When it is set and how it connects to the original movie

When it is set and how it connects to the original movie

WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE PLATFORM 2 BELOW!The platform 2 Pulls a major surprise on viewers around the midway point and this twist reframes the entire story. The original Platform was a smash success back in 2019, with Netflix's dystopian thriller set in a hellish prison dubbed a "vertical self-management center." The film was a violent, darkly comic satire on capitalism, and while The platforms The ending didn't exactly set up a sequel, its overwhelming success made one inevitable.

A new type of letter heads The platform 2Where Milena Smit's Perempuan must adapt to life in the surreal penitentiary. The choice to follow a new protagonist is smart, as it avoids resolving the ambiguous finale of the first entry. While the follow-up expands the franchise's lore, The platform 2 Wisely never reveals the purpose of the prison or who built it. Instead, there follows a conflict that breaks out between different prisoner factions, and Perempuan's eventual attempt to escape.


The Platform 2 is actually a prequel set about a year before the original

Platform 2 pulls a major surprise around the midway mark

Trimagasi holds a knife in the platform.

The platform 2 was billed as a sequel, and for much of the runtime, it appears to be happening yet The original. It seems that Goreng's (Iván Massagué) attempt to send a message to "the administration" by rescuing a young girl caused an internal revolution, with the other prisoners operating a system that sees as many residents are fed as possible. There are even stories of a so-called "Messiah"What caused the change, apparently referencing Goreng. However, The shock appearance of Trimagasi (Zorion Eguileor) around The platform 2 The one-hour mark reveals that the film is actually a prequel.

Trimagasi was Goreng's original cellmate The platform and showed him how the prison's twisted system works. When he later tried to cannibalize Gareng after they were sent to a lower floor, the latter was forced to kill him in self-defense. The platform 2 Discovery of Trimagasi reframes the film, Revealing the residents of the vertical autonomy center actually made an effort to be beautiful before the original entry. However, the ineffectiveness of this system - and the harsh enforcement of its rules - led to its collapse.

Platform 2's character and story connections to the original movie explained

The sequel features many returning platform characters

Trimagasi is a newbie to the tower in the sequel, and because he was serving a one-year sentence, that means The platform 2 Takes place approximately one year before the first installment. Once the timeline twist is revealed, Many familiar faces from The platform Make brief appearancesSuch as Emilio Buale's Baharat, which aided Goreng's attempt to send a message to the prison operators in the original. Antonia San Juan's Imoguiri also returns as the interviewer who talks to Perempuan before she enters the pit.

In Platform 2 there is a suggestion that the administration is deliberately sending children to site 333 to see if the residents will try to save them.

Even Alexandra Masangkay's Miharu returnsAnd it is seen accompanying a child to prison after he wins a game against other children. This adds more mystery to her backstory The platform Also, where she tried to save a daughter, who apparently does not exist. In the sequel, it is suggested that the Administration deliberately sends children to Floor 333 to see if residents will try to save them. Even Goreng makes a tiny cameo in The platform 2 Mid-credit scene, in a moment that suggests he and Perempuan knew each other before their sentences.