Where the nine rings for people are during the Lord of the Rings

Where the nine rings for people are during the Lord of the Rings

The rings of power In season 2, Sauron manipulates Celebrimbor to make nine rings for men, and viewers may be wondering where they are during The Lord of the Rings. Apart from the one ring, there are a total of 19 rings of power - although few of them actually appear in it The Lord of the Rings. Galadriel and Elrond each possess one of the three, but the Seven Rings of the Dwarves are mostly gone before Frodo's story unfolds. And while The nine still exist in the third age, They are not visible throughout his main story.

This may leave fans wondering where the rings for men are, and JRR Tolkien's books provide a somewhat confusing answer. The Rings of Power were used by Sauron to corrupt the people they were given to, all of them becoming Ringwraiths, or Nazgûl, through time. The Fellowship of the Ring Begins. The Nazgûl do Sauron's bidding, but it is unclear whether they continue to hold the Nine in the Third Age. At some point, it seems that Sauron possesses them instead.

The nine rings are either with the Ringwraiths or with Sauron during The Lord of the Rings

JRR Tolkien makes both claims

The nine rings of power for men are either with Sauron or the Ringwraiths During The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's writings focus more heavily on the former, with The Fellowship of the Ring And Unfinished Tales Stating several times that Sauron collected the nine sometime in the Third Age (by Tolkien Gateway). This indicates that they are in his possession during the lord of the rings Although it's hard to say for sure. like LOTR Does not follow Sauron as closely as the rings of power, We never actually see him depicted with the rings; We are only told he has them.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether Sauron or the Nazgul hold the Nine, because Sauron has control over the Ringwraiths during The Lord of the Rings.

And Gandalf makes a statement that contradicts this during the Council of Elrond in The Fellowship of the Ring. He says, "The nine the Nazgul hold,"Which suggests that the Nazgul still had their rings of power at some point during the Third Age. It's possible that Sauron retrieved them later, rendering both statements true. But ultimately, it doesn't matter whether Sauron or the Nazgul hold the nine, As Sauron had control over the Ringwraiths during The Lord of the Rings.

What happens to the nine rings after Sauron's defeat in Return of the King?

They are either destroyed or powerless

Sauron vs. Isildur in the Fellowship of the Ring

It is not entirely clear what happens to the nine after Frodo destroys the One Ring The return of the king. however, We can probably assume they are destroyed - or that they no longer work. The three remain, but they lose their power after the One Ring is destroyed. Of course, the Seven and the Nine are more closely linked to Sauron, so they could have perished with him. The Nazgûl also die after Sauron's defeat, so it's not hard to believe their rings of power met similar fates. Even if they don't, they are likely powerless still The Lord of the Rings.

Source: Tolkien Gateway