As the harrowing arrivals of city residents in Of are gradually revealed, the most mysterious backstory still being that of Victor, who has been there the longest. After beginning the Matthews family's RV trip into town, OfThe ensemble of characters has received more flashbacks and references to their imprisonment there, such as Boyd and Ellis's entry several years earlier. However, the story filled with the greatest mystery and intrigue is that of Victor (Scott McCord), the isolated resident of the city who paints crayons and befriends Ethan, Jim and Tabitha's youngest son.
Victor's suppressed past and memories played a significant role in the residents' attempts to unravel the mysteries of Ofmonsters, city and supernatural occurrences. Despite having seen most of the city's evolution and history, Victor generally refuses to discuss his past, including how and when he arrived Oflocation. However, the series continues to evolve to reveal the origins of Victor's time in the city, as Of Season 2, Episode 8, shocking flashback twists about his sister, mother, and a catastrophic event when he was a child.
Victor probably came from the city more than 40 years ago
Victor may be the person in town the longest
OfFlashbacks to Victor's childhood give subtle clues about how long ago he arrived in the city, including young Victor's perceived age, period cars, and the clothing of the other characters seen. Victor appears to be around 10 or 11 during these flashbacksand contextual clues suggest that such scenes take place in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Considering that adult actor Victor, Scott McCord, was born in 1971, it makes sense that young Victor would be around 10 years old in the early 1980s.
If correct, then Victor has apparently arrived Ofcity about 40-43 years before the Matthews arrived. While there are several theories about how exactly Victor arrived Ofof the city and if he was one of the first residents, the simplest explanation is that he came by car with his mother and sister on a trip.
This is how almost all the characters Of came to the city regardless of where they were coming from in the United States. Additionally, Victor's mother's car is in the vehicle graveyard he built after other childhood residents died. However, one of the most intriguing Of The theory is that Victor was born and raised in the mysterious town from the MGM Plus show and that its residents were trapped inside when he was a child.
Victor is the key to understanding the origins of the city of From
Victor probably knows most of the secrets
Having spent more time in the city than anyone else, Victor offers the most insight into Ofsecrets. However, Victor is also the most reserved and cautious about his past.with his memories only being revealed through his crayon drawings. Due to his management, Victor holds the key to understanding crucial issues such as the evolution of monsters, which Ofwhat the monsters really are, the purpose of the lighthouse, the meaning of the symbol Jade sees, and what the characters' shared visions mean.
While it's unclear whether Victor is actually one of the city's first residents, his experiences may still offer critical insight into how OfThe central location of was created and why. This could also be related to his connection to the mysterious Boy in White, who has only been seen by Victor and Ethan. When Of finally depicts Victor's arrival in the city over 40 years ago, several pieces of the show's mysteries will fall into place.
What Season 3 Needs to Reveal About Victor
Victor's family secrets begin to come to fruition
The biggest question Season 3 needs to reveal about Victor is his ties to his family, as he doesn't talk about anything. That's exactly what started to happen when Victor was shocked to see his father, Henry, return to town. That was huge. It turns out that Victor's mother and sister tragically died as soon as they arrived in the city. Victor then had to live alone for decades, a recluse who had to figure out how to survive alone. This makes him a tragic character.
Henry is the only person who can get Victor to answer any real questions.
However, his father, Henry, was separated from his son (and his wife and daughter) for 40 years before finally reappearing. What Henry has going for him is something no one has been able to accomplish in years. Henry is the only person who can get Victor to answer any real questions. Henry's return also provided one of the saddest moments in the entire series, when he told his father, "I didn't know how to get home." He blamed himself for being stuck in the city.
With Henry back, there may be more chances for Victor to answer some real questions. Although Victor admitted he didn't know how to get home, he might have seen enough to have clues to help others. At the same time, Henry felt guilty that he couldn't find his family, so the two of them could finally be the key to helping everyone else. Of find your way back.