What should you do with duck feathers in Stardew Valley?

What should you do with duck feathers in Stardew Valley?

Once a player gets their first duck Valley of the Starsthey will inevitably start to accumulate a collection of Duck Feathers

no apparent use. Duck feathers are generally produced daily by fully mature ducks. They fall randomly around the chicken coop, not unlike eggs or rabbit feet. They will be collected automatically by a Automatic capture

or they can be collected manually by the player on their daily visit to the chicken coop.

Having some duck feathers is very good, but when players have multiple ducks, they will likely receive several per week. This can lead to a huge pile of duck feathers gathering dust in a chest somewhere, as there are no apparent uses or crafting recipes players can make with them. They may not have as many uses as, for example, minerals in Valley of the Starsbut they can be useful in some unexpected ways.

You should sell most of your duck feathers

Duck feathers fetch a decent price

Two ducks swimming in a lake in Stardew Valley.

Ultimately, the main use of Duck Feathers

in Valley of the Stars is to sell them. They cannot be used in any crafting recipes, cannot be crafted into more valuable animal products, and cannot be offered to most villagers (except a select few). However, they fetch a pretty solid selling price, as indicated in the table below.



Price with rancher advantage













note that Duck Feathers sell for a significantly higher price if the player uses the Rancher perk at level 5 Agriculture. Like most farmed items, its selling price also increases based on its quality. With animals in particular, the probability of generating higher quality eggs depends mainly on the player's friendship rating. The farmer should make sure they are petting and feeding their ducks daily, and letting them swim if there is a nearby lake or other body of water.

Other Uses for Duck Feathers

Gifts and packages

There are also some additional uses for Duck Feathers, but their usefulness varies from player to player. On the one hand, Duck feathers are a gift loved by exactly two villagers: Elliott

and Lion

. Harvey likes them too, while everyone in town is neutral towards them. The only exception is Penny, who doesn't like Duck Feathers.

Furthermore, Duck feathers can also be used to dye clothes in Valley of the Stars. Once the player obtains their first piece of Cloth

they will unlock the Dye Pots in Emily's house. Players will have to place six different items, each a different color, into six different pots (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). They will then be able to adjust a variety of different color sliders and apply the resulting color to an item they are wearing. A Duck Feather can also be used in Sewing machine

to make a lime green striped shirt - not necessarily everyone's style, but great for putting together a Blue clues cosplay in Star.

The options for Duck Feathers are limited, but they can earn players a good amount of money. If nothing else, Valley of the Stars players may interpret their appearance as a sign that their animals truly love and trust them, as Duck Feathers only spawn from ducks with high friendship levels.