Warning: Spoilers ahead for Daryl Dixon Season 2, Episode 1.Something very evil is about to attack Laurent, Daryl's surrogate son, in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2. The entire first season of Norman Reedus The Walking Dead Spinoff involved accompanying the mighty Rubik's Cube-solver Laurent to the Nest - a fortified fortress of religious survivors based in Mont-St-Michel in France. After trekking across France in season 1, Daryl would have hoped he could relax in season 2. Inevitably, he's not so lucky, as Daryl Dixon Season 2, Episode 1 immediately confirms that the journey was a colossal waste of time.
The Nest and its leader, Losang, now appear much more villainous than they did before Daryl Dixon Season 1's ending. Having already placed ridiculously high expectations on the youngster by proclaiming him their destined leader, the Nest's higher-ups begin pressuring Laurent to become the idol they have already decided he is. Afraid Laurent will be more interested in practicing the art of zombie-slaying alongside Daryl, the Nest proposes to bring forward a "ritual"As part of Laurent's ascent to the top job. Exactly what the ritual involves is unclear, but since it is The Walking DeadCake and dancing are unlikely.
What Laurent's "ritual" in Daryl Dixon Season 2 might actually be
Is Laurent's ritual a sacrifice or a test in Daryl Dixon Season 2?
The secretive and restless woman around the nest in Daryl Dixon The premiere of season 2 all but confirms that the ritual is something dangerous, and that Daryl Dixon himself would not approve if he knew the details. On the other hand, there is no doubt that Losang and his followers turn on Laurent and want him to surviveSo the ritual cannot be anything as grotesquely cruel as killing the boy in a sacrificial ceremony.
Daryl and Isabelle are unlikely to relish the idea of Laurent being forced to endure such hardship on the orders of their supposed allies.
One possibility is that otherwise Daryl Dixon Spinoff character is scheduled to be sacrificed in a way that allows Laurent to supposedly fulfill his destiny. One nest higher-up notes how Losang himself is not ready for the ritual, which may indicate that it involves the settlement's current leader dying so that Laurent can rise to his position. Alternatively, Laurent may need to abandon all personal attachments before leading the nest, meaning Daryl and Isabelle are the victims and Laurent must give the order.
Apart from sacrificial letters, it is possible that the ritual will require Laurent to pass some kind of test. Rather than a straightforward pop quiz, Laurent's exam is likely to carry a lot more risk. The residents of the nest truly believe that Laurent is a myth with immunity The Walking Dead's zombie virus - an assumption largely based on how he survived being born to a mother who reanimated. As such, Laurent could be expected to walk through a gauntlet of undead and survive, or perform some other unreasonable miracle.
The consequences of failure will be difficult for Laurent, either because the ritual puts him in direct danger, or because The nest will turn against Laurent if he cannot perform as expected. In any event, Daryl and Isabelle are unlikely to relish the idea of Laurent being forced to endure such hardship on the orders of their supposed allies.
The ritual of the nest could be how Laurent's story ends in The Walking Dead
Will Laurent survive until Daryl Dixon Season 3?
AMC previously confirmed that Daryl Dixon Season 3 will take place in Spain, moving away from the show's initial location in France. It is also known, through the official synopsis, that Spain is just a stop on Daryl Dixon and Carol Peletier's longer journey back to Alexandria. While a smattering of new cast members have been announced for Daryl Dixon Season 3 Louis Puech Scigliuzzi's Laurent has not yet been confirmed to be among them, nor Clémence Poésy's Isabelle, leaving question marks hanging over their fate in the walking dead Franchise.
If Laurent and Isabelle perish in Daryl Dixon Season 2, The Ritual May Be How It Happens. If the ritual proves fatal for Laurent, perhaps Isabelle dies trying to save her nephew, Daryl Dixon will take all measures to take them in the remaining episodes of season 2. This would, in turn, leave Daryl's calendar open for a Spanish excursion in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 3.