The timeline of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is primarily determined between Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones And Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sita. That said, some episodes are released that take place outside of the basic parameters. in Star WarsThe timeline is measured around the Battle of Yavin, the main conflict seen in A new hope Given the story is the first Star Wars Movie in release order. Everything that happened before that is labeled as BBY - Before the Battle of Yavin - and everything after that is ABY - After the Battle of Yavin.
Attack of the clones Is set in 22 Bibi, while Revenge of the Sith Takes place in 19 BB. While upcoming Star Wars Movies may change the timeline markings depending on how far ahead or behind the Skywalker saga they go, understandably The Clone Wars Timeline is easiest using the parameters. About the clone wars, The show takes place leading up to - and even beyond - Revenge of the Sith In 19 BB as the Star Wars TV show makes abundantly clear.
22 BB - The Clone Wars Seasons 1, 2 and 3
An unknown amount of time transpires between Attack of the clones And The Clone Wars; The most important elements are told in Mike Chens brotherhoodwhich opens with the retelling of Anakin Skywalker and details initial encounters with Asajj Ventress. The Clone Wars Begins, chronologically, with the episodes "Cat and Mouse" (episode number 216) and "Hidden Enemy" (116), and then progresses to the pilot movie that was released theatrically. This story arc not only depicts the battle of Christophis but also introduces viewers - and Anakin Skywalker - to Padawan Ahsoka Tano.
There are 16 more episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars which take place in the year 22 Bibi. The episodes cover events such as the Galactic Republic convincing Toydaria to side with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, General Grevious' deployment of an experimental warship equipped with ion cannons, and the capture of Dooku, Kenobi, and Skywalker by a charming unscrupulous pirate. , Hondo Ohnaka. Also, Jar Jar Binks gets mistaken by Separatist forces as a Jedi Knight in one of the worst-rated episodes of the entire series.
The final installment set in the same year that Attack of the clones Occurs - 22 BB - is "trespass." This standalone chapter tells a separate story from the titular Clone Wars although it is thematically related nonetheless. The episode involves the Jedi helping mediate a brewing war between the Pantorans and the newly discovered "primitive" tribe of the Tals.
21 BB - The Clone Wars Seasons 1, 2 and 3
The first full calendar year of The Clone Wars ends the back half of the first season, covers the rest of the second, and ends roughly halfway through the third, as the episodes are released in chronological order. In terms of plot, this means 21 BB starts with "blue shadow virus" (117). In this episode, a Confederate-backed scientist secretly attempts to weaponize a long-thought-dead plague on the peaceful planet of Naboo.
Further episodes in 21 BBY continue to encompass the liberation of Ryloth and the reawakening of the massive Zillo beast on Malastare. Additionally, the second battle of Geonosis and the reappearance of young Boba Fett now under the tutelage of Aura Sing. Boba Fett's return showcases the bounty hunter seeking his revenge against Jedi master Mace Windu for killing his father, Jango Fest.
Also introduced is the splinter terrorist group of Death Watch which has secretly allied with the separatists to overthrow Satine and her government.
however, The biggest and most consequential storyline of 21 BBY is the introduction of Mandalore into galactic negotiations For the first time in over a millennium. In the first three-part story, audiences get to meet Sister Duchess Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi's first flame. Also introduced is the splinter terrorist group of Death Watch which has secretly allied with the separatists to overthrow Satine and her government. 21 BB ends with "Senate Murders" (215), the episode that sees Senators Padme Amidala and Bail Organa investigate a string of murders in the Galactic Republic's Congress.
20 BB - The Clone Wars Seasons 3, 4 and 5
20 BB starts with Star Wars: The Clone Wars Biggest storyline yet: Darth Tyranus' attempted assassination of his protégé, Asajj Ventress. Ventress then retaliates by involving her newly reacquainted Nightsisters. The storyline formally introduces the Force Cabal into the Star Wars Myth, and it also ends with the dramatic revelation that Darth Maul is still alive somewhere in the galaxy.
20 Bibi then conveys the fate of the chosen through the mysterious Mortis arc and sees a Jedi-led assault on the Citadel's impenetrable fortress in which Lord Skywalker and Captain Wilhoff Tarkin meet for the first time. 20 BBY also gives viewers their first chronological introduction to both Chewbacca when he and Ahsoka are abducted by Trandoshan hunters and Captain Gial Ackbar who fights with the Republic to repel a Confederate-backed attempt to start a civil war.
20 Bibi also houses the first Separatist plot to kidnap Sheev Palpatine and shows how the fallen Maul is brought back to mental and physical form by his brother, Savage Opress, and his mother, Talzin. Meanwhile, on Underworld, Anakin teaches Saw Gerrera how to fight an insurgent war - the beginning of one of the most beloved Rebel Alliance characters in The Clone Wars Timeline. Finally, 45 episodes of The Clone Wars Take place in 20 BB: "Nightsisters" (312) to "Point of No Return" (513).
