Netflix The Alien Abduction of Manhattan revisits the alleged alien abduction of Linda Napolitano in 1989 on the 12th floor of her Manhattan apartment. At around 3 a.m. on November 30 of that year, she insists that three gray-colored bipedal aliens removed her from her room using a stream of blue light that paralyzed her before lifting her into the sky and into an orange spacecraft. -reddish, which then swerved. towards the Brooklyn Bridge. Once aboard their ship, these otherworldly beings, Napolitano claims, performed a series of unspecified experiments on the housewife, inserting a metallic device into her nose, before returning her to her home in New York.
She described the aliens as having purple eyes; they were supposedly able to communicate with her telepathically - telling her in some strange language to be still - before she was left unable to move as the blue beam lifted her into the night sky and onto the ship. In The Alien Abduction of Manhattan, one of several documentaries about UFOs, andhe remembered an exam room where a metal device was inserted into his noseand then woke up in Manhattan in bed next to her husband, as if nothing had happened. According to her, her first thought was that she had dreamed the entire episode, until she noticed a lump on her nose.
Linda Napolitano sued Netflix for kidnapping aliens in Manhattan
Napolitano says the film doesn't do it justice
The story generated some headlines in the early 1990s, but gained momentum with the publication of UFO investigator Budd Hopkins' book Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Kidnapping, in 1997. Hopkins' book drew significant skepticism about Napolitano's claims, but the author reported that he interviewed more than 20 witnesses to the event, which gave the story some credibility. Despite this, Netflix The Alien Abduction of Manhattan The docuseries firmly suggests that Napolitano's story is entirely fanciful, which angered the alleged abductee so much that she took the matter to court.
According to ForbesNapolitano sued the streamer in New York Supreme Court, claiming The Alien Abduction of Manhattan is defamatory because it portrays her in an unflattering light and, she claims, steals Budd Hopkins' work. She is accompanied in the process by the author's estate and asks a judge for compensation for damages and suspension of the film's release. Included in the lawsuit are Netflix, Top Hat Productions, several producers and Carol Rainey, Hopkins' ex-wife, who appears in the series alleging that Napolitano was "pulling the wool over Budd's eyes”When researching the book.
More than 30 years later, Linda Napolitano still stands by her alien abduction story
She insists that witnesses prove she is telling the truth
In the process, Napolitano contests that the show configures her as "a villain for the purposes of controversy and conflict," and "defames your personality and character,"and go"destroy your reputation as an honest and decent person.” Now at 77, Linda Napolitano still lives in New York and remains firm in her storydespite the content The Alien Abduction of Manhattan and the evidence provided by Carol Rainey and others who describe her abduction as, at best, hallucinatory.
“If I were hallucinating”, she said Vanity Fair in 2013, “then the witnesses saw my hallucination. This seems crazier than the whole abduction phenomenon." The Alien Abduction of Manhattan is Netflix's attempt to separate fact from fantasy and tell Napolitano's story objectively and in light of all the evidence. Like almost all alien abduction narratives, Napolitano's extraordinary claims cannot be proven based on the available evidence and will likely remain so. Even though Linda Napolitano's claims are not taken seriously, she sticks to her story until the end: “I will tell you,” she says, “I wish I was psychotic - at least there's treatment for that.”
Sources: Forbes, Vanity Fair
This docu-series investigates a woman's claim to have been abducted in Manhattan, exploring whether it is a hoax or possible proof of alien life.
- Release date
October 30, 2024