What the kids in the Season 2 finale say and what it means

What the kids in the Season 2 finale say and what it means

The mysterious children are coming back ofSeason 2 Finale As They Hauntingly Say"anghkooey" to Tabitha, but the horror TV show has yet to confirm the meaning of the word. The strange children first appear to Tabitha in a vision that consists of them saying "anghkooey"and trying to join her. However, the character later realizes that they are asking for her help. Despite their role in continuing to appear to Tabitha and Jade, the children are still a mystery ofSeason 2 finale, with the meaning of their phrase "anghkooey,” linking to the symbol, and demise in “Fromville” is left unresolved.

in of Season 2's finale, Tabitha reaches the lighthouse the children are supposedly trapped in as she keeps hearing the word "anghkooey", suggesting the children are there. However, Tabitha only sees the boy in white before they are pushed out of the lighthouse window, with the children appearing to Jade in the tunnels instead. As the boy in white, The children seem to lead the characters to the answers to the mysterious city and a way back homewith the meaning of "anghkooey” probably provide context for understanding their role in Fromville's dark history and guidance to new residents.

"Anghkooey" does not have a real-life language translation

There are thoughts "Anghkooey" is derived from the Celtic figure Ankou

The jade children positioned in a circle in from

unfortunately, ofs phraseanghkooey” does not seem to have any real-world language translations. Rather, it seems to be from a language unique to the series, similar to ofThe nursery rhyme created specifically for the show. Since it is unclear who the children in Tabitha and Jade's visions are or what happened to them, The source of the word "anghkooey"And how it relates to the journey of the two characters are still largely mysterious.

It has been theorized that the word is derived from the mythological Celtic figure Ankou, the personification of death.

Not only is this word said when the children try to touch Tabitha and call her in visions, but it may also relate to the symbol that Jade keeps seeing. although "anghkooey"Having no clear meaning in real life, it has been theorized that the word is derived from the mythological Celtic figure Anko, the personification of death who brings spirits of the dead to hell.


This certainly applies to the show's theme of death and of Season 2's wild theories that the trapped characters are all secretly dead, but the word is more likely applied to an unknown figure, fictional language, or curse-like phrase specific to the MGM Plus show. In addition, while "anghkooey"is the only word that ofS terrible children said in the LostAs a horror TV show so far, it is possible that they will return and add more cryptic phrases to their vocabulary.

The children's connection to the symbol hints at a wilder "anghkoi" meaning

The word may be part of a ritual

The symbol Jade sees in From's season 2 finale

The children come to Tabia while saying "anghkooey"already hinted at the word's potential meaning"Saviour"With of Season 2, Episode 10's tunnel hallucinations that make the union more likely. When Jade finds strange stone slabs in the tunnels, he looks up and hallucinates the symbol covering the opening of a cave, with the "anghkooey"Children lie on every stone slab before suddenly disappearing. This may mean that "anghkooey" is a phrase related to a supernatural ritual involving this symbolPotentially the name of the ominous force referred to as "it"In ofs city.

Other unanswered questions in from

Where is Tabitha and will she be reunited with her family?

like of Season 3 airs in 2024, some puzzles from the first two seasons need answers. The second season ends with Tabitha is thrown from the lighthouse and then wakes up in a hospital Where a doctor says she was found on the side of the road. There were several questions after that, including what happened to Fromville and if she is even in the real world in the hospital. She is on the 13th floor of the hospital, and this, among other things, makes it seem like she is not back home yet.

This means that Tabitha probably did end up in the strange town, and her family is still there.

The doctor also said that she was found alone, and this raises another question about what happened to her family. If the doctors said that she was found alone, and she woke up in the hospital, that means that she and her family were not all in a coma in the hospital. This means that Tabitha probably did end up in the strange town, and her family is still there. This brings up the big question of how Tabitha could possibly be reunited with them now that she has been sent somewhere else.

The biggest unanswered question still revolves around the boy in white. There are several theories that the entire town is under his control, as if he is creating everything there as his own toy box, and the people are all there as his ultimate toys. He may also be responsible for the ghost children, which may tie into the meaning of "angkoi In the end. Whether things are supernatural, a devious experiment, or even a video game, of Keep asking questions, and the answers are still a mystery.