19 BB - The Clone Wars Seasons 5, 6 and 7
in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Timeline, the year that finally includes Revenge of the Sith Is 19 baby. The vast majority of the story arcs during this year take place before the finale Star Wars Prequel movie, although the last four episodes take place simultaneously with and after the film. This decision better contextualizes Revenge of the Sith While also allowing for closure ways The Clone Wars Favorite characters.
30 installments of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Start 19 BB and build inexorably to Revenge of the SithResponding "revival" (501) to "old friends not forgotten" (709). This begins with Darth Maul's decision to formally take on an apprentice in the form of his brother in an attempt to undermine Darth Sidious. He assembles the Shadow Collective built around Mandalore's death watch until he is defeated by Lord Sidious himself and imprisoned in a secret separatist prison.
The Jedi Council realizes that the true identity of the mysterious man named Tyranus is actually Count Dooku and that he and his Sith master have been plotting the entire Clone Wars from the beginning.
Later in the 19th century, The Padawan Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order behind while a clone trooper named Fives discovers the hidden presence of inhibitor chips in the clones' brains. The chips had been programmed with Order 66, yet Fives was unable to unmask Palpatine's plan before he was killed. In the same year, the Jedi Council realizes that the true identity of the mysterious man named Tyranus is actually Count Dooku and that he and his Sith master have been plotting the entire Clone Wars from the beginning.
This revelation eventually leads to another consequential arc in 19 BBY. This arc involves Yoda embarking on a Force-sensitive quest Which allows for a much deeper, more consequential understanding of the world around him. This search ensures the ultimate preservation of order throughout the whole Star Wars Saga as Yoda discovers how to retain his consciousness after dying, a lesson partly taught to him by the spiritual remnants of Qui-Gon Jinn.
In the last four episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7, Viewers get the chance to see Revenge of the Sith From Ahsoka's perspective. The young Padawan, despite no longer being a member of the Jedi Order, leads the liberation of Mandalore from Darth Maul's tyrannical grip. By the end, both of the former apprentices manage to escape the death of the Old Republic and the birth of the Galactic Empire to fight another day.
19 BB to 18 BB - Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 1
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is considered the spiritual successor to The Clone Wars. The show begins with Clone Force 99 - a Republic commando team of mutant clones - failing to obey Order 66 due to malfunctions with their inhibitor chips. Taking place over a year between 19 Bibi and 18 Bibi, The bad batch Ends with the Empire destroying the planet of Kamino - along with his main cloning facilities - in a failed effort to exterminate Clone Force 99.
18 BB - Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2
The Clone Wars Timeline is further expanded by The bad batch Season 2. After the Imperial Strike in Kamino, The Bad Batch Season 2 Continues the story of Clone Force 99. In 18 BB, viewers are introduced to the pirate Phi Genoa who is very interested in the genetic mutations of Clone Force 99. The bad batch Season 2 ends with Omega captured.
19 BB - Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3
The exact placement of The bad batch Season 3 is very difficult to place, but it is certainly several months after the end of season 2 - enough time for Clone Force 99 to repeatedly explore the known galaxy for Omega. This sees the clone conspiracy moving forward, with the team eventually uncovering the cloning facility on Wayland. It is reasonable to place this in 19 BBY.
Why does the Clone Wars timeline work so hard?
The main reason for this purpose Star Wars: The Clone Wars Timeline is so difficult The show is frustratingly in non-chronological order. However, now that the series has ended its run on Disney+, it's possible to sort everything into the larger timeline of a galaxy far, far away. The writer behind Star Wars: The Clone Wars were in a unique position to explore yet unknown events in the franchise's timeline, which is essentially the root of the confusion about The viewing order of the show.
What has proven to be so surprisingly difficult since the show aired, however, is discerning as the years pass in the context of the story. As the series already starts with Anakin Skywalker being a Jedi Knight and Obi-Wan Kenobi being a Jedi Master, It is difficult to get a natural feeling of the passage of time. It doesn't help that the chronology was originally kept opaque because the creators behind the production didn't know how long The Clone Wars would be on the air.
Since Disney purchased Lucasfilm, took stewardship of everything Star WarsAnd bringing the end of the franchise's very first TV show, the company is also able to look back and retroactively assign a date to each episode. The correct watch order of The Clone Wars is added to StarWars.com In 2014. Now, it is easy to recognize when each episode of the beloved Star Wars: The Clone Wars takes place, as well as its spin-off, Star Wars: The bad batch.