside the room with the House of God puzzle box mystery, jump from a window to the rooftops above the south-central courtyard. Go right and use your whip to climb up to the highest roof to find the next subscription immediately on your left.

Entry #7: Behind the Stage

Go to the central courtyard of the Vatican map and look south toward the giant Mussolini flag and the half-built stage. Walk around the stage and you will find some scaffolding that you can climb onto. At the top, jump to the nearby balcony and turn right to see the next inscription nestled in a corner.

Entry #8: Sewers

To find this inscription, you will need to progress"The Crazy Priest"sidequest to the point where you unlock the sewers. From the entrance, climb up using the ledges and your whip until you reach the next inscription at the map point shown above.

Inscription #9: Hidden Alcove

Continue on the main quest until you find a path through the double wooden doors into an alcove on the road to the south. Climb the stairs to the roof, crouch and go through the hole in the fence, then rappel down to the lower area (which is full of Black Shirts). to find the penultimate inscriptionn.

Inscription #10: Courtyard of the Apostolic Library

For the final entry, you will need to start the Fieldwork quest titled "A nun in trouble", and continue until you unlock the Apostolic Library museum wing. Go to the courtyard adjacent to it. Once you gain access to this area, simply go up the stairs in the northwest corner to find the final inscription.

With all ten entries in hand, return to Antonio's office and interact with the poster next to his desk to hand over all the photos. He will give you one of the Ancient Relics that you can find in the Vatican, and you will also unlock an achievement called The Path of Junia for completing "The secret of the giants" in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.