When Marvel Zombies hits the big screen, an Avenger will be ready to steal the spotlight

When Marvel Zombies hits the big screen, an Avenger will be ready to steal the spotlight

Warning: Spoilers for Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #3A crucial member of Avengers is ready to be the center of attention in a Marvel Zombies adaptation. The MCU is currently gearing up for its long-awaited Marvel Zombies series after a successful single episode on And if...? TV series. Based on the horror series of the same name by Mark Millar, Greg Land and Robert Kirkman, it's sure to be a huge hit with fans. However, a certain member of the Avengers has the potential to be the scariest and funniest zombie of the bunch.

In Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decadence #3 by Thomas Krajewski and Jason Muhr, Groot and Hulk come face to face with a zombified Ant-Man as he destroys the city in his Giant-Man form. Scott Lang is a total monster with his mysterious Last of us-inspired design as he stomps everything in his path. In fact, he is strong enough to withstand the Hulk's attacks, including a tank thrown at him in an attempt to slow him down.

Comic Panels: Zombified Scott Lang as Giant-Man, Grabbing Groot, and Crushing Hulk

This installment is a nightmarish representation of what a zombie version of Ant-Man can do, and is sure to excite fans about the possibilities that will arise in an official adaptation of the film. Marvel Zombies series.

Scott Lang's giant zombie form proves he is a threat to the Marvel Zombies Universe

Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decadence #3 by Thomas Krajewski, Jason Muhr, Rachelle Rosenberg and Travis Lanham

While this horrific vision of Ant-Man isn't necessarily what will be seen on the small screen due to Scott Lang being a speaking role in the series, the implications of what's possible are big. Ant-Man is a threat that can easily get out of control for the surviving heroes, given how easily Scott defeats Hulk and Groot at the same time in this story. They still get up and try to stop him, but it takes a lot of effort for Groot to finally realize that the key to defeating him is to aim for his shrinking device, and not continue to punch him until he falls down.

These pages alone show the true threat level of any hero with size-altering powers when they have no control over their bodies. Other characters like Wasp (who was turned into a zombie in the MCU Marvel Zombies single episode), Yellow Jacket and even Mystique have abilities that can make them bigger or smaller, making them a prime danger to any survivors of Marvel's zombie apocalypse as they can wreak havoc in giant form.

While giant zombie heroes are terrifying, Ant-Man shows they're not so scary the other way around

Little zombies are perfect comic relief

Comic Panels: Groot Holds a Newly Shrunk Zombie Ant-Man

Perhaps the most unexpected thing about Ant-Man's appearance in Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decadence that's what happens when Groot forces him to shrink to his smaller form. The tone of his appearance immediately changes as he growls and attacks Groot in the most adorable way. Despite not being as devastating a threat as when he was Giant-Man, this shift into comic relief still makes Ant-Man a standout zombie because of how much it honors the character's hilarious potential. He's too cute to be taken seriously, and it creates a funny moment of levity in an otherwise tense story.

The idea of ​​playing with the humor of something epic while being hilariously minimal on such a small scale is what made the first film a huge hit with fans.

Furthermore, what's brilliant about the smaller version of Zombie Ant-Man is how much it explores what Edgar Wright had in mind for the character when he was originally chosen to direct the first MCU film featuring the character. The idea of ​​playing with the humor of something epic while being hilariously minimalist on such a small scale is what made the first film a huge hit with fans, so seeing it represented in Marvel Zombies It's a welcome sight. Seeing zombie Ant-Man face off against a toy Hulk alone is enough to make readers laughand it's a perfect way to turn the normally scary monsters into a source of brief comic relief.

Ant-Man's Tiny Zombie Form Possibly Holds a Terrifying Secret

Marvel heroes shouldn't take their eyes off him for even a second

Comic Panels: Groot Launches Zombie Ant-Man in a Miniaturized Avengers Tower

Although Ant-Man in his shrunken form is a minuscule threat in Dawn of DecadenceThere's still room for a few tricks up your sleeve to transmit the zombie virus. If Scott's jaws are strong enough to break the skin in this tiny state, it could easily become a transmitter of the epidemic without anyone knowing what is happening.

In a way, it could be like a mosquito that transmits diseasesand it would be devastating for the Marvel Universe if he were released. There's no doubt he can be incredibly funny as a killing machine that's barely bigger than a boulder, but he packs an even bigger punch than any surviving hero would ever hope to.

Looking for more zombie superhero stories? Check out the competition DCcessed by Tom Taylor and various artists, available now both digitally and in collected editions from DC Comics.

Overall, Ant-Man proved himself to be a competent and terrifying hero in Marvel Zombiesno matter what size it takes. Big or small, he is a threat in different ways, one more obvious than the other. If another size-altering hero takes the reins in the miniseries, it will be interesting to see how much destruction they are capable of causing thanks to their unpredictable set of powers. Ant-Man and other heroes like him can take the spotlight away from other zombified people Avengers node Marvel Zombies storyline, and opens up a wave of potential about who exactly would survive against them in a massive outbreak.

Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decadence #3 is now available from Marvel Comics!