The Road renegades Update to Rust Added motorbike and bicycle vehicles you can find in different monuments on your map. These modes of transportation are cheaper and easier to operate than cars or other vehicles normally found scattered around the world. With low fuel costs, grabbing a bike can be an easy way to reach important locations without running out of resources.
Whether you are on a multiplayer server or playing Rust Solo, a bicycle or motorbike is great for getting past enemies. Bicycles are silent, allowing you to pass enemy creatures unnoticed at twice the speed it would take you to move on foot. Motorbikes make more sound, but they move much faster to get you out of tight spots.
Every bicycle and motorbike place
Look next to different types of monuments
Motorbikes and bicycles Spawn near monument landmarks on your mapwith Bicycles appear near low-level monuments And Motorbikes show up next to high-ranking monuments. Many of the vehicles you find cannot be used until you repair or refuel them. For example, it takes 62 Metal Fragment materials to repair a motorbike you find in the world before you can use it properly.
When you find a bicycle or motorbike, it is best to Mark its location on your map So you can come back later with the resources to fix it. You will also need a hammer to begin any type of repairs.
There are 11 known spawn points Where bicycles or motorbikes have the highest chance of spawning in your Rust Server. These locations may not always be exactly next to monuments, but they are likely close to the origin of the locations. Here are all the places from which you have the opportunity to get a motorbike or bicycle:
Monument |
Where to find |
Abandoned supermarket |
Near the payphone outside the entrance to the supermarket. |
Airport |
Inside hangars 1, 2 and 3 within the confines of the airfield's interior. |
Dome |
Right between two of the larger silos, close to the base of the monument. |
Junkyard |
Next to the pile of insured cars, where you can see the barbed wire around. |
Big Rad Town |
Off to the side where one of the buildings in the city has collapsed. You should find a vehicle parked next to a pile of rubble. |
Monument |
Where to find |
Mining Outpost |
Inside a domed hanger, right before the big forklift in the area. |
Oxum's gas station |
Near the door leading to the garage outside. The vehicle should be close to the station's recycling area. |
Roads |
Randomly along any part of a main road. Only bicycles and tricycles spawn in the monument locationSo don't expect to see any motorbikes in these spots. |
Satellite dish |
Along the room that requires you to have a green card to enter it. The vehicle is, thankfully, outside the building. |
Train yard |
Close to the open garage door, right before the building where you need a key card to open it. |
Water Treatment Plant |
Either on the ground floor of the building, outside the fuse room, or inside the fuse room where a garage door can be opened with a nearby wheel. |
How to use bicycles and motorbikes
Repair different variants with specific parts
In any of these locations, you may Find a bike, trike, motorbike or sidecar motorbike vehicleAll of which have different repair needs. Each of the vehicles also has its stats that define how they handle and how fast they can go when you operate them. In the case of motorbikes, its stats also determine how much fuel it consumes compared to cars that already exist Rust.
Vehicle |
Top speed |
Handling |
Repair costs |
Fuel costs |
# of seats |
Bicycle |
55 km/h |
Good |
25 metal fragments |
N/A |
1 |
Tricycle |
55 km/h |
Poor |
35 metal fragments |
N/A |
2 |
Motorbike |
80 km/h |
Excellent |
50 metal fragments |
7.3Lg/m |
1 |
Sidecar motorbike |
80 km/h |
Good |
62 metal fragments |
7.3Lg/m |
2 |
Get enough fuel and metal fragments in Rust To repair the vehicles is the hardest part about their use. Similar to cars, Motorbike variants use low-grade fuel to run, but only after you fix them with your hammer. When you have the required materials, simply hit the broken bicycle or motorbike with your hammer while the resources are in your inventory to spend them automatically on the repairs of the vehicle.
Anyone who rides in one of these vehicles has extra speed and some small damage reduction from enemy attacks. Managing to find and repair a bicycle or motorbike in Rust Is much easier than a car or helicopter, giving you a way to get a faster vehicle for transport without the risk of repairing other vehicles in the game.