When the Justice League falls, DC's international heroes rise (is your country represented?)

When the Justice League falls, DC's international heroes rise (is your country represented?)

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7!With the fall of the Justice LeagueThe summer crisis event Absolute power Has officially gone global. As the threat spreads across the planet, DC's international heroes rise to defend their nations, bringing powerful representation from around the world. So the real question is: is your country represented in the last one Absolute power Surrender, and if so, what hero stands for your homeland?

With a release date of September 25, 2024, Dan Watters and Pete Woods' Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7 has the potential to be one of the most thrilling installments in the limited series that spotlights Amanda Waller's Task Force VII. Led by Failsafe, this team features six power-stealing Amazons, each modeled after a Justice League member.

This issue focuses on Global Guardian, the Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo, as he takes Waller's war against metahumans to the global stage. In doing so, It brings some of DC's most underrated international heroes into the spotlightAdd fresh excitement to the story.

DC's international heroes unite to battle Amanda Waller's Amazo-inspired Martian Manhunter

Is your country represented in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7?

Absolute Power Task Force VII #7 Martian Manhunter Amazo

The preview for Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7 has already revealed several international heroes who will be joining the action. Red Star, a former Teen Titan from Russia, and Tuatara, a New Zealand hero With the ability to see into the fourth dimension through his third eye, are the first to kick things off. The two warn Nightrunner (France's French-Algerian Batman) and Fleur de Lis, another French-based hero, that Waller is now targeting heroes outside the US. , a German hero, and a little mermaid, representing Denmark.

With the threat now looming over Europe, more heroes come to support Nightrunner, Fleur de Lis, Wild Huntsman and Little Mermaid. Leading the charge is Jet, the Jamaican-British heroine, joined by Tasmanian Devil, representing Australia, the Irish-born Jack O'Lantern, and South Africa's Freedom Beast. Despite the impressive lineup, the heroes face an overwhelming challenge against the Martian Manhunter-themed Amazo, who possesses almost every superpower imaginable. However, this is only a preview - more country-representing heroes may still join the fight, possibly turning the tide in their favor.

What other international heroes can fans expect to see in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7?

Will any South American countries be represented?

Absolute Power Task Force VII #7

Except for the heroes shown in the preview, it is likely that Minhoa "Ghost Maker" Khan, the Singaporean vigilante, and Kenan Kong, China's super-man, will make an appearanceAs both are featured on the main cover of the issue. This suggests that Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7 will represent heroes from four continents so far - Australia/Oceania, Europe, Africa and Asia. Although it is understandable that North America and Antarctica will not be represented, there is still curiosity whether any South American countries will be featured, and which heroes could represent them. Although much remains to be seen, one thing is certain: the international heroes are shaping up to rival these Justice League With their epic, diverse lineup.


Absolute Power: TASK FORCE VII #7 Available September 25, 2024, from DC Comics!

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7 (2024)

Absolute Power Task Force VII #7 Main Cover Full

  • Writer: Dan Waters

  • Artist: Pete Woods

  • Cover artist: Pete Woods