Where to find the best metal slime farm before the game ends

Where to find the best metal slime farm before the game ends

In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D RemakeThere is no better way to get experience for levels than by farming Metal Slimes. Seeking experience can be important when leveling characters after changing their vocations, which resets them back to level one. It can also be crucial to update new party members when recruiting new characters in Patty's Party Planning Place.

Metal Slimes have incredibly high agility, which means they have high priority to be first during combat. They are resistant to most spells and abilities except those that deal normal physical damage. They also run away quite oftenwhich can lead to frustration if the player does not know how to deal with them properly.

Multiple spawn locations

There are many places to farm Metal Slimes in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remakebut they are few and far between until you reach the end of the game. The first place the player will find Metal Slimes is in the Tower of Transcendence, but this is far from the best place to farm, as Liquid Metal Slimes do not appear. Liquid Metal Slimes give over 10x the amount of experience as normal Metal Slimes, so to maximize farming efficiency, players should focus on finding Liquid Metal Slimes.

Liquid Metal Slimes also appear in the Maw of the Necrogond and Baramos' Lair dungeons, but will appear alongside strong enemies that require the player's attention. And given that Metal Slimes often run away incredibly quickly, this hampers the player's ability to take them down quickly. To get to the best locations for growing Liquid Metal Slime, players will need to use Everbird fly to a Slime Hillwhich only spawns various types of Slime enemies.

Fly Everbird to Slime Hills

Dragon Quest 3 flying to Slime Hill

The best place to find Liquid Metal Slimes is near the Tower of Transcendence. Take off in the Everbird and fly northwest until you pass through the mountains into the dense forest region. Slime Hill is just north of the mountains and can only be accessed through the Everbird, so land on it and disembark. Then run around the hill and wait for battle encounters with Liquid Metal Slimes.

I recommend running away from any battle that doesn't have Metal Slime or Liquid Metal Slime enemies.

There is also another Slime Hill on the west side of the Aliahan continent. which can only be accessed through Everbird. Start outside the Dreamer's Tower and fly northwest to the rocky region of the island. The plateau with a secret area is the other Slime Hill. This secret area also contains a Mini Medal, a pair of Elevation Shoes, and an Elysian Bird Monster to recruit.

Critical Hits and OHKO Moves

Dragon Quest 3 Puff! Spell against metallic slime

As Liquid Metal Slimes and Metal Slimes have incredibly high agility and flee very quickly during a battle, eliminating them efficiently requires speed and precision. Some vocations receive attacks that are one-hit knockout moves and some can grant critical hits, which will instantly defeat Liquid Metal Slimes and Metal Slimes. Some weapons with unique effects, such as the demonic spearcan kill enemies instantly. The Puff! The Mage and Sage vocation spell takes one turn to deal its damage, but will instantly kill any Metal Slimes that didn't flee in the second turn.

Suggested attacks for farming metal slimes



  • Pressure Point Capability

  • Demon Spear Item



Monster Wrangler

  • Mist Me Skill

  • Demon Spear Item

Martial Artist

The Accelerate Spell can be used to increase the party's Agility to possibly surpass Metal Slimes on the second turn, granting more experience by having characters with OHKO moves act first. I've had the most success giving my Sage the Meteorite Bracer so he can immediately speed up the party, which often gives my Martial Artist enough agility to get a Critical Claim before any Metal Slimes have fled. I also changed my vocation from martial artist to Monster Wrangler, which means they can buff themselves with Wild Side to use Critical Claim twice in one turn.

Some party compositions will have more trouble farming Metal Slimes than others, but most players should have the necessary vocations to level up efficiently. Farming Metal Slimes is the perfect way to get around the disadvantage of changing a character's vocation, as they can reach the level they were before in a short amount of time. As such, I recommend not hesitating to change Vocations, as players can always find Metal Slimes in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.