When Ghostbloods takes place in the saga

When Ghostbloods takes place in the saga

Includes SPOILERS from Mistborn to The Lost Metal!

New news from Brandon Sanderson confirmed the schedule for the next Born from the mists sequel trilogy, titled Phantom Blood. Brandon Sanderson has continually expanded his Cosmere fantasy universe since the first Born from the mists book was released in 2006. The Stormlight Archive I just saw the final book of its first arc released, featuring more connectivity with the other Cosmere titles than ever before, and fans can expect more of the same the long awaited Phantom Blood trilogy takes Sanderson's world even further into the future.

The first series of Born from the mists books saw the build-up to a world-changing event called the Catacendre, with the subsequent four Born from the mists volumes occurring around 340 years later. In the author's annual Sanderson State blog posthe teased a bit of what readers should expect from the upcoming saga, along with several other updates regarding The Stormlight Archivethe Born from the mists film adaptation, other Cosmere titles and non-Cosmere projects he is working on. Readers can wait until approximately December 2028 for the next Born from the mists book, but it looks like it will be worth the wait.

Mistborn Era 3 takes place approximately 50 years after the events of Era 2

Brandon Sanderson confirmed Ghostbloods timeline

Vin, Mistborn protagonist, portrayed in Brandon Sanderson's RPG Cosmere.

According to the Sanderson State advertisements, the new "the series will mark the return of some familiar (somewhat prickly) characters from Era One." It indicates that the saga will follow the activities of the Ghostbloods on Scadrial roughly fifty years after era 2, as opposed to the originally announced 70-80 years. The "characters full of thorns"Who he is referring to are Kelsier and Marsh, both of whom are still alive as of era 1 and have appeared briefly in era 2 as well as other Cosmere books.

If you're confused about Kelsier's return, be sure to read the novel Mistborn: Secret History!

What Ghostbloods' place in the Mistborn timeline means for the upcoming series

Mistborn Eras 2 and 3 will be much more intact than the first time jump

If era 3 occurs 50 years later, about 400 years will have passed since the events of The Hero of All Ages. In terms of technology and world-building elements in Scadrial, Phantom Blood should have much more in common with era 2 than the two previous eras had with each other. The most significant changes that Sanderson brought about were the development of the first computers, and the end of Era 2 seemed to be establishing a Cold War storyline between Scadrial North and South.

In terms of character returns, closer distance means that some characters from Born from the mists Era 2 may still have a very prevalent effect on society. Marasi could still be alive, albeit in her 80s, and Wax and Wayne would be renowned historical figures. Unlike how “The Rising Warrior” was used to describe Vin becoming a legend, these characters will still be remembered and celebrated for their legacies.