FortniteThe latest season is all about Marvel, blending the popular shooter with superheroes and supervillains. It's not the first time Fortnite has introduced superhero characters, and it probably won't be the last. However, for this season, fans can look forward to a new battle pass, lots of new (and old) skins and items, and the chance to meet some famous (and infamous) NPCs.
As of these Fortnighters Update, one NPC you can meet is Mephisto, a supervillain from the Marvel Universe. Fans of the Marvel universe will recognize Mephisto from the Silver Surfer comics and as an enemy of characters like Thor, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man. Now, Mephisto has made his way to Fortnite Marvel collaboration, and fans are wondering where to meet the infamous supervillain and what purpose he serves.
Mephisto's place in Fortnite
Go to the underworld to find the demon
You are looking to meet the demon, Mephisto, in the special Fortnighters event? The current King of the Underworld is not too hard to find, but it can be difficult to meet him as many other players will be fighting for the opportunity. However, if you are willing to go against other players to meet the demon, you will need to go to Fortnite Underworld. You can do so after immediately jumping from Fortnites battle bus, or you can make your way to the underworld later in the game, as long as the storm circuit allows.
either way, Go to the west side of the underworldAnd you'll find a statue-filled hallway that leads to Mephisto's throne. Enter the throne room, and you'll find Mephisto sitting on his throne. If you have trouble finding him, check your mini map and Go to the sign dialog box.
Be careful; Players are sure to lurk around every corner, waiting to ambush you. Before approaching Mephisto enter FortniteIt might be a good idea to Check out the surrounding areas and delete any players that may be lying in wait. Once you've dealt with the campers, approach Mephisto and interact with him to see what he has to offer.
How to use Mephisto's services
Offer your health and get rewarded
Mephisto isn't just another pretty face to look at FortniteAnd he's not there to stand around for fans to look at, like in the Deadpool and Wolverine dance. Mephisto does serve a purpose. Of course, his goal comes with a price, but it may be worth it How it can turn your whole game around.
As shown in SinX6s video, Mephisto offers two services. The first is called Mephisto's gift. In ExHang for 20 wellMephisto Give her a random weapon. There is no telling what you will end up with. You may end up with a legendary or common weapon. For only 20 health, it might be worth the gamble. If you are not lucky the first time, don't worry. You can use this service up to ten times per match.
Make sure you have some extra health items on you so you can restore the health you trade off for Mephisto's services.
The second service is Mephisto's Bargain, which comes with a higher price. Offer Mephisto 99 health, and he will Reboot your entire team And bring them back into the match. Of course, this will only work if one of your teammates is eliminated. This is extremely useful in squads. Imagine that your entire team is eliminated, and you are the only survivor. That is until you make the deal with Mephisto. Unlike Mephisto's Poison, you can only use Mephisto's Bargain once per match, so use it wisely.
Reboot Vans take a long time to reboot your teammates. If you're in a pickle, use Mephisto's Bargain instead.
Whether you want to trade the chance to get a legendary weapon or you want to reboot your entire team back into the game, Mephisto's services in Fortnite Could be the key to claiming your victory royale. All you have to do is to deal with your health, which you can quickly recover with the right health items. So, if the underworld lands in the Storm Circle and you can get there safely, use Mephisto's services to improve your chances of winning.
Video credit: SinX6/YouTube