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The Fishmonger is a side quest in Metaphor: ReFantazio this is crucial to the progress of the story of Strohl's followers. The quest requires you to locate a specific fishmonger in Grand Trad, which can be tricky if you don't know where to look. It's even more complicated because you need to have a certain level of imagination for the story to progress, but this isn't explicitly stated. This makes the mission quite complicated.
Luckily, he's hiding in plain sight, and once you find him, he'll tell you where the last person to talk to is. So the important thing is that you don't have to do anything other than find the last person. Once you can talk to the Fishmonger, the rest of the quest should be open. When you're done, you'll get a new rating on your social bond for Strohl in Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Where is he hiding?
In Metaphor: ReFantazioFinding the fishmonger for Strohl's A Noble's Legacy quest is important for unlocking his follower bond, Rank 6. The fishmonger will be found near the Grand Regalith Cathedral section of Grand Trad. If you've spoken to him but haven't had any luck, it's because there is a lesser-known prerequisite. You need to have Imagination at level 3 before he talks to you and helps you finish the quest. Therefore, it is better to read a lot of books because they increase the level of skills such as Imagination, Eloquence and Wisdom. Metaphor: ReFantazio.
He will be next to a tent with lines above his head. Get close and a cutscene will highlight it.
Once you reach the right level, you will find the fishmonger to the right of the water merchant. It's just south of the cathedral and the giant stone faces. Look for one rag man dressed in orange. Once you have the appropriate level of imagination, Metaphor: ReFantazio go trigger a scene when approaching the fishmonger. After speaking to the fishmonger, he will direct you to another merchant in the same area. Return to the giant stone faces to speak with the Capital Merchant. Once you're done, you can return to Strohl and progress his story.
What is your purpose?
The fishmonger is mainly there to take you to the Capital Merchant in Metaphor: ReFantazio and to give you more details about Strohl's heritage and lineage. He is essentially the only way to find the hidden truth about Strohl's heritage. Learning this from him helps you rank in Strohl's social bond, so it's essential to progressing Strohl's follower story. Once you have the information, he will give you a hint that will lead you to a capital traderwhich finally reveals the location of Strohl's inheritance, as seen in PerfectParadoxvideo below.
This is one of those unique characters who doesn't do much, which is why it's so hard to believe he's the one you need to talk to. There is no talking to the fishmonger until you are in this part of the social bond with Strohl and have the necessary imagination. However, once you know this is the person you need to talk to, it becomes clear why they were placed in this area of Metaphor: ReFantazioso far from the coast.
Video credit: PerfeitoParadoxo/YouTube