What's going on with the crows in season 3?

What's going on with the crows in season 3?

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for From Season 3, Episode 4.Crows have played an important role in of Since the first episode. When the Mattes family first encountered the fallen tree lying in the middle of the road, they saw crows sitting on the tree and flying away. While the Matthews found the sight to be ominous, they did not realize what it meantand that they were now trapped in a town from which they could not escape. ofS manipulative and wild monsters terrorize the residents every night.

like ofThe cast of characters struggle with monsters and disturbing hallucinations that can kill them, the crows were largely forgotten after the Matthews family's arrival in season 1. This is no longer the case in season 3, as the crows have become more important again , and have been featured in some of the season's most memorable scenes so far. The Crows have their own role to play, as the Town retaliates against its residents For fighting back and for Boyd (Harold Perrineau) smashing the music box in season 2.

From Season 3's crows seem to warn the residents about bad omens

This builds on their Season 1 role

When Tillie (Deborah Grover) performs a tarot card reading for Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) in of season 3 episode 3 A crow flies into a window in Colony House and shatters it, before dying seconds later. This occurs just as Tillie is about to reveal a card about Fatima's baby. Along with Fatima eating rotten crops and drinking blood from a corpse, the death of the crow is a sign for Fatima, and that she is not pregnant with a normal human child. The Crow also prevents Fatima from seeing the card, with the Town potentially distracting her from learning the dark truth.


The crows continue to be signs of bad things to come when Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno), Victor's father, Henry (Robert Joy), the paramedics, and a police officer aboard the ambulance see the fallen tree in the way the crows can and crowd around him. this time, The crows serve as a sign for the paramedics dying in episode 4The police officer kills a civilian, and Tabitha is once again trapped in the city, although she should at least be reunited with her family. The crows may also be a sign of horrors yet to come for Tabitha and Henry.

The strange behavior of the crows connects to Victor's haunting from Season 3, Episode 4 line about the snow

They are signs of literal and symbolic change

Two of ofThe best characters, Victor (Scott McCord) and Sara (Avery Konrad) chat in episode 4, with Victor talking about how things are changing in the Town, which is never a good sign, because changes usually lead to new devastation of the residents. The crows no longer just crush the fallen tree, but also flying through windows is an example of the changes. When the Crows' behavior changes, things take a turn for the worse in the TownIncluding the monsters being more manipulative and cruel than ever before with how they killed Tian-Chen (Elizabeth Moy).

From the changing nature of the crows and the monsters, to the snow in the town for the first time, more changes are underway, and unfortunately, these changes do not bode well for ofs surviving letters.

In addition to being a part of the literal changes of the Town, Crows are also symbolic, as they often symbolize transformation. This aligns well with the crow flying in the window during the tarot card scene, as the cards are also symbolic. From the changing nature of the crows and the monsters, to the snow in the town for the first time, more changes are underway, and unfortunately, these changes do not bode well for ofs surviving letters